How To Fix Shoulder Pain For Good. 3 Exercises.

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What causes shoulder impingement, bursitis, tendonitis, and rotator cuff tears? They all really stem from the same thing—a lack of space inside the shoulder joint. The position of your shoulder blade is the key to fix shoulder pain. So, here’s shoulder pain explained and 3 simple exercises to fix shoulder pain for good!

0:00 Intro
0:26 What causes shoulder pain?
1:25 How can shoulder blade position help?
2:21 The solution to shoulder pain
2:59 EXERCISE 1.
4:03 EXERCISE 2.
5:07 So are Rotator Cuff exercises necessary?
5:42 EXERCISE 3.
6:26 Posture & shoulder pain

I had shoulder pain for many years, quite severe, and I was frustrated that rotator cuff exercises seemed to do nothing to fix it. So, several years back I dedicated myself to studying how shoulders work and how to fix my dodgy shoulder. I discovered that rotator cuff strains are more of a symptom that a cause. If our shoulder blades don’t rotate upward enough when we lift our shoulder, or the scapula angles too far forward, the space inside the shoulder joint (the ‘subacromial space’) is significantly reduced. (This is the CAUSE of impingement in the shoulder, the cause of shoulder tendinitis, scapular dyskinesis, bursitis and strained rotator cuff muscles)

Two muscles, the Lower Trapezius and the Serratus Anterior, are the key to fixing both of these problems. They are notorious for being weak and inactive. But if we can activate these muscles and strengthen them, we take a huge amount of pressure off all the structures in and around the shoulder. So here’s an explanation of how it all works and the solution to shoulder pain.

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Рекомендации по теме

This guy is incredible. He’s actually better than Bob & Brad. He fixed my shoulder blade pain!


Best physio on youtube, bar none. This guy is the best of the best, master of his craft in his prime.


I've had shoulder problems for 10 years. These exercises have given me a ray of hope. Will post again to let you know! Thanks


I had torn my long head BICEPS BRACHII and the muscles around it (a long time ago) causing my right shoulder a little lower than the other one (the short story), as a result of it my collar bone joint (Sternoclavicular Joint) clicks a lot with certain movements. I was offered several exercises but not the ones in this video. In the short time period that I included the above exercise, I feel lots of improvements. Thank You for that.


I don’t usually leave comments c but stumbling across this video was genuinely the best thing that’s happened to me all year. I’ve watched countless videos from various YouTubers teaching the same generic regimes for shoulder rehab which provided little to no benefit. This exercise and explanation was so clear, simple and immediately alleviated my chronic shoulder pain 🙏thank you Stefan


Great vid! Very good explanation at the start. I've had to do a lot of research to get my shoulder working again and this video is on the money. I will add these exercises to my routine, thanks 👍


Great stuff doc! Been doing these exercises for 3-6 weeks and making amazing Improvements in my rotorycuff


Thank you Dr. Stephan! I’m just finding this video today…the amount of detail you are giving is what sets you apart from others out there. I have been really looking for this type of information and it’s super hard to find. Really appreciate all of this for FREE to everyone on YouTube. You clearly are spending hours on each one of these videos…I just can’t say enough..THANK YOU.


Your videos are the greatest! Your diagrams and descriptions are so helpful and clear. Been following the advice of your AC joint video and this one the past month or so and have noticed quiet an improvement ! So grateful !


Thanks again, Doc, for another helpful set of shoulder stretches. In PT, they had me doing a lot of pullies to improve weakness in the muscles you mentioned. Never realized these weak muscles could become painful. The body is something else.


Loving these vids!! I have frozen shoulder with rounded shoulders due to posture. These vids are really informative allowing greater understanding of how and why everything works (or doesn't!). As one who learns 'visually', I love the visual demonstrations particularly. More please:):):)


I just began your exercises yesterday and I see a HUGE difference and I have been suffering many years. Thank you so very much! :)


Hi greetings from Mumbai India im diabetic n got frozen shoulders since 3 mths ive been to 4 physios n more or less same exercises or different. They hv given me tens n heatwaves or ultrasound. I do some e exercises at home after putting a heatbag at home. Ive seen so mny videos on utube on frozen shoulders but exercises depends on the pain n restrictions of the shoulders for different ppl. So best is to follow yr physiotherapist


Been doing the first exercise for a week now and definitely feel the difference, going to star the other 2 now, I am a hairdresser and been struggling for 3 months with shoulder pain, that exercise is the first one that had made a difference. I do them very slow in order to concentrate hard to make sure, hopefully I do it right, it does take a bit of mindfulness. Thanks so much, about to binge watch the rest of them. Do you have any stretches for groin pain at all ?


Thank you so much for this info and the link to it. Been the PT and NUMEROUS doctors, none of them explained this issue in a way I understood it, now I get what's happening.
The also never had me do most of those exercises. Just had me use the band, and the one with the weight while laying on your side.
Going to start doing this daily now and see how I do.
Thank you again!!


Great information thanks, I've been suffering with shoulder, neck and back pain for 7 years, which has recently affected my ability to work. Had so many tests and tried so many things and still no solution. I'm getting all the symptoms associated with long thoracic nerve damage, but nerve tests come back normal.


Feedback welcome!! Too much info at the start? Or good info to be able to understand what's going on your shoulder? Let me know!


I loved the other video and was having great success with it. I loved it because you explained things so well and thoroughly. This new video is actually more so. You are amazing! Thank you!


Excellent presentation. Thanks for showing how the skeleton translates to the body. I finally understand what I’m looking at! Lots of pain in my shoulder. Have not been able to discern what the issue is. Got it after exercising. Can barely sleep. Will try these exercises. Thanks again. Great work


you are a genius! Thank you, I tried and already feel better. ❤
