Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater? Here's What You Should Know...

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And sometimes people cheat, don’t see anything wrong with it, don’t care that it hurts you and just keep doing it. Not everyone feels guilty and they are awful.


Once someone cheats the bond of trust is broken forever and a relationship cannot exist without trust. If you take the cheater back they will know they got away with it once, they can get away with it again. They will never fully respect you. Cheating is choice as well, never a mistake. Its many choices actually, that were intentionally made that lead to the physical act. Why give your heart to someone like that?


Oh c'mon, no matter what somebody tells me about themselves in the begining, whether it's good or bad, it doesn't mean much, because I will have to find out who they are by myself anyway. And the only way to do that is through experiencing their actions. You always have to take some risk when getting to know someone new. So I'm not sure if I need from them a list of all the bad things they've done in the past and a written guarantee they won't do them again. In the end what matters most is how they really act today. Because someone might tell me they are great and never cheat and it might simply be a lie. So, there are no guaratees with anyone. You can't control everything, there is always some risk factor.


Cheating and being open about and accepting it was wrong upfront is how you build trust but cheating and hiding it instantly we are done.


no, people dont learn through mistakes only. i dont need to cheat to know i dont want to cheat. some past mistakes are unforgivable in my eyes and i have every right to be entitled to my standards.


When someone lies in general they have not only broken the trust but they've stolen from you. They've stolen the chance for you to make an informed decision.


Just came out of a toxic relationship I think best for me just stay single and be free


I love his wife in it. It gives a women’s perspective. The interactions between them is a compelling dynamic I thoroughly enjoy. ❤ nicely done Audrey and Matt carry on!


I used to be a cheater. I had a spiritual awakening & fully repented. It was soul wrenching to look in the mirror & reflect on the pain I had caused.

People can change, but they really have to have a profound coming to God moment to see the light & do the work.


Just because you trust someone, doesn't mean you should. Just because you don't trust someone, doesn't mean you shouldn't.


YES to this video. I was with someone who aggravated me, he's not a bad person, but he wasn't on the road to healing his demons/struggles and it aggravated me BIG time. Not the right person for me.


Sorry, but confidence is, for me, the POINT in relationship. When once broken, felling guilty or not, sorry or not afterwards, there is no future for this relationship for me, I'll never feel safe in it anymore and I leave and move on out of it.


As someone who is midlife (51) I had many conversations prior to meeting up for a first date. I didn’t want to waste in person time if I didn’t feel like we were both on the same page for major things (like politics, religion or views on cheating in a relationship). I knew that everyone I was meeting in public never cheated in their relationships. I didn’t give details of why my marriage ended after 25 yrs but took ownership for the lack of communication and growth. I also told them all of the work that o had done for the past 3 yrs to make sure I didn’t repeat old habits.


Right off the bat the man I started dating told me that his first marriage ended because he had had an affair & that he deeply regretted it & would never do that again because it caused so much heartache & damage to everyone involved. I was stupid enough to believe him and went on to marry him just for him to cheat on me like he did his first wife. So if anyone ever tells you their relationship or marriage ended because they cheated my advice is RUN! Do not believe that they will not do it again. They are liars!


i cheated one time and was so shocked of myself and the hurt I caused to my partner and the relationship that I would NEVER ever do it again.


If someone tells you who they are, believe them. If you lie to yourself, don't blame him. Blame you.


Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for it can become your destiny.


I have been married for 32 years and was betrayed thirteen years ago by my husband. He denied. I stayed and focused on work and our children but lost myself. Now youngest is a senior and I'm struggling. We're starting counseling. I don't know who I am


The most insightful thing I’ve ever heard when it comes to this topic


Thank you! ❤ What a gem of an insight regarding whose responsability it is to make you feel safe. It's not your responsibility to make yourself trust the person who deceived you. It's their job. Bless you both! ❤
