Home Workout ULTIMATE TIER LIST (not actually ultimate but fun at parties)

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(the list is very much my own opinion - the usefulness of each item will depend on your needs and preferences)

Here's my reasoning:

Workout clothes - great if they help motivate you and get you in the zone, but I've never really used them. I like to work out in whatever I happen to be wearing. This may not be allowed in some gyms, though. They're sometimes a bit overpriced because they know people buy them while inspired to start exercising.

Parallettes - Helpful for some moves and skills (like handstand and planche for some people), but usually not necessary. Helpful if you have wrist issues. You can USUALLY use the floor or grip some medium stable dumbbells

Exercise Mat - Helpful for exercises like sit-ups (otherwise they might hurt your tailbone at very high reps) and yoga poses if you want to do it in grass. Otherwise, I don't use mine that often. Again, if they motivate you and inspire you to move, use them!

Dumbbells - You can get healthy, fit, and strong with progressive calisthenics, but a set of some dumbbells can help a lot! You can do a full body workout and adjust your positioning for difficulty similar to calisthenics. It also helps you isolate - bicep curls, lateral raises, external shoulder rotations etc! Even a few 20lb ones are handy. Most fitness people I know at LEAST occasional use dumbbells.

Resistance bands (not shown for time) - I put them in B tier because they can help add variation or assist learning some exercises like pullups. However, outside of physical therapy, they usually aren't used THAT often. Their uses can usually be substituted with something else if needed.

Gym rings - I might seem biased but I love gym rings. They're one of my favorite training tools. I do sell them, but I encourage you to get them from anyone that makes sense to you. Buying domestic is usually much more affordable (international shipping costs get crazy)

Power rack - if I ever expand my home gym, I want one of these. Great for weighted calisthenics and also barbell training.

Of course, a good routine can help you maximize any equipment! Have a wonderful day.


I'm a btk amputee with a prosthetic lower leg and I was blown away by how much resistance bands and light dumbbells helped me get stronger. Now I graduated from 6 months of PT and I'm on my own. I love your content and I agree with a previous post that your voice and positivity are so inspiring 💜


Dude I'm so glad that you're still making content and are as big of a creator as you are. I've been watching your content for literal YEARS. Starting on the forbidden app, made you our king. And man, was that a great thing. Im so sure that you've helped out so many that you'll never know. You probably won't see this, but you've helped me just by giving me a smile daily. I love you brother, have a beautiful day!


Besides your instructive content just listen to you it gives chill and warm vibes


"wearing nothing but a smile" made me lol so hard- thanks for the laugh Hampton


I'd agree with the program being S tier. I've been working for years trying to fine tune an at home program that best suits my needs for strength and pain relief.
Side not: I have had quite a few injuries that impact my physical well-being and make it hard to feel my best (broke both hands, compression fractured T5 and T6 vertebrae, worn disks, misaligned pelvis, torn PCL and many others. I used to think rest would make me feel better but it just made me weaker and the pain get worse.
With the right workout and diet program ive been able to feel and see good results! And for me it took a while to understand that there isnt a finish line, its a constant journey just like life in general. Progress is progress, no matter how small. Commitment and consistency is what makes the difference. Keep going everyone, we won't make out of life alive so lets keep trying to make the best of it!


Loved the "exercise at home naked as an anatomical model" idea, although I share my home with other people and four judgmental cats so maybe not. I will admit that when at home, I always exercise barefoot: I always feel safer (having broken my ankle due to thick soled running shoes) and find it easier to balance when I can feel my feet on the floor! As for the rest, I only have an exercise mat, which would be 100% A-tier for me. I'm really intrigued by the gym rings, though, so I'll have to see if I can figure out a way to make those work for me! Thank you for another fun short :)


Working out at home in just your underwear is the move


got my self a VR set and ceiling mounted cable springs. and then i got a full floor mat of essentialy yoga mat. it marks the play area well, and playing beatsabre with wrist weights, and or take and hold in H3VR and super hot. its such a good work out. h3vr specially, as you have full range of motion and play with the ability to stand, crouch, and walk in a small area. beatsabre gives good cardio onse you get in to it


Rings are a good shout - very humbling!


I feel like adjustable dumbbells (or just regular ones, but there are good budget adjustable options) + an adjustable bench (or just some chairs/blocks/whatever you can get creative with) can let you do SO MANY exercises that I'd personally put them A or S tier. Relatively very low cost for what they provide


Im not going to lie, i was kicked out at 16 and i couldn't afford the gym and i couldn't afford doing mma anymore. So i found a rock. After i weighed it, twas about 14 lbs and i tied a rope to the rock and used it for a year until it shattered


Dumbells can definitely let you do alot of excersizes and pull-up bars are also great for mastering your own weight. Stay healthy all 💪


If you attempt to take my mat away I'll bite! Idk it just became the place where I do any kind of strength workout, yoga or stretching.
I do run in socks on my treadmill tho, and in whatever comftable clothes I got laying around


Thanks for the helpful tips. I have been warning many to avoid the barbell as far too many unpreventable life threatening accidents happen when lifting heavy with the barbell, also I believe lifting with the barbell causes serious muscle imbalances and also skeletal imbalances too. I was taught right to use free weights as they are safer to use and they teach your muscles to Ballance the weight.


Honestly the exercise mat is S-tier for me! I cannot stand my hands and feet having ✨stuff✨ on them so being able to ensure a clean piece of ground wherever I am is critical 😅


I'm just saying, there are certain stacked weight machines you do NOT want to use without underwear on. TRUE STORY.


all you really need for a home gym is dumbbells and a pullup bar and a bench, if you have more of a budget and want to save more space, get a powerack they have pullup bars, dip bars, cables and you can fit a bench in it dumbbells near it


If money and space is not an issue a power rack is absolute S tier, probably the best piece of equipment money can buy for a home gym.


We can always count on you to give us no nonsense advice
