Why you shouldn't vent anger (according to science and philosophy)

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We celebrate and even glamorize anger as a society. But should we believe the hype? This video shows why we shouldn’t vent anger and why we’re better off preventing and reducing this emotion altogether.

Video: Why you shouldn't vent anger (according to science and philosophy)

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#angermanagement #anger #buddhism

00:00 Introduction
01:53 A philosophy of anger
06:02 The science of venting
10:33 Arousal-decreasing activities
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"When angry count to ten before you speak. If very angry, count to one hundred." -- Thomas Jefferson


You didn’t include emotional supression as a counterargument. A large amount of people goes through their lives transforming anger into anxiety, not expressing what they really feels when they feel threaten. Anger can be healthy when is expressed properly. Don’t confuse anger with rage


I think Einzelgänger is a mind-reader, whenever I deal with a particular issue, he post a video on that topic right away. Blessed to have you in the YouTube Philosophy Community. 🙏


Vegeta is a perfect example of this. Vegeta had above average skill level and constantly trained hard to get better. As powerful as he was he was held back by his anger. In his hard battles he often showed a hard outburst but always short lived and the calmer opponent won the fight. Goku was more relaxed and jovial in his day to day and took things less serious. Is why I believe he had more energy to put towards when it came time to fighting and training. Goku was the most powerful character because of this. If your body is always in fight or flight your brain is not able to put the same amount of energy on other things. Staying calm in the middle of a storm. Not letting the external affect your internal. Than your internal has more energy to put external. Great video as always. Many blessings to all 🙏🏾


I always feel awful and stupid when I have an anger outburst. I always regret I didn't handle it calmly. I feel out of control and stupid for letting someone push my buttons. The older I get, the more I feel so much better when I don't over-react in these situations. I feel better just walking away when I have the choice to do so. Wish I'd learned this long ago.


Sometimes in this world, if we dont get angry in some occasions people will take advantage of us.
Anger is an emotion to be used wisely with control.


As an adult with ADHD, anger and I are old frenemies.
Emotional disregulation is a demon we must wrestle with all our lives.

* I actually like shooting my bow 🏹 as a stress reliever. I don’t see it so much as violence, but I picture it as holding something tight, like a negative feeling, and then releasing it.


I let my anger out at my co worker once. I felt nothing but regret. Every time I get angry, I try to remind myself how I felt during that moment. Now, I have better control over it. In fact, I don't think I had an angry outburst since.


A Vegeta appeared in the thumbnail... It's super effective!


Anger is one thing but it isn't healthy to keep bottling things up. Swearing (as long as it is not focussed at someone) has a number of benefits! Unexpressed anger breeds resentment. There is such a thing as healthy anger- telling people when they are taking the piss is important so that you aren't treated as a doormat.


"Speak when you are angry and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret" idk who said that but 💯💯


Anger is probably a surface symptom for something else. Oftentimes, this could be fear. Along with this, many other things.


I have read in a psychology journal that venting reinforces our brain to get to a state that needs venting in the future because venting feels good. Almost like a smoker smoking cigarettes. They create an environment in their body that reinforces getting that fix.


Not sure I particularly agree with everything said, my man. Personally I find that physical activities have made me better at regulating my emotions, particularly running. In essence, I find when I routinely incorporate these into my day, I rarely arrive at anger in the first place, and are more likely to approach stress with a sense of poise and reason. If I’m misled by the emotion, then again it returns me to my center, where I can dispel the emotion with logic and reason.


If anger were solely negative and had no benefits, it would not exist according to evolutionary psychology. So I think it is necessary to understand anger in both a positive and negative way, and to learn to harness the positive aspects and control or eliminate the negative ones.


I like anger. Not all the time, just every now and then. I think it’s part of being human. I try to channel my anger as motivation for working harder.


Anger has always been a problem for me, I have calmed down over the years compared to my younger years, but it does come out now and then. Hearing the negatives about anger, I must add that it can sometimes be positive. Twice in my life, my life has been in danger, and my anger has saved my life. The first occasion was when a person ran up behind me as I was walking home in the early hours, with the intention of robbing me. He hit me over the head with a metal bar, then tried to stab me with a knife. He failed to fell me, I snatched the metal bar from him, and battered him until he was unconscious and bloodied, and no further threat to me. The second occasion was an industrial accident, where I was trapped under some very heavy machinery, had I not lost my temper, which gave me the strength to remove the machinery from off my body, then I would most likely had perished, as no-one else was around to help me. Sometimes anger saves life.


Expressing anger in a healthy way vs reacting is the key I think


We shouldn't suppress or avoid feelings of anger. Anger is usually covering another feeling or emotion like humiliation, dissapointment, grief, annoyance that must be addressed. I think we should be ok with feeling upset and not feel shame or treated as inferior for experiencing it. Stoics are anti negative feelings because the appearance of calm is what makes them feel in control. We learn how to express anger with our upbringing as we see our parents deal with it. Also, it is very naive to say anger is always explosive. Look around you and see how many people are angry but don't express it. They walk with anger, and then later manifests in physiological and health problems. Anger must be addressed and processed. It must be transformed into clarity and positive action or resolution. Meditating and doing yoga is a temporary fix and distraction from what makes the person react in anger. If you don't question it and transform it, you will be doing meditation and downloading mindful apps for life. Im dissapointed that the only solution in this video is meditation and yoga.


Since I'm early, let me take the time to thank you for all the marvelous insights you've given us over the years.

It's very much appreciated. 👍👏🙏🙏
