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Warning! Toxic men are among us, you can't date without running into one these days, so I want you to be armed and ready to know how to spot and handle this man. Here are the 10 signs of a toxic man, how to identify a toxic man, what to look for in a toxic relationship, signs of a toxic relationship and knowing what to do, how to get out and walk away if you're in a toxic relationship with a toxic man!

Signs of a toxic man will show up EARLY in dating so don't think this doesn't apply to you if you're only dating, it absolutely does!

These men are not like "normal" men and need to dealt with differently. They are extremely aggressive so I give some tips at the end on how to do that as well as the REAL reason why some women will keep attracting this kind of man unless they do INNER WORK.

--- Connect With Me @katiewangcoach

#toxicrelationships #dating #signs
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Hey beauties! We need to take these toxic signs seriously because everyone who dates WILL run into one at some point. Have you come across this kind of man before? What did you do? <3 <3


1 . Pushes boundaries
2 . Hypersensitivity to any disagreement
3. Push hard and past to get into relationship.
4 . Badmouthing his ex
5. Love bombing.
6 . Depth of love equals to depth of pain
7. Openly admits being flawed don't do anything to change it.
8 . Super Needy (Self destructive)
9 . Manipulative through guilt.
10. Feel harder to walk away, be aggressive to walk away.


Hyper sensitive men are real and draining


These are AGED BOYS, not men. Men, who are healthy-minded and mature, do not behave this way.


Sound like she talking about narcissistic type of men.


You just described my husband in every point. He is not that ugly though, but surely made my life toxic as you said. He is the only one enjoying the company, and I am his tool, and his happiness machine. My life got paralyzed and my head is only busy of him, and he thinks he gave me the WORLD! And MORE! By loving me only.


I was seeing a very toxic man. Hr lied, cheated and abandoned me after quarrels. Hypersensitive refused to talk it over instead he would find other women. He had anger issues, diagnosed with depression, health issues and drug addiction. I loved him so much and couldn't live without him. Now I cannot stand him and he is out of my life. His actions took all love out of my heart. Peaceful without him. I pity the next victim. He once also had a beautiful wife who divorced him years ago.


I found this video at the exact right time and I am so grateful. I had begun really liking this one guy although he has already said a couple off the wall mean things to me recently, and got overly angry when I stood my boundaries. I know that I need to stop contact with him after seeing these behaviors, although I have felt somewhat depressed, I guess it's just the grief of losing something familiar, although I still know that I need to continue to stay away. I have a bad issue with going back to what's familiar, even though I know I won't be happy no matter how hard it is at the time. Thank you so much, this video uplifted my mood a little.


The bottom line is with all of these signs is ask yourself "Am I respecting my needs and wants by continuing to engage with this male?" If yes, schedule another date. If no, RUN!!!!


You just described the guy I dumped after 3 dates. Crazy.


i was dating someone and the toxic man told me to change my job


Thank u so much. My ex boyfriend has a good background. He is the valedictorian in univeristy exam, and now works as a surgeon who is so popular in the medical school with good looking appearance. However just a little friends knew our story that he manipulated me by his silent treatment. I broke up with him but my heart feel so hurt . Initialy, he often showed his pain in social network as victim who I dumped. I thought so much whether I wasnt compassion. But I knew I loved him and ignored his bad behaviors more once. i said that it’s not my faults for slitting up. He replied me by extreme rude words. It’s not person who show his politeness and tenderness before. Now I saw he as narcissist. I feel happy more and lucky because of my decision. Lets close the door with a toxic man to have a new healthy relationship.


👀📝 Gotta keep my toxicity & manipulation skills sharp.


Your video is great. As a man I watched this to see what would be said. I must say I agree with what you said. I have watched my female friends date really toxic men. Thank you for warning women of toxic men. I hate seeing women hurt by men in anyway. A woman and a man should be treated with respect. Relationships are a 2way street. My rule #1 rule in a relationship is, treat your partner how you want to he treated.
Unfortunately, I date toxic women. I have been told I am only worth my money and what I can provide. I have been called a "woman" cause I like the sweet side in a relationship and I am not all about sex.
I truly hope every woman that watches your videos can find a great guy. I hope the toxic men and women stay single or go get help.
Thank you again. You are helping this man see better what I need to work on. I want to be a good man so I can find a good woman. Thank you so much. I wish you all the luck and success in the world!


very good video, I sent this to my sister who had to deal with such a toxic guy, you described him perfectly and even after so much suffering she still is tempted to go back to this guy. She comes from a good and loving family and im amazed how much influence this guy has over her. Its this bad cycle of abuse and intense affection that causes the person being abused to feel like they cant live with out the person. Its sick.


I used to be very critical of who I was in the inside and I was involved with a man who did almost all these things. My esteem around my physical beauty was very high however, and it is no coincidence that he did not attack me much in that area. Most embarrassing part was that most of the abuse happened after he broke up with me and we were still seeing each other. He wanted me in his back pocket and did not want to lose access to me. Lessons learned


Yes number one is a HUGE manipulation tactic. Pushing boundaries.


this is so accurate to my “ex” he wouldn’t stop texting me and he wouldn’t let me leave without a fight and much more


Even I came in here to see if I was toxic


Yes aggressively leave him fast
Move don’t tell anyone you moved even your parents.
