Music theory as Noncommutativity explains antigravity as quantum biology meditation nonlocality

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Alain Connes: "the ear is only sensitive to the ratio, not to the additivity...multiplication by 2 of the frequency and transposition, normally the simplest way is multiplication by 3...2 to the power of 19 is almost 3 to the power of 12....time emerges from noncommutativity....What about the relation with music? One finds quickly that music is best based on the scale (spectrum) which consists of all positive integer powers q to the nth for the real number q=2 to the 1/12th∼3 to the 1/19th. Due to the exponential growth of this spectrum, it cannot correspond to a familiar shape but to an object of dimension less than any strictly positive number. ... An ordinary geometric space, such as a compact Riemannian space, has an associated scale in the musical sense as exemplified in the famous lecture “can one hear the shape of a drum"? [NO] of Marc Kac [7]....Ritz-Rydberg Law: When expressed in frequencies NOT wavelengths, certain spectral lines add up to give a new spectral line. If you want to understand that kind of law, you had to use not one index (alpha or beta) but TWO indices. If you study spectral lines in that point of view, certain lines are the addition of two different spectral lines. This was a miraculous, a wonderful discovery that was made, thanks to Heisenberg. Heisenberg understood that this law of composition which was called Ritz-Rydberg Law lead immediately to - if you're a physicist you concentrate on observable values - led to Matrix Mechanics. Of course mathematicians know about that but not physicists. If you make a product of two matrices you use precisely this Ritz-Rydberg Law. You obtain the IK from the sum of IJ and JK. [quaternions of Clifford Algebra]
The discovery of Heisenberg was these matrices were not commuting.
The order of the terms...has vital part to play. E=mc(squared) but you can't inverse the terms of this equation in this specific case. Commutativity does no longer hold in the phases of a microscopic system.
This might be a difficult challenge. But we tend to know that kind of phenomenon. Because when we right things down, using language, we know that we have to take into account the order in which we write the letters. If we don't, we have, some times the cases of anagrams."
"Spacetime is no longer purely continuum. It's a mixture of the Continuum and the Discrete. So this was a lesson which very very strangely forced the change of the Riemann paradigm... of course Riemann couldn't force it because it involves quantum mechanics.
So the new paradigm of geometry is very close to the Riemannian part but there are nuances from the quantum, from the formalism of quantum mechanics which was discovered by von Neumann. And it tells us that the notion of geometric space becomes more natural and more easy to understand in the quantum formalism."
How do you define the coordinates?
Turns out that the best way is to give the MUSIC of the space.
So if you give a shape... each of these shapes have a special musical scale. Which frequencies are the proper frequencies of this shape. Turns out if you want to give invariant space, you have to give the least quantities which are assigned to this space - now the SCALE of the space is noncommutative."
"And I believe this is exactly what the brain does when we see because when we see we have the photons which are coming into a noncommutative eigenspace. And the brain reconstructs the space like we are used to see. "
"it's a zero-dimensional object but it has positive volume!...standard music suggests dealing with new shapes which are quantum such as the quantum 2-spheres....Their spectrum is SO DENSE that it appears continuous but it is not continuous.... It is only because one drops commutativity that variables with a continuous range can coexist with variables with a countable range...
Quantum Physics Professor Basil J. Hiley email to me 2018:
"I always felt the chances that a universal rest frame existed were very small. Bohm and I presented a paper discussing the consequences of there being no rest frame in Bohm, D. and Hiley, B. J., Non-locality and Locality in the Stochastic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Phys. Reports, 172 (1989) 93-122. Things are much more complicated. My preferred explanation lies in a much deeper explanation that we were working on when Penrose was with us at Birkbeck College, namely the notion of pre-space, or pre-geometry. Today it is called 'non-commutative geometry’. In my view this demands a radical new view as to what geometry actually is. Things do not go on in space-time but space-time itself emerges from the non-commutative algebra of process. ...the Bohm trajectories are the mean of an ensemble of individual Feynman paths."
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I got this email reply from Physics Professor Basil J. Hiley in 2018: "I always felt the chances that a universal rest frame existed were very small. Bohm and I presented a paper discussing the consequences of there being no rest frame in Bohm, D. and Hiley, B. J., Non-locality and Locality in the Stochastic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Phys. Reports, 172 (1989) 93-122. Things are much more complicated. My preferred explanation lies in a much deeper explanation that we were working on when Penrose was with us at Birkbeck College, namely the notion of pre-space, or pre-geometry. Today it is called 'non-commutative geometry’. In my view this demands a radical new view as to what geometry actually is. Things do not go on in space-time but space-time itself emerges from the non-commutative algebra of process. ...the Bohm trajectories are the mean of an ensemble of individual Feynman paths." and here is from the paper he cites: "The consideration of Bell’s inequality [1] and the Aspect experiments [2] has recently brought the question of the non-local implications of the quantum theory to the fore. Physicists have generally had a great deal of difficulty with non-locality and indeed often feel a certain revulsion towards it which is so strong that they would prefer not to consider the idea even as a possibility. Nevertheless, it is not sufficiently realised that all the commonly accepted interpretations of the quantum theory that have been proposed thus far imply some kind of non-locality [3]..the quantum state corresponds to some kind of at least relatively independent reality (which may, however, be fundamentally altered in a measurement).... as [Bernard] d’Espagnat has suggested, it must be regarded as eternally “veiled”...The causal interpretation of the quantum theory [11, 12] brought out the question of non-locality
much more sharply than is possible in the other interpretations, as this was explained by the assumption of a new kind of quantum potential allowing for a strong interaction of distant particles. In this
interpretation the EPR experiment presents no serious problem, as in any measurement process that disturbs the first particle, it can be shown that the quantum potential will produce a corresponding state of the second particle." Bohm, D., & Hiley, B. J. (1989). Non-locality and locality in the stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics. Physics Reports, 172(3), 93–122.


"on implied by the wave function. The particle itself has no properties other
than position and velocity. However, even the velocity depends on the information field and this, in turn, depends on both components of the wave function which combine, as shown in eq. (46), to determine the information field which “guides” the particle.
The existence of properties that depend on the relationship between the system and its environment is not completely new in physics. For example in thermodynamics the property of free energy is not entirely intrinsic, since it corresponds to the work that can be done in a reversible isothermal process, to which the heat bath makes an essential contribution. In a certain sense the Bell model treats “spin” in a similar way because this property depends as much on, for example, the osmotic velocity field, (49), and the guidance velocity field, (48), as it does on the particle itself.
Because these fields can produce strong effects where the intensity is weak, such relational properties are much more striking than they are in classical examples such as those given by thermodynamics. This is also true in the causal interpretation in which many properties of the particle, classically regarded as intrinsic, actually depend crucially on the quantum potential which strongly reflects the environment of the particle. In the Pauli equation such a relational character of particle properties is carried yet further
because even the entire spin angular momentum is understood as such a property. Indeed even orbital
114 D. Bohm and B. J. Hiley, Non-locality and locality in the stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics angular momentum can also be shown to be a relational property, e.g. dependent on the quantum potential and on the osmotic velocity, so that conservation of total angular momentum (spin plus orbital) has to be seen as a relational quality rather than an intrinsic property." Bohm, D., & Hiley, B. J. (1989). Non-locality and locality in the stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics. Physics Reports, 172(3), 93–122.


"The essential point is that in an independent disturbance of one of the particles, the fields acting on the other particle (osmotic velocities and quantum potential) respond instantaneously even when the particles are far apart. It is as if the two particles were in instantaneous two-way communication exchanging active information that enables each particle to “know” what has happened to the other and to respond accordingly.
"Of course in a non-relativistic theory it is consistent to assume such instantaneous connections. We shall, however, show later how these considerations can be extended to take into account the fact that the theory of relativity has been found to be valid in a very broad context."
Bohm, D., & Hiley, B. J. (1989). Non-locality and locality in the stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics. Physics Reports, 172(3), 93–122.
"It must be emphasised at this point, however, that speeds greater than that of light are considered to be possible only in the transmission of active information, as represented by the osmotic velocity and the mean velocity. "


Wow! NERD Alert! I have to watch again and take notes… thank you


By the time a person becomes an adult most have only 24 vertebrae because some vertebrae at the bottom end of the spine fuse together during normal growth ...


I discovered this book around 1999 and practiced it seriously while also getting energy healing from an amazing qigong master in Minnesota. I progressed rapidly. When the electromagnetic energy gets strong then the centers of the hands and feet and top of the head pulsate with electromagnetic force, "breathing" - requiring little physical breathing. Also water is created inside the skull - the ambrosia - so drinking water is next to not needed and then less sleep is needed. After 8 days on only half a glass of water my energy was very strong - electromagnetic fields out of the center of the brain enabling telepathy. This is described in the book as a minor serenity and enlightenment experience that will cause confusion the first time it happens. Yes when the spacetime vortex kicks in - the dizziness - you have to focus your spirit in the lower tan tien - below and behind the navel.

The lower tan tien, btw, has not been discovered yet by Western science, but any lust thoughts cause the mind to trigger chi energy down the spine which instantly deconverts the chi in the lower tan tien into fluid. So then purification has to burn or ionize that fluid back into chi energy - this is why purity of heart is the focus of the chapter one. The "sea of chi" is below the lower tan tien - it is the separation from the heart spirit energy at puberty - so that the previous third eye abilities get lost and become subconscious. Contrary to what people think - just creating light in the center of the skull - this is done first by purification of the heart which must continue and build up - the virtue or "Te" of the Tao Te Ching. That's why real qigong masters are so rare.

Finally watch out for "The False Fire of the Heart" problem which means the more your build up your chi, the more others will be attracted to you which then, again, deconverts your chi, to activate your jing energy. If you go along with this attraction - giving them energy then they suck up your chi energy but you think your jing energy is activated. Again jing energy is ONLY activated through purity of mind. If you have life force activation from lust this is just the deconversion of chi. Tantra is limited to just lower level chi energy - called "yin chi" in this book - the sublimation of yin jing into yang jing (yin chi). So in actuality these so-called antiquated terms, jing, chi, and shen, are more precise.

I studied this book for 10 years before I figured out this specific problem. So first the "yin chi" has to fill up the lower tan tien before the real chi is activated - the "yang chi" from the "yuan chi" or yin spirit. Or from replacing lost "yuan chi" with food chi and purity of mind - over again. So again purity of heart-mind is the foundation and the deepening practice. So then when the lower tan tien finally does fill up, the burning heat kicks in, the tummo energy - and yes you can practice the "small universe" or microcosmic orbit before that - but when the fire kicks in - ideally you convert the yin chi into yang chi (yin spirit) and you let the light guide the movement of the cycle.

This is the immortal breathing stage - the shen or spirit light energy goes in and up while the electromagnetic chi is the breathing (since it can convert into oxygen through the pulsating chi). This is like Nirvikalpa samadhi in Indian yoga - aka "Breathless ecstasy" as Sri Yuketswar called it. So this is an advanced stage and the energy must continued to be built up and stored in the lower tan tien - if you use it then you lose it and it has to be rebuilt. At this stage you can do advanced healing but you will lose the enrgy. O.K. so that should hold people for awhile - then eventually the third eye opens up enough to see spirits - but it is still easy to "fall back into worldliness."

So to fully open up the third eye requires building up the intensity of the spirit light energy. This book explains how to do it, only you are up against the world around you always lowering your frequency. So ideally there will be a pure place to practice with little outside interference. The internet is too much dirty energy, pretty much the modern world in general - television, movies, etc. I saw one meditation book requiring two miles of distance in seclusion from the nearest village. haha. Nevertheless this stuff is real and people should at least study the book and practice it to the best possibility. This is a tantra book, meaning it's based on visualization energy focus instead of emptiness (spacetime) focus. The foundation of reality is emptiness (consciousness) and Emptiness therefore is a safer route to practice while tantra practice is much faster but also more risk involved.


Welcome to today’s episode of “What the fuck did YouTube just recommend me”

But in all seriousness, what the fuck am I watching right now?


the temperature is delayed from CO2 increase that is 100 times faster than the natural carbon cycle of 12 gigatons per 200 years. So we're already at over 3 million years ago in terms of CO2 - the temperature increase will soon follow since there's already over 400 extra Zettajoules in the oceans that will soon be releasing. The science of global warming was first discovered in 1821 - so you just need to check up on over 100 years of science. hahaha.
