EEVblog #1244 - Mailbag

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If it smells like chicken, you're holding it wrong.
24:20 Sony RM-440 video editing unit teardown
36:34 Faber Castell TR3 scientific calculator and slide rule
46:35 Casio FX-82 Calculator

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That Faber-Castell TR3 is a very rare and very valuable calculator. It was a product of the transition era, that is why it has both the slide rule and an electronic calculator. It takes 4 rechargeable batteries, that I only saw in old Russian Electronica calculators.


In case nobody's commented about it yet, it looks to me like Tympan is supposed to be an open source system for interfacing with cochlear implants or something. It often requires a lot of processing to make the inputs come out sounding reasonably helpful with those implants. The quality of them is rubbish to begin with, and if I had to guess each implant probably has different issues, so being able to analyze and filter sound and customize exactly what is being fed to the implant would allow people to get the best sounding audio out of their implant.


Glad the calculator finally came in. 👍 Was worried(not that much really 😁) it was lost in the mail.


10:10 Hmm. That interface looks really familiar to me...
It's basically a modified version of the Audio System Design Tool for the Teensy Audio Library which is in turn based on Node-RED, a flowchart style programming tool. Pretty cool stuff


In film school in the 80s we used those RM-440s. Seeing one really brought back some memories. Thanks!


Would love to see a complex numbers video.


Sagan's 8?! Holy feck! I've been with this channel longer than I thought!


Front of shirt: " If it smells like chicken, you're holding it wrong!"
Back of shirt: "If it doesn't smell like chicken, plug it in!"


I was able to get a piece of paper to catch fire using one of those silver trace pens. I put 12V through it with a heavy load. It was fun.


At 43:48 yes Dave the rail museum is at York. Known as the National Railway Museum. One of the Eurostar loco’s is there


I like how the Faber-Castell (wrongly) aproximated π to 3.1415926 but the Casio got it right with 3.1415927


Some people just blow my mind - a $300 product with a fantastic user interface, and they build a website that doesn't even describe what their product does. Unbelievable. I'm guessing it's an open source hearing aid? I'd imagine there's a boatload of proprietary algorithms in hearing aids that filter out background noises and conversations, so being able to mess around and try them with a simple user interface seems like a fantastic idea... if that is what it actually does.

Who knows. Maybe write a note about what your product does next time?


Hi, a friend of mine worked for Sony. He sent me this information about the video editor.

"At about 25 mins there is a bit of kit which he correctly names as an RM-440 (what is written on it). |That is a low band Umatic edit controller. He says some rubbish about connecting it to the editing system but in fact it is the edit controller. It should be connected to two tape decks (umatic low band decks, e.g. V0-5850 or something (from memory only so numbers might be dodgy)). One of the decks must be a recorder of course (like the 5850) and then it allows you to do “2 machine editing”. I forget if it can also trigger a transition at the edit point or not, but if it can then you need an outboard separate effects unit – model long forgotten as this was the cheap end and I never worked on or with it). He mentinos a 25/30 switch I think (forgot what he said already) – that would eb to use the unit in Europe/Australia or the USa/Japan – different frame rates, hence old US TVs with tubes didn’t flicker like European ones did as they had a higher frame rate."


“63bpm it’s elevated”... here I am with a resting 83 or elevated 120+ :p


Recognised the RM-440 before it was halfway out the box! I used to work for an a/v hire company and I serviced many of them. Used for simple two-machine VT editing usually with 3/4 inch Sony U-matic format machines. Very expensive at the time. This design dates back to the 70's -it was superceded by the RM-450 in the 80's but still remained in use for years. Very reliable apart from the very thick cables that were often mis-handled causing bent or pushed-in pins. Fun times!


The Audio design tool is from PJRC. Teensy boards are the bomb when it comes to audio!!. My GF and I used them in a Shakespeare audio installation at Senate House in London. Its worth spending the little amount of time it takes to get started with these boards and their variants. :)


Ah yeah, that was a typo at 25:40 Was supposed to be 'AKA biomurph' as in 'also known as' ... doh!


Tympan is an open source hearing aid development platform.


The first pocket calculators we were allowed to use at school in Germany were the TI30. (The one with red light emitting digits behind tiny magnifying lenses.) When LCD took over, Casio wiped Texas Instruments from the market, because the TI30 LCD-Version made everyone sick with its permanent keybouncing. A tiny design error totally ruined the usability of the TI-device and opened a great market for Casio.


27:02 -- the plugs on the back are marked "R" for Recorder, and "P" for Player. It connects to a pair of broadcast player/recorders and performs edits and duplication between the two machines.
