CALVINIST Pastor Changes His Mind #Provisionism | Pelagianism and Semi-Pelagianism

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Calvinist Pastor Sean Cole now believes that Provisionism is Semi-Pelagianism.
In January of 2021, we released an episode where Sean Cole, a Calvinist pastor out of Sterling, Colorado said that Provisionists were not Semi-Pelagians because he understood our view. Around a year and a half later, Brother Sean changed his mind after doing a "deep dive" into some of the historical sources of Semi-Pelagianism and concluded that we are semi-Pelagians after all. This short expresses everyone's (including Leighton Flowers') disappointment in a humorous way.
In January of 2021, we released an episode where Sean Cole, a Calvinist pastor out of Sterling, Colorado said that Provisionists were not Semi-Pelagians because he understood our view. Around a year and a half later, Brother Sean changed his mind after doing a "deep dive" into some of the historical sources of Semi-Pelagianism and concluded that we are semi-Pelagians after all. This short expresses everyone's (including Leighton Flowers') disappointment in a humorous way.
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