How Cheating Changes the Cheater | Infidelity Expert & Therapist Todd Creager

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In this video, marriage and relationship therapist Todd Creager discusses how infidelity affects the partner who commits the infidelity. He also gives suggestions on how to turn this into a change for the better.

As a practicing therapist, Todd focuses on successfully helping couples heal from infidelity. He has a 90% success rate helping couples survive and thrive after infidelity. Based out of Orange County, he provides effective and professional counseling and therapy services for cheating, infidelity and other relationship issues.


Todd offers marriage and relationship therapy services from his Huntington Beach location, specializing in infidelity and helping couples overcoming cheating. Contact Todd from the Irvine, Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, Laguna Beach and Long Beach areas today. (714) 848-2288.

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If you don't want to be subjected to anger & judgement then you should make better decisions. Chances are that the person who was betrayed probably wasn't getting all of their needs met either but they managed to stay faithful.


He forgot other ways that cheating changes the cheater.
They become expert lying, deceitful con artists.
They become extremely selfish.
They lose empathy.

They may feel guilt, but only after they are caught. You would think that guilt, empathy and compassion would stop them from crossing that line in the first place.


I wish cheaters would just date each other and leave good people alone!! So they fuck up they own life’s as cheaters.


"Reach out before one cheat"... How??? When the cheater is lying and gaslighting you. They are doing it all on purpose. Nothing about their actions is a mistake or an accident. They chose to do it and chose to not care about how you would feel. They chose that other person over you, the kids and everything you thought you had with them. It's a conscious choice that they made to hide it from you, so there is no way to stop it from happening. Cheaters gonna cheat.


I got cheated on by my ex recently. She promised to never cheat on me. But she did. I will never trust anyone ever again. Five years down the drain. I'll never look at you the same ever again as long as I live. 😿


I cheated once in my twenties, and I have never looked at myself the same again. But I don’t talk about it to anyone because I already know, much like many who commented, no one really cares about the betrayer or their feelings. You sin, so go to hell, right? I guess you can put cheater right up there with murderer, rapist, etc. in people’s eyes. So I keep my feelings to myself and work with my therapist to process my inner thoughts and turmoil. Some nights and days are harder then others, but what matters is the will to be better and ensure I never walk that path again to cause so much hurt and destruction to people I love.


There are types and types of cheaters. The worst are the ones who are like "I am quite happy with my life with my husband/wife but I cheat for the thrill and excitement". You cannot find a worst type because they give absolutely no s**t about their partner.


Infidelity is such a bad thing to have in any relationship. My advice will be for anyone having such thought to fully understand that it will always inhibit one giving his or her best in any relationship. So the best thing to do when infidelity issues arises is to find out for sure. I used to have allot of doubt about my partner and had to find out for sure. It was heart breaking what I found out but the best thing to do to keep my already troubled mind at peace. Thanks to the help I got which enable me to find out everything and see things for myself. I was really happy I did take the step and now my heart is peaceful after everything.


Cheaters have no empathy, an overwhelming sense of personal entitlement, are arrogant and uncaring. That will never change so they will always cheat if they feel that they need a pick-me-up.


Having sympathy for someone that shatters your belief in love and scars you forever cannot be forgiven if we are being honest. Not only did you destroy the relationship you have sent that other person on a path in life where everyone and everything is questioned. Most of us can’t ever truly put trust in another partner so there is no forgiveness. Live with it because we have no choice but to live and die with it.


My ex was so proud of cheating he even married her and show it off in social media. What a shameless creature. He is constantly in needs of emotional supply. There is no compensation of his betrayal sorry means nothing I know it will be a memory one day but for now I cannot forgive him for all the trauma that he caused. I believe he will harvest all the pain that he inflicted to so many of us.


I think most people watching this obviously want to be a better person. I think it's the know-how . I have cheated, and I'm so ashamed of myself. Take myself to hotels just so I can sit and cry and punish myself without getting sympathy. Letting my children down was a real wake-up call. Even though we went through bad times, not every mindset is the same, and not every cheater is a bad person. Identifying were you went wrong and putting the steps into play to become a better person


The person who cheats doesn't care about anyone or anything. They only want to satisfy their selfishness and cannot control their flesh. They are not concerned about passing any diseases to their spouse or even their children. The cheater is heartless, loveless, cold, cruel, nasty inconsiderate individuals and so much more. The cheater will never change. They live their life as if their spouse caused them to cheat when in all actually it was a choice and decision that THEY made. There is no excuse for cheating....period. A cheater doesn't deserve any second or third chances because they will always do it again. #scumsoftheearth


99.9% of all cheaters only feel guilt when they are caught. Up until that time. they often feel nothing. I believe you have to be somewhat sociopathic to cheat in the first place. Most narcissistic people will cheat on their spouse, I speak from experience. I'm living in my wife's double life.


Cheating changed my life for the better. I lost everything, I was so lost. Now I am found, I'm alone, and I cry for my wife everyday. But I'm facing my issues and life doesn't seem insurmountable anymore


Actually being cheated on is what I needed to stop my own cheating tendencies


What he is stating that the betrayer supposedly feels guilt and remorse. After interviewing clients what one finds is that remorse is due to being caught. This commonly seen in those women who cheat. What comes next is the lack of accountability and the wanting to sweep it under the rug. Women want closure and some kind of forgiveness as it assists them to mentally sweep their indiscretions under the carpet. Regarding closure for men. It doesn’t really benefit men. It isn’t as important as it is for women. In reality men, do not owe the cheating woman any kind of closure. Women need it as to psychologically sweep their vile decisions and behaviors under the rug. It allows them to call themselves a good person because all is forgiven. The best thing for a man to achieve any form of Closure is move forward and seek self improvement and happiness.


I was cheated on by my ex-wife, I don't give a rats ass why she cheated or how she has changed because of cheating.


It's ironic. My wife of 25 years was cheated on in a previous relationship which immediately fell apart. Before we were married, she cheated on me with this same "boy", and I forgave her. Our marriage was good for 23 years, but after our son graduated, her personality changed. This happened when she saw her ex who happened to be the photographer. Now, she has left and is fully involved with her old-new lover, who is still married to his third wife. As in the video, I noticed that she has aged considerably, but I'm not sure if she's remorseful. This is the hardest part for me to deal with. That being said, I am seeking an attorney and preparing to file for divorce. The only thing I'm still wondering about now is how to get past the pain, which has plagued me for over a year.


Cheating should be illegal if your married!
