Can a cheater change?

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Dr. Gary Lewandowski, renowned professor of psychology, explains the top reasons for infidelity in relationships, who is more likely to cheat in a relationship: men or women, whether someone who is cheated in the past is likely to cheat again, and the best way to prevent cheating in your relationship.

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Reading all these posts, saying that people who cheat will never change. With that statement some people can argue then once a drug addict always drug addict etc. Dont get me wrong, its VERY rare to find couples completely recover after cheating occurs. But even if it ends, The person who cheated can change. Change can happen if you allow it to. That means accepting the faults, the pain caused onto the partner and most importantly growing yourself emotionally.


Yep because I did and have no desire to cheat any more.


It's a mistake to reconcile with someone who has broken their end of the trust bridge. It's unwise to think things will just snap back into place. Even with marriage therapy, the person who lied to cover their tracks will keep on lying. They'll just learn how not to get caught again. Unless the marriage is based solely on a financial contract, not on love or sexual compatibility, getting away from a cheater is better for your health, long term.


Every time this happens to me, I feel worse and worse about my behavior. I indeed felt neglected. The fallout and disaster for ourselves and families is so devastating. I don’t want to hurt like this or hurt anyone I care about ever again 🙏🏽


Evil never changes, just becomes better at deception.


Everyone deserves a 2nd chance. We all make mistakes. He is exactly right, my ex cheated on me at the begining of our realtionship. A 17 years relationship an now im 33 i ended up cheating on her. Biggest regret of my life becasue she tried keeping me but i had no face to come back. An when u learned she was moving on i tried to go back but sadly i was a few weks too late. Learn from this we all make mistakes but it doesnt mean its who define who we are. Never again will i ever cheat, the chaos an heartache it casues is not worth it. Its not worth loosing the love of your life. Hes right, address the reasons why you cheated an grom it.


I truly believe cheater can change if they really want too


I broke my boyfriend heart but internally I always loved him and I want to stay with him always for that I have taken steps to change my self I know it's not easy process he is with me and it's been 4 months he discovered I literally begged him for his presence into my life n I really want to change my behaviour n I can coz in Gita its said that to change the world you have to change yourself as it is to make a change a person is always capable of the most imp. Thing is integrity, patience, focus, and dedication n I will do anything and everything to make my love and relationship work out

Some change, some don't. Are you willing to wonder if they are up to it again every time they close the door behind them?


Ive cheated 3 times thru my 15 yr relationship and i regret it all. As humans we all make mistakes we r not perfect. Men can change. I know this cuz ive changed my ways and attitude. I search for help and im committed to my wife and our family. If a man wants to change he can change.


They will never change same as my husband.. He told me he will repeat it again and again


Well, I personally believe that once a cheater always a cheater is not true in majority of cases. And people can improve themselves if they make sincere efforts. And if going by the theological studies I have done, I think it’s a courageous and a noble decision to forgive, trying to reconcile and giving someone a second chance as a relationship is about growing together and trying to work things out together. Of course don’t shy away from taking help and taking time to heal.

I am open for having discussion with you


Cheaters are ALWAYS selfish, immature, lack impulse control, and lack empathy. No exceptions.


Yes once a cheater is always a cheater


I came here to understand more about myself. Putting a list down to learn more on what my wife defines as cheating is the best thing I can do now. She neglects me, but I put in the work. It breaks my heart tho the fact I chose to cheat a long time ago. It wasn’t once or twice it’s a lot. I’ve stopped my dumb impulses and learned that I need my wife, I want my wife more than anything.

To put into perspective. Cheating is a choice, it’s like an exam you either fail or get it right. There are times you fail the exam and now you just got to study on how to actually pass the exam.


Yes im cheater before but when i fell in love with my partner i really change .


i cheated on my ex, i'm never gonna cheat again


To break this cycle you just got to love them the best way that no one else will, and once they cheat and loose you they’ll change there way my gf right now cheated one of those things you don’t know what you have until it’s gone


As for reconciliation, with a cheater, shoot, you can forget that!


My son died by suicide, 2021.. I am too sad.. he cheated 2011 and now again.
