Why Provisionism IS NOT Pelagianism

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, rebuts Dr. James White's boogie-man accusation against Provisionism.

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When I discover significant flaws in truth telling. I no longer listen.
When I discover egoistic, name calling, or mocking utilized by a person I no longer listen.
It is my opinion that James White falls into both categories.


I was saved out of Calvinism, because I had been trusting in a system instead of what was done for me by the Lord. Dr. Flowers' careful and logical explanations seem sound and consistent to me.


I am 67 years-old. At the age of eighteen, as I lay beneath a crushed pickup in the mountains of Colorado, I was born again. I was badly injured, alone and certain I would not be found and that I would die there and go to hell. No one had ever told me about John Calvin, Martin Luther, MacArthur, Piper etc..., however someone had told me about a man come from God named, Jesus and how He loved me so much that he gave his life for me, for my eternal salvation. The person who told me was a street preacher. The man walked up to me and stood inches from me and, with love beaming out of his face, sang about the love of Christ. He then gave me John: 3:16.
Since then, I have spent almost half a century hacking my way in and out of Christian cults and doctrines. About two years ago I was so weary from the search for the one true doctrine I went to a forest and cried out to God for relief from the pain of confusion. It was there that I returned to the Christ who saved me and entered my being underneath a pile of mangled metal, glass, and blood. The Savior, who saved many people long before Augustine, Luther, and Calvin were ever born, was there all the time.
While in those woods I came across a quote which relieved me of my heavy burden and replaced it with one that was light and a yoke that was easy, as Jesus had promised.

"Christ Jesus is the sum and substance of the gospel; who Is in himself all theology, the incarnation of every precious truth, the all-glorious personal embodiment of the way, the truth, and the life. "
Charles Spurgeon

Yes, doctrine is important, but like the sabbath, doctrine should be for man, not man for the doctrine. My message is clear; make sure you do not supplant KNOWING Him with knowing ABOUT Him.
I leave you with the last verse in the bible.

Revelation 22:21 "The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all. Amen" KJV


i have been a calvinist for a couple years, i listen to dr. white a lot, and i agree with a lot of what he says, but he seems awfully prideful. leighton youre so very nice haha. much love ✌️✝️


Well done! Appreciate your efforts to show Calvinism for what it is, a religious system that comes from man rather than from God.


Another gracious appeal to truth, sound doctrine, reason, and logic all done in love. Thank you Leighton Flowers for modeling a "more excellent way" rather than resorting to childish slanderous ways.


Leighton Flowers' insight is amazing. He brings the thinking I have about what I've learned into more clear perspective and understanding.

He's a very good insightful teacher of the God of the 66 books of the Judaeo/Christian Bible and he helps us, with God helping him, to understanding how to organize what (at least me) I already have learned. He not only teaches that provisionism is the true belief from God's word, and not Calvinism, plagiarism and other misleading systems of belief.


This is an incredible video. It needs to be pinned to the front of every Soteriology 101 page (official page, facebook, youtube playlists, etc) for the next 2 years. This concern about Palagianism comes up so often that I am glad Dr. Flowers is willing to patiently continue to address to it. Please put it into your podcast playlists as well!


I’m pretty sick of arrogant young Calvinists accusing me of being a pelagian.


Boogeyman is a combination of ad hominem and straw-man tactic.


Thank you, Dr. Flowers, for continuing to shine the light of truth on this subject.


Calvinism poisons your soul, hardens your heart, kills your joy for preaching the gospel sincerely, distorts the love and extension of Christ to all, keeps you confused trying to accept or understand their “antinomian” language. Just remembering my Calvinistic journal for the last 15 years makes me feel nauseous.


May God reward you, dr. Flowers, for this great work! Cordial, truthful and sound response to dr. White.


"Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake." ~ Matthew 5:11


I really love that you're taking Dr. White to task in a respectful but forceful way. This is fantastic. Thank you.


Glory to God for the patient suffering of those wrongly accused. Stay on the high road, Dr. Flowers. May God bless your soteriology ministry!


Once again, an outstanding and eloquent presentation of Provisionist theology. And I'm sorry, Dr. Flowers, for the harassment you are enduring from Dr. White. Indoctrination makes it all but impossible for a man to lay down his misgivings about his opponent to learn the truth about what said opponent believes. I truly believe Dr. White is afraid to thoroughly survey Provisionist teaching for what it is, in fear that he'll be convinced he's been wrong all along. May we all guard against the trap of loving our own theologies more than the God they analyze.


The irony of a Calvinist criticizing an intellectual opponent for taking 2.5 hours to breakdown 30 minutes of video is rich coming from the cult that will take a simple, plain, and clear passage of Scripture and rip it apart with entire volumes of words just to fit their man made doctrine.


Doctrine-over-God is when one has a greater relationship with one's doctrine than with Whom the doctrine is about, and this is idolatry.


I soooo want to be childish! Thanks for bringing the clarity to show how to respond to what is clearly misrepresentation of Biblical exegesis. I can will full confidence reject Calvinism. I'm not sure I'd like to debate Calvinists. They redefine terms and gaslight opponents instead of calmly exegeting the text.
