Improve Your Eyesight ... In Just 7 Days?! 👀🤐✅

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7 days to better eyesight ... possible or crazy talk? 🤔

The Jake Origin Story: I grew up with glasses, 5.00 diopter high myopia, and yet today have 20/20 natural eyesight. No surgery, no glasses, I figured out how myopia actually works and how to reverse it (and no, not eye exercises!) The mainstream tells you it's impossible - but the whole concept that myopia is an illness, is complete unscientific nonsense (a 100 billion dollar a year profitable nonsense, though).

DISCLAIMER: We see myopia as a refractive state. Not an error, and certainly not an illness or medical condition. We explore scientific ideas here, not medical ones. Any advice and suggestions provided by Jake or @endmyopia is 100% unlicensed, unsanctioned, un-endorsed by the optometry establishment - because we discuss science and not medicine Everything we discuss is also highly experimental, and you should absolutely always seek a sanctioned opinion if you are experiencing health issues or medical concerns. Lens use specific comments are for discussion only, and should not be considered medical advice, nor any of other suggestions provided herein. Depending on your local laws you may need to consult a local optometrist for prescriptions and medical advice. When driving, or any activity requiring full 20/20 vision, you should always wear your glasses that provide the full correction necessary for the task. If you have symptoms that might require medical attention, please visit an ophthalmologist or hospital!
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Hi Jake came here to say thank you for all your hard work and effort put in to sharing the truth about myopia and how to over come it. I was at -2 and -1.75 few years back followed your method and today I am not using glass at all ! totally got rid of them. Thanks heaps and keep up the good work man. God bless You


I'M HERE AGAIN AND MY VISION DIDN'T IMPROVE(unfortunately I'm not really consistent of your methods because of some factors here on where I live) seeing you in my notification motivates me😭😭 I WANT TO IMPROVEEEE


I love you man ♥️ I really think i can improve my eyesight using your knowledge. Please don't go anywhere.


Clickbait gets clicked so there is that. Loving the higher volume of new videos 😊


Very motivating video jake. Thank you again :3


Thanks Jake,
I've started to learn and read tons of materials, and stuff about habits, active focus, differentials and measuring and what's caused myopia about month ago, also applied a lot to my lifestyle.
I feel like I know much more than before, at least I've spent much more time outside and cut off some really bad habits for close up work.
I was really stuck how to pick up differentials for close up work and I've bought test lens kit for home, now I think I'm good with it, so guys if your also stuck with it, go to friendly optometrist and try different glasses with 0.25 step which lower from your full prescription about 1.5 - 2 diopters, do not drop too much and better to read and change habits for 1st one or two month before changing any prescription, For me -1.25 lower than full recipe seems work for close up.
I have some results already, still feel sceptical and poisoned by bates method and other stuff which I tried year to year without results to improve my high myopia (-11D)
I hope have some progress for this year and my goal 1st diopter reducing and better consistent habits.


Hello I'm crowned for 14 years, my diopter is on both eyes - 2.75. I spend a lot of time on a cell phone about 6 hours a day. Can you please help me to get off and reduce the diopter.


the first steps are learning and then opting for correct lenses!!


True! 7 days of learning. 🤓
7 days of going "how come my eye doctor does not know this?!" 👨‍⚕️
7 days of discovering active focus and feeling this could work for me too!
And after the first reduction, caring a %^@$ if the doctor and the world believe me or not. 😎


i have -1.75 with -1.75 cylindrical on both eyes . can i reduce that to -1 with no astegmatism (idk spelling) 👀


When we go out can we take of our glasses to see more better


The optometry shopkeepers are saying"bro we can't do this nonsense diopter reduction no matter how much you pay"(I'm fackin pissed now)


I started endmyopia many years ago. I went from -3 to -2, I was so happy. Then I went to university, studying mechanical engineering, which lead to me studying a lot and of course staring at my phone. I went back to -3, 50. I don't know If I can go down that fast to -2 anymore, because I will be studying a lot in the future and I almost graduating, which meansI will work behind a screen for 8 hours a day, ofc I can stand and walk a bit. Wear differentials, but I am ready to pick this one up again. Again, I dropped from -3 to -2 and I have those measurements still at home from a real opto. It pains me that I am back to being high myopic, but I did it myself


Thank you! the latest fastion seems to be that social media ad "oh, just buy this drink, and your eyesight will completly improve!"


Hi sir distance vision with or without glasses? -1.50 normalized glasses and actual 1.75


So far ive noticed that i can get really good eyesight when its summer and sunny outside and i do all the methods and take care of my health, avoid screens etc. I could even see almost perfect once. But lately ive been on the phone and pc alot and not taking so much care of my health and its gotten even worser now than it was before, however if i walk outside and its sunny i can see pretty well again, very interesting. Gonna have to try this more seriously again this summer.
Sungazing also seems to help i think


Can this work if you've already had surgery to fix myopia and now have a slight case of myopia (-0.75)


I actually made my eyesight better in 7 days... Well actually 4 days.

100/28L 100/25R


100/32L 100/30R currently full 20/20

Naturally, I expect this to slow down by a lot. But JUST reducing eye strain and feeling eye strain (which I wasn't able to do before) did that on its own.

I was about to order reduced by .25 to be able to do active focus... Thankfully I didn't lol.

And, I haven't even discovered AF yet.

And mind you, I've made 0 changes to my lifestyle (for now). The only change was that I stopped wearing glasses for closeup (my phone) and started taking breaks whenever I felt eye strain for 2-5 minutes.

And, I've taken the amount of light and other factors into account in my measurement so no, it's not my worst to my best vision.

Thanks for putting stuff out here Jake. Hopefully I'm able to get rid of glasses entirely in 2 or so years.


Does eyes exercises decreasing myopia and astigmatism?


Do you think that the visishield supplement has any authenticity?
