Bell's Inequality debunked the Equivalence Principle?! It did symmetric rest frame: Noncommutativity

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"the implementation of the weak equivalence principle is examined in the
quantized spaces described by different types of deformed algebras, among
them the noncommutative algebra of canonical type, Lie type, and the
nonlinear deformed algebra with an arbitrary function of deformation
depending on momenta. It is shown that the deformation of commutation
relations leads to the mass-dependence of motion of a particle (a composite
system) in a gravitational field, and, hence, to violation of the weak equivalence principle."
"The equivalence principle was examined in the context of a
noncommutative algebra of canonical type in (Bastos et al., 2011;
Gnatenko, 2013; Saha, 2014; Bertolami and Leal, 2015; Gnatenko
Kh. and Tkachuk V., 2017b, Gnatenko Kh. and Tkachuk, V.
2018a). The weak equivalence principle in noncommutative
phase space was studied in (Bastos et al., 2011; Bertolami and
Leal, 2015; Gnatenko Kh. and Tkachuk V., 2017b, Gnatenko Kh.
and Tkachuk, V. 2018a). The authors of (Bertolami and Leal,
2015) concluded that the equivalence principle holds in the
quantized space in the sense that an accelerated frame of
reference is locally equivalent to a gravitational field, unless
the parameters of noncommutativity are anisotropic (ηxy ≠
ηxz). In the paper (Lake et al., 2019) generalized uncertainty
relations that do not lead to the violation of the equivalence
principle were presented..."
"The weak equivalence principle is violated in
quantized space. It is important that space quantization leads to a
great violation of the weak equivalence principle if one considers
the parameters of the deformed algebras to be the same for different particles (bodies). We conclude that in the context of
different algebras (algebras with arbitrary deformation function
depending on momentum, noncommutative algebras of
canonical type, and noncommutative algebras of Lie type) the
weak equivalence principle is recovered in the case when the
parameters of deformation are different for different particles
and are determined by their masses."
"We have shown that if the
parameters of the deformed algebras for coordinates and
momenta are related to the particle mass the weak
equivalence principle is preserved in noncommutative phase
spaces of canonical type, in spaces with Lie algebraic
noncommutativity, and in spaces with an arbitrary function of
deformation dependent on momenta."
Weak equivalence principle in
quantum space
Kh. P. Gnatenko* and V. M. Tkachuk
Professor Ivan Vakarchuk Department for Theoretical Physics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
Lviv, Ukraine
Рекомендации по теме

Physicist B.G. Sidharth points out, light has mass due to noncommutative spacetime (noncommutative phase).
"Therefore, the underlying geometry behind the superluminal nature of a particle is simply the noncommutative geometry."
And Professor B.G. Sidharth again:
"Returning to the mass of the photon, it can be argued that this is a result of the non commutativity of spacetime at a micro scale."


Abstract: (arXiv)
A fundamental spacetime scale in the universe leads to noncommutative spacetime and thence to a modified energy - momentum dispersion relation or equivalently to a modification of Lorentz symmetry as shown by the author and others. This latter consideration has also been used by some scholars though based on purely phenomenological models that have been suggested by the observation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. On the other hand a parallel development has been the proposal of a small but non zero photon mass by some scholars including the author, such a mass being within experimentally allowable limits. This too leads to a small violation of Lorentz symmetry observable in principle in very high energy gamma rays, as in fact is claimed. We show in this paper that the latter mechanism in fact follows from the former, thus unifying two apparently different approaches.


A space with deformed commutation relations for coordinates and momenta leading to generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) is studied. We show that GUP causes great violation of the weak equivalence principle for macroscopic bodies, violation of additivity property of the kinetic energy, dependence of the kinetic energy on composition, great corrections to the kinetic energy of macroscopic bodies. We find that all these problems can be solved in the case of arbitrary deformation function depending on momentum if parameter of deformation is proportional inversely to squared mass.


It may be mentioned here that contrary to popular belief, there is no experimental evidence to indicate that the photon mass is zero!
B.G. Sidharth


Panel Discussion:
Are Electrons Oscillating Photons, Oscillating “Vacuum, ” or
Something Different?


The nature of the photon and the electron
JG Williamson
Publication date
The Nature of Light: What are Photons? VI
A new theory, describing both light and material particles, is proposed. The experimentally-observed nature of space and time are brought into the theory at the most fundamental level. An equation encompassing the usual free-space Maxwell equations but similar in form to the Dirac equation is proposed. This equation has new kinds of solutions. Propagating, pure-field solutions may have any energy, but the energy transferred must be proportional to the frequency. These are identified with the physical photon. Solutions with a rest-mass term allow any incoming propagating field to merge into re-circulating vortex-like solutions. The minimum energy configuration "rectifies" the oscillating electric field of light into a uni-directional, radial (inward or outward directed) configuration. The resulting apparent external charge may be readily estimated and is found to be of the order of the elementary charge. The spin may likewise, be calculated, and is found to be half integral, exhibiting a double-covering internal symmetry. Charge is then not a fundamental quantity in the theory - but is a result of the way field folds from a rest-massless bosonic to a rest-massive fermionic configuration. The simplest such charged, fermionic particles are identified with the electron and positron.


Relativistic Inversion, Invariance and Inter-Action
by Martin B. van der Mark
and John G. Williamson


Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology?
January 1997Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie 22(2):133
John Graeme Williamson
University of Glasgow
Martin B. van der Mark
Light is Heavy
M.B. van der Mark, G.W. 't Hooft

Einstein's relativity theory appears to be very accurate, but at times equally puzzling. On the one hand, electromagnetic radiation must have zero rest mass in order to propagate at the speed of light, but on the other hand, since it definitely carries momentum and energy, it has non-zero inertial mass. Hence, by the principle of equivalence, it must have non-zero gravitational mass, and so, light must be heavy. In this paper, no new results will be derived, but a possibly surprising perspective on the above paradox is given.
Comments: 6 pages, 2 figures. Originally writen as a contribution to the 25th aniversary of the "Sectie Atoomfysica en Quantum Electronica" of the Dutch Physical Society (NNV). in Van A tot Q, NNV, The Netherlands, November 2000


A new linear theory of light and matter
To cite this article: John G. Williamson 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1251 012050


Bridging Circuits and Fields: Foundational Questions in Power Theory
By Alexander I. Petroianu (2022 on Steinmetz and quantum gravity)...


Inversion and general invariance in Space-Time (2016)
Martin B. van der Marka, ∗, John G. Williamsonb
aPhilips Research Europe, HTC34, 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands
bUniversity of Glasgow, School of Engineering, Glasgow G12 8LT, Scotland
