Relaxing Full Body Stretching Routine for Stress & Anxiety Relief, Seated

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This relaxing stretching routine starts with a gentle warm up. Knee extensions or long arc quads (LAQ), hip flexion, and upper arm jumping jacks and horizontal Ts will help get your muscles warm and ready to stretch.

To start off with the neck area where we hold a lot of our stress, upper trapezius and levator scapulae stretches are great to help relax those muscles.

Scapular squeezes, seated trunk rotation, and quadratus lumborum (QL) stretches will help work the upper, middle, and low back.

Moving down to the hips and legs, a seated knee to chest, seated hamstring stretch, and an active calf stretch will help relax the lower body.

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Dr. Jo is a licensed Physical Therapist and Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Relaxing Full Body Stretching Routine for Stress & Anxiety Relief, Seated:

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ask Doctor Jo, LLC, its officers, employees, and contractors for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
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Whomever is reading this remember to spread as much LOVE AS POSSIBLE, don't litter, help out the homeless and take care of nature please it's really important we gotta take care of eachother and mother earth. thank you and have a blessed life ❤


My 96yr old mom loves your chair routines! She's a retired PE teacher and still benefits from movement. Chair routines are best for her. We love your pups and how clearly you present the routine. Well done!! Thank you from Florida!!


Love the fact that you can do so much just sitting..thank you for this. Great exercises


Thank you so much for these seated stretches. I work at an office and have been experiencing heightened anxiety the past two weeks. I am going to try these stretches at my desk. Thank you!!!


Thank you so much for this! I am trying to get back into a daily routine that includes stretching and low impact cardio, but I have been sedentary for so long that I was struggling to find routines that I could actually do. This is a perfect transition for me. Thank you! I look forward to checking out more of your videos as my stamina increases. ❤️


So refreshing after many days of travel, running around, and sleeping in new places. My body feels great after this x


Thank you so much for this video! I teach a daily distance class to students who spend all day in their wheelchairs, and this routine is perfect for a morning warm-up, for staff, students and parents!


I'm a recovering T4 paraplegic that spent 5 years in a wheelchair from an AVM rupture. I now walk with a brace on my right leg and use forearm crutches. Since the pandemic and stopping the use of my baclofen pump has really negatively impacted my mobility in both legs. I came here looking for things I can do to help my mobility. Thank you❤ I subscribed and liked the video....


I had a complete break of my right distal tibia almost three months ago. I’m not young (62) but was in fairly good shape prior to my injury. But even though I regularly did yoga and walked 3-6 miles per day, 2-1/2 months in a wheelchair was a surprising setback. Because I succeeded in regaining almost normal range of motion of my ankle joint my orthopedic surgeon didn’t think I’d need PT. But after starting to partially bear weight only two weeks ago I must have pushed too hard because I now have intense hip flexor pain all the time. My trainer sent to me your video on hip stretching/strengthening and I subscribed and explored your playlists. I did the real-time whole body stretch which showed me how weak and stiff are entire muscle groups. The real-time whole body stretch is currently my favorite because of what it’s teaching me about my new physical health. I know things will improve and I’m motivated but I don’t think I’d have understood my current body issues unless I started adding a daily whole body stretch. I think this will help me greatly over time. I’m hoping by summer I’ll be able to again start walking without aid of crutches and covering more than my current and frustrating mile plus add on my old yoga routine. Many of your videos are helping me reach my goal. Thank you so much!


I like to do the "leg to chest" stretch while I'm in bed and right before I go to sleep. Can't explain it -- but it helps me relax and fall asleep.


Thank you so much for doing these videos for us I am working on some anxiety right now and I've been doing this every morning and it's been making a lot of difference when I thought I was just stuck like that. Thanks Dr Jo!


A very useful stretch after working on home improvement projects. Thank you from Charlie in Syracuse NY


Thanks Doctor Jo. Anything that can reduce stress and anxiety is something that is very useful for me. Great job. 👍


Did this in the train and it felt great!


It was so gentle yet i could feel good stretch... Really enjoyed


I have subscribed before but have come back to you! I sit 8-10 hours a day with a work at home desk job. I have osteoarthritis & some degeneration disc disease & spinal stenosis and a knee that was injured over 43 years ago cheerleading (tore meniscus/cruciate ligament/dislocated knee cap). I am age 60 now. I probably have scar tissue all in right knee! I am feeling really stiff when I get up for one of my 2 breaks or for my lunch. :(
Thank you so much for all your videos!!! 😘


Amazing stretches, thank you! I found them perfect for a post-workout cooldown as I get back to work. I absolutely love your real-time stretching videos, they're really motivating and relaxing. Thanks again!


Thank you soooo much!! I can’t donate, yet; but SOOOON!!


Been away from this stretch session too long. Like your direction and explanation during the stretch. Thank you. Like all of your stretches. Charlie in Syracuse New York.
