Can A Narcissist Change and Heal With Love? (This answer will liberate you)

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In this video, I talk in details about if narcissists change and why they can't if they don't. I explain in details the narcissist's incapability to responsibility and self reflect.

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can a narcissist change?
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You’re absolutely correct, I was a complete door mat for the narcissist, I literally wiped away everything about me my entire personality was gone, I was a walking zombie. I couldn’t make a simple decision on my own. And even after all of it was not enough, I poured my entire cup to nurture them and they still wanted more, everything was always my fault and they could do no wrong. So before you destroy yourself, do yourself a favor and walk away. Pain will be temporary.


Hello from Canada, I totally agree!
I'm one of them who wasted my 24 years thinking life will get better, but it never does!! Yes love can change but temporarily, once you do something that they don't like then all your love goes to the garbage ☹️. So don't waste your time, be happy


Yes, I agree that your answer will liberate anyone who has experienced life with a narcissist. I needed several years to realize it. He exploited me in all possible ways mistaking my love, compassion, concern and empathy as my weakness. But I took a conscious decision to wait till my son became an adult because I did not want this monster to use my child as a pawn in our fight. The day my son became an adult I walked out with him. Now we are living peacefully.


A lifetime of love will not be enough. Narcs never change. You will need to ignore yourself completely and just concentrate on keeping them happy and obeying their orders. One slip, and you will be dashed to the ground by them.
Don’t waste your time on them.
Been through it all.
Thank you Danish for your videos, which have helped me in my journey as a survivor of narcissistic abuse.


This is so true!
They are far more sad than their *victims* ever were or ever will be!
Thank god we can learn, introspect, question, change course and choose the healthier path.
I'm so glad I'm me.


This is so very true. My spouse had a professional tell him to his face that he was a “mild to moderate narcissist, and could change if he WANTED to”. When I brought this back to remind him of the conversation years later, he claimed absolutely no memory of even meeting the specialist. Back then, narcissism was not a “thing” so it blows my mind now that the answer to my struggle in what was a very challenging marriage was right there in plain view, I just didn’t have the knowledge to describe what was wrong. If the trauma that leads to narcissism isn’t dealt with in youth, it is highly unlikely to resolve in adulthood. Even with therapy, unless they cooperate, they will not be able to resolve or change. Most will not even GO to therapy much less cooperate.


In my case, the narcissist could admit to me that sometimes he thinks something is wrong with him and his attitude to the world, but I can't tell if those words were true or another manipulation. I'm here to see how I can help myself. it is my responsibility as I treat and behave with people. All the changes start with yourself 🙏🙏🙏🙏


You are so so right in all of your videos especially the one 5 things the Narc will say to you. I’ve experienced all 5 over and over again I did 15 years and there is. No hope for them. One must get away from them forget them and pick up your life and move on one day at a time.


They cant change with love!!! I loved my ex but she just took more and more advantage of me and became more and more selfish and inconsiderate. After the initial period where they appear to love us but don't they just like us a lot, they're looking for a change and that new partner buzz again. Most heartbreaking experience of my life, and I'm still trying to move on and recover. Its torture.


Nope the trauma that made them is too great; the harm too deep. You were not the one that hurt them, but they blame you for their pain and make you the focus of their unhappiness. The more love you try to give them, the more they take until you are a hollow shell. When you are finally away from them, you will start being whole and peaceful again🫶✨


No. Narcissist, sociopaths and psychopaths do not know the meaning of love. They have no capacity for it, they do not recognise what love it. They don't know kindness, compassion or even conscience, let alone empathy. They only want to destroy you for their own sadistic pleasure. That's all they live for in life: sadistic pleasure. So it's the easiest question to answer and that answer is NO.


My mother is a 96 year old covert narcissist she has never self reflected she has zero remorse for her devastating narc ways and she will never change. Ever. They do not change, not with love, not with patience, not with confrontation...they do not change. Once a narcissist, always a narcissistic until they are 6 feet under.


You are so right I do everything just to make the demon 😈 change and he get worse i just have to leave him alone them come in our life to kill and destroy if you are in it just leave and put everything in the Lord hands ✋ God will deal with it i am so happy since I am out of that relationship


We all want to escape a narcissist but we can't leave until we have "Power" over them. That's the perfect time to leave you leave with a cool head and less likely to crawl back to them, but you can't lose the "power." Don't talk to them ever again, and definitely don't think about them you'll find little loop holes to go back


When you stop asking this question you know you are on the path of healing. The narcissist's game is all about power and control. They believe whoever is in the position to reject another is the one with all the power. That is why they play the seducing/rejecting game and why they are terrified of being abandoned. They cannot heal from love. They don't know love, don't understand it and don't believe it really exists. Healing would require that they take down the defensive walls of the power and control game to let the love in and they would NEVER let that happen. You are playing this game too but you have an advantage ---you know what love is. And love will heal you!
This channel is a great blessing.. Thanks you, Danish Bashir for all you share with us. You are healing the world.


I think love disgusts them. They can't even go there. They feel too vulnerable to ever trust again. They can't ever just let themselves go. But they sure are good at faking it in the beginning, aren't they.


No SELF AWARENESS!!!. They are set in their ways. BREAK UP and SET YOURSELF FREE !!!!


You are absolutely right
These people do not change
But yes empaths can hea themselvesl fully and help people around to heal as well


I'm married to a narcissist and I had a narcissistic adopted parent she passed away and I have a narcissistic adopted father dealing with him and my husband. I live away from my husband I'm praying to Allah that he will change. And I am healing myself from all the trauma of the abuse I've gone through.


Awesome info! I thought if the Narc in my life changed (mother, ex) my life would be so much better. WRONG! I had to change and stop settling for their bullsh"t! I walked away and focused on changing myself and NOW my life is so much better. See Serenity Prayer 🙂!
