HIDDEN Signs You’re In A Toxic Friendship 🦠 #shorts

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1. They never let you have an opinion.
2. They make fun of you as a "joke" way to often.
3. They always think they are right and never admit they are wrong.


1. You aren’t happy, in-fact you feel worse about yourself after talking or hanging out with them
2. They tell you about all the problems you have ( to make you feel like its your fault they treat you the way they do )


They will always pretend to be the victim in every sinareo.

They won't let you hang out with any of you other friends 😢


They never defend u when other people are talking sh1t to ur face and they are just watching


1. They dump all their issues on you without asking if you can handle it first
2. You feel like their opinion is the only one that matters and they dismiss your own
3. They get mad if you talk to other people besides them


This saying really helps if anyone needs it. "You shouldn't care about people talking behind your back. There is a reason they are behind you."


#4 they lack empathy for you going thru hard times

#5 they’re hypocrites. They do bad stuff and if you do it just once they get upset.

#6 hold your past against you. We all do this I think but a true friend wouldn’t. I’m guilty of this but i try let it go and help people now

#7 they don’t truly give 2nd chances.


My homie defends my back and tells hurtful truths into my face. So do i to him. Bros for life 🤜🤛


1. You aren’t happy when you hang out with them ☹️

This happens to me, I got invited to a birthday sleepover. But I said I was sick, Cause I didn’t want to go. I just felt sad and nervous about going. Now we’re not friends and I don’t regret leaving her one bit


1. They are in competition with you and when things are going well for you, they are not happy
2. They make everything about them. Even your misfortune.
3. They want to be pursued all the time and can not fathom that you have emotional needs as well.


They never appreciate what we do for them
They make you feel outcast when they are with people with more fun


1. They correct you about everything they can so they can feel better about themselves
2. They always guilt you for not helping them but get annoyed when you do
3. Always making things about them and what they want.

I speak from experience.


And that toxic friend will always uses your things carelessly and his things preciously😈😈. But my true friend will always protect my things even when I'm not there ❤😢


One sign of being in a toxic friendship.
They make you not quit a bad habit because your “friendship” was because of that one bad habit you had in common.


-Can't genuinely admit that they were wrong, even in important events.

-Gives fake apologies, "I'm sorry that what I did, hurt your feelings, " instead of I'm sorry for doing that."


This is so true, but if I got rid of them, I wouldn’t have any friends


For the first one, it's always only talking about me and never about them like they just don't have anything to say or share I guess


damn that pinned comment made my timbers shiver


To all those on a toxic friendship I'm so sorry I was in one and I know how hard it is to get out of it. They will guilt trip you make it seem like you were the bad friend and them try to make you come back because they like to use you.

One sign that you could be in a toxic friend ship is if your friend hits you. Now its OK for like friendly pushes and that kinda stuff but its not OK to punch hard pinch pull hair etc.

Another sign is that they will guilt trip you and make you say sorry first every time and make you feel bad and hurt you.

They will also only talk about them self and only do the things they want to do. And if you suggest an idea they will so no I don't like that game or no I don't want to do it. And if you do t want to do what they are doing they will say you never do what I like

Also if you you get into a fight then they will most likely ignore you instead of resolving it. And they will also bump into you.

And lastly get mad at you for no reason. Like not doing anything at your break time. You not coming to them when they are upset but if you do come they get mad at you. You just never get a break.

Now how to peacefully get out of this toxic relationship is to not talk to them. You guys will hopefully drift apart from each other. You can say it over text but keep it short and simple. Now you might thing that saying over text is not the right way but its so easy. And them in if you do it in person then they will try to make you change there mind. And last way in person. Like I just said it can not really turn out well but if they try to make you change you mind then just ignore them.

I really hopes this helps you guys


“Check the pinned comment” bruh where 😂
