The New Helldivers 2 Update is SO Much Worse Than We Thought...

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Helldivers 2 patch 1.000.102 just dropped, and with it comes an adjustment to spawn rates for Terminids, among other balancing. This gameplay footage shows how unbelievably broken the spawn rates still are.

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This is a skill issue. When I play I simply skillfully choose difficulty 5 instead.


The supply drop vaulting is definitely a thing. Seriously, just let me pick up the fucking ammo - I am not trying to climb on top of the resupply, obviously.


There's one point I'm not seeing people mentioning. The silos take friendly fire. Everytime you hit it with an aoe stratagem you're essentially causing the silo to fail. On top of that, as people have said, when you reactivate the silo, it spawns a new wave


It makes no sense that the 500lb bomb doesn't wipe out anything caught in the blast, rather than only whatever is right under the laser.


So fun fact: Every time you start a termicide battery it triggers waves. If your battery gets knocked out and you restart it before you're finished clearing the last spawn ins, it triggers more on top of them. If you go and start a new battery while the last wave is spawning in, you get both. What's happening is your team is rushing the objectives and the wave spawns are tied to the activation switches. This probably has something to do with all the bile titans.


PSA: Termicide Silos work similarly to geographic survey objectives. That is to say, activating a silo triggers a bug breach. Activating a new Silo triggers a bug breach, reactivating the same silo after it failed triggers a bug breach. There's no cap to how many bug breaches you can trigger and it WILL trigger whenever you activate a Silo every single time.

Pace yourselves and clear out any big bugs before you make another attempt on the silo, otherwise all you're doing is spawning more and more BTs until you've passed the point of no return and have made the mission nigh impossible to finish cleanly.


regardless of if this is too much or not, activating those silos starts bug breaches


I simply cannot believe that the devs test these "balances" before putting out these patches. They are starting to alienate their player base, and it's really a shame because the game has so much potential moving forward. At this point, they need to add more strategem slots for players to unlock.

It's questionable whether you can bring enough gear and ammo to deal with 20 bile titans, 30 chargers, and 5, 000 hunters on level 8 and it's even worse when you're playing with randoms who are difficult to coordinate.


The exo mechs should have an option to "set to self detonate" . Make it usefull till the end instead of just abandon


8 fucking bile titans and 8 more fucking bile titan.

"Holy shit, what do it do?"
- Helldiver.


If anyone needs tips for help on Level 7 of this mission, I got you.

Stratagems I use:

- Tesla Tower
- AutoCannon Sentry
- Laser (Guard Dog - Rover)
- Orbital EMS Strike

My weapons:

- Plas-1 Scorcher (primary)
- Impact Grenade
- P-19 Redeemer (sidearm)

Strat to do it:

- Place tesla tower at one location near the spawn of enemies
- Place Auto cannon at another locale
- Throw Orbital EMS Strike; Either to assist the auto cannon or the Tesla (Slow enemies for easier kills & save your stratagems)
- Kill grunt bugs with sidearms
- Kill bigger bugs with your primary + Spewers you aim at the butts to make them explode and cause an AOE effect damaging other bugs!

Hope this helps!

I can also solo this mission alone as a under-average Helldiver (i'm kinda garbage)


This game might as well be a 6 player coop game. This amount of titan is ridiculous.


Every time someone activates the silos, it spawns a "new batch" of mobs (titans included). So, every time the silo has to start over, and a team member RESTARTS it, titans are summoned AGAIN, even if you haven't dealt with the previous enemies. Someone on your team continued to spam start the silo when the area wasn't cleared and/or team members were ammo stocked up.


Eagle 500 KG desperately needs some tweaking. Extend it AoE and its verticality and it won't keep missing all the time.


Difficulty is a bit bogus right now but I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as you say. I will admit seeing a literally never ending swarm of hunters constantly flowing from absolutely nowhere for no reason on a difficulty 4 mission makes me pissed off.


“Oh no, the hardest difficulties are hard when my teammates are randoms doing their own thing with no coms”


I think the big issue is someone keeps resetting the silo while you're still completely overwhelmed. The silos have health, and spawn multiple bug breaches which each have a chance at things from swarms of hunters, to chargers, to Bile Titans. This is a *high* intensity mission no matter the difficulty, and you can friendly fire the towers too so one badly placed Cluster bomb leaves you with 0 silo progress, and a fuck ton of bugs from the breaches. You have to take these things in tight control, much more akin to a proper defense mission than just spamming the civvies like we've been doing in the rescue missions. This situation was made a thousand times harder by the large amount of resetting of the silos going on, because that guarantees at least 2-4 more bug breaches.


It's the mission type. When you fail to defend the silo and reactivate it, it spawns more breaches. If you fail to defend it your best bet is to clear out the mobs before you reactivate. The new mission is not affected by the new spawn rates. Regular missions are very easy now, while the new one is a massacre


Things that piss me off:
1. Hunters. The god damn hunters. I'm so sick of WAVES of hunters, 6 spawn at once, then another bug opens another bug breach and 4 spawn, then 6 more come out of no where, before you know it there's more hunters than literally any other bug and they overwhelm you so easily. 3 minigun turrets can't even keep up.
2. Mortars. Good god, the friendly danger is just horrible.
3. Guard dog vs rover balancing. The ballistic guard dog is trash. It's useless. There's absolutely zero reason to use it over the rover. Conversely, if they make the rover as limited as the ballistic, it will also be garbage.
4. The Liberator Penetrator is LITERALLY WORSE than the first DMR you get.
5. The SMG's are amazing until you run out of ammo. I usually run the supply pack with the grenade launcher, getting quite the long run out of all my weapons, after that the 4 of us are competing with each other for ammo. The DMR supported by orbital gas (to deal with chaff bugs) has become my answer.
6. 110mm rocket pods need to be more accurate. They can do serious damage to the giant's but only if they hit, which is a below 50% chance.
Those are just what's been irritating me this last week. The copium with the playerbase is pathetic. I agree, I don't feel the need to sweat hard to play the game. For that reason, my 2 small groups I play with have been just bombing through 4 and 5 difficulty. Not much sweat there, we can take items we find fun, like all 4 of us using the laser and the jet pack, jumping up to high rocks and just melting everything in visual range.


I have been crashing so much after this patch to the point i literally cannot make it thru a single mission. I've tried everything to fix it, nothing is working.
