EEVblog #1265 - $53 360W Lab Bench PSU!

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Review of the $53 Riden (RD Tech / Rui Deng) RD6006 360W bench lab power supply module with WiFi connection.
UPDATE: I goofed the noise measurement, see pinned comment below, and this follow-up video:

#Review #PowerSupply

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UPDATE: I screwed up the noise measurement. It's actually way better at about 60mVp-p no load and about 100mVp-p at 6A using a proper scope probe in X10. I was using a BNC cable with banana plugs and forgot the 50ohm series matcher. Oops. Will have to do another video showing this. Good excuse for a video on this topic anyway.


Apreciaate very much opening yourself to these cheap equipment, cause there are many of us who can't afford expensive equipment that is going to be use in home-entusiast aplications, and having your respectable opinion on these afordable stuff is very very useful. (Sorry my english, from Mexico by the way)


Oh I do so hate it when our marketing manager comes over and twiddles with my knob... so annoying.


The battery charging terminal includes protection to prevent back-powering the supply if the mains is disconnected, and reverse polarity protection to prevent blowing the crap out of the unit (or at least the fuse) if you connect the battery terminals backwards, which has been a complaint with RD supplies in the past (-_-). You wouldn't normally use it outside of charging applications as it would reduce the efficiency and maximum power handling.

Noise issue seemed clearly wrong. If that is switching noise, whats the higher frequency lower magnitude crap between pulses? There shouldn't be that much external noise coupling onto the signal. Also using an adjustable load for such measurements is usually a Bad Idea (tm)

Their DPH modules are buck+boost, so you can eg use a 12V or 19V supply and get the full 0-30V output range. I don't think they have an equivalent in their new RD series just yet.

The serial connection on the DPS/DPH units used a MODBUS implementation, hence the slave address selection. They do document this protocol quite well. It was fairly easy to build custom software to interact with, and it's supported by third party stuff such as sigrok etc. Looks like these new RD units use the same interface.


Wow. Forget the PS, i'll buy the case for my own project. That's a nice case and way cheaper than a similar project case from Digi-key. And it comes with accessories.


28:52 I feel like this interface was designed by a technician from Hyundai. I rented one of their cars last year and was BLOWN AWAY by the thought that went into everything. Their menus and options were highly intuitive and allowed a lot of customization. Not only that, but the steering wheel controls, the media unit, the side panel controls, adaptive cruise control, it was amazing. I just really wish other companies put that kind of effort into their design and think about how the consumer will actually use the product - like the buttons and knob not doing anything unless you select a function to avoid marketing manager idiots.


15:25 the reason they do not have an enter button on the scroll knob is because you are very likely to rotate the knob while pressing it, thereby messing up with your settings. It's human tendency and I think a seperate enter button is perfect.. although I would have appreciated a dedicated enter button right below the knob.


33:40 The only difference I could tell with battery mode via the green post is that it actually shuts down the output when the battery reaches the desired full charge level as opposed to a regular power supply or when using the red output post.


Battery wasn't included for shipping reasons.


The voltage graph display mode is obviously for charging batteries and tracking their charge progress!


The drop in efficiency at 4A is when the fan turns on - it is current controlled, not temperature controlled


Amazing. I paid $200 10 years ago for a USED 60V 10A B&K lab supply that is rack mount and makes me take a deep breath and grunt when I have to move it. I just love the size and price of hobby-grade electronics gear these days. From sig gens, to VNA's, to scopes, to power supplies, I find myself slowly shifting from using my boat anchor HP gear to this cheap, small stuff for anything that doesn't require max precision. And very little ever does.


Incredibly deceiving title when you factor in the price of the case and actual power supply. It's really a $160 power supply. I've seen some actual $50-$60 bench power supplies for sale, would love to see a video on one of those.


I'm not sure this thing is worth getting over the venerable KA3005 Korad(or rebrand) power supply, unless you already have a bulky DC supply itching for a front panel, but even then, korads, for around the same price($100-150 for everything) are fully linear power supplies.


I have an old 19V laptop power supply (60W I think), all I need is a panelmount DC barrel jack into the smaller case and I should have a handy little bench supply. Looking forward to this. Thanks for doing the thorough review!


Yes please make a video fixing the noise, my bet is the MOSFET or Diode needs a ferrite bead slipping over it.


I have this exact same - from 8-1-2020 - exact same settings, both USB and WIFI, all works just fine. The "virus" is concerned, it has NO VIRUS in the software, at least not when I scanned it with MS-Antivirus and AVG + some other scanning softwares, found 0 viruses! For the money it is a great value! It isn't for everyone - like the noise problems, but for most people this shouldn't cause any problems. Thanks for the video.


I was considering buying one of these from Banggood where it was $10 cheaper than this AliExpress price, but I don’t have a high voltage DC power supply that could make full use of this thing’s output, and to buy a power supply would double the overall price. I did get one of those tiny little bench power supplies and have it connected to a big 24 volt power supply, and it works surprisingly well with excellent accuracy.


For the first time I have something before EEVBLOG. I'm quite happy with mine. The recommended power supply is taking ages to ship though.


Nice video, This help tip me over into buying a 6012 and 6018, which have the same noise levels as the 6006 (at the same current level) the noise only rises after that with 160mv p-p at 14vdc 10a, and increases rather linearly.
You can disassemble it, as the banana posts while soldered have cutouts in the front panel, so they can just pull out of the front panel with out desoldering.
