Want Perfect Running Form? Do These Simple Things!

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Take a sneak peek into one of Sarah’s coaching sessions to see how a disciplined training regime works and how it can improve your running technique.

This session Sarah is doing strides and Andy will break down everything you need to
do to improve your running stride.

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What’s in this video?
00:00 Intro
00:38 Ideal running stride
01:28 Drills to help your stride
06:18 Putting it all together

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1:32 Walking Lunges
Stay nice and tall with hips forward. Look straight ahead and keep shoulders back.
2:11 A Walk
Top tight parallel to ground with toes pulled up to shin.
2:56 A Skip
Dynamic bouncing rhythm. Arms should be in rhythm with legs. Bring feet directly underneath body.
3:38 B Skip
Step out and kick out rather than in front leading with the heel and pull your leg using hamstrings and glutes directly underneath body. Really pulling actively underneath hips. Helps develop powerful, lengthened stride.

4:13 Ankling
Exaggerate knees over toes. Be nice and tall keeping shoulder blades together. Put foot down and roll up through toes.
4:45 Ankle Stepovers
Imagine an invisible line ground through ankle bones and you're going to step over that.
5:20 Straight Leg Run
Exaggerate toes to shins.
5:38 Sequence
Straight leg run>Ankle Stepovers>Run into normal stride


Just started working with a coach and have had my first strides after easy runs. Actually finding them really fun!


I love this channel so much, thanks for making me fall in love with running!


Hey guys, I just wanted to pass on something positive on this vid.

I used to run OKish for a novice with 1hr 14kms and a 20min 5km but after I got into marathon training and more zone2 stuff a few years back, I seem to have slowed down considerably.

Part of that is the amount of time I took off around having a baby and part is the drop from 80% Fartlek to 20% Intervals but its been really challenging for me and hurting my self esteem alot.

Well it turns out, in an effort to ensure i was not heel striking I had inadvertently started pointing my toes slightly before striking. I just did a base run focussing on keeping my toes to shin and it took of 30 seconds per KM. Same HR.

That is a massive jump and I wasnt even fully recovered from yesterdays base and Strength training so I might have more in me. I have you lot to thank for it,

Thank you


This video is great! Exactly what I need after resting from my knee injuries


This video is perfect timing for me as i'm currently trying to tweak my running form. I naturally have a higher cadence but my stride length is shorter. Once again fantastic advice from TRC. Thank you 🥰


I am now over 60 but used to be an ok runner. I had my own technique which was to imagine I was being pulled along by my middle section so to speak. It kept my posture upright and pushing forward.


Wow! As a proponent of running drills, I found this video very valuable and updated to the drills I do! So important that a drill session may be substituted for a running workout. Yes, I incorporate striders in every run and periodically will run race pace at the end of my long run. Thanks again for a great video!


This helped me a lot. Could see immediately faster zone 2 time 🙂 Thank you for the content from here Finland


Super useful video, would be nice to have a "cheat sheet" that you can take a photo of with your phone for quick reference (GTN does this for some of their videos) keep it up! Video suggestion: tips on training periodisation for those of us looking to go beyond set running plans/programmes and make our own custom plans over several months (particularly in terms of how to balance increases in volume vs. intensity vs. elevation). Thanks!


Strides after all my runs for my marathon training. Literally a game changer!😉


This is gold! thank you both. I'm going to add this to my warmup routine when time permits but also for every track/threshold session. I hope one day to be as smooth and coordinated as Andy in these drills.


Thanks a lot! These tips are awesome. Next, I would like to see something explaining the role of the arms, especially with changing conditions, e.g. climbing a hill, descending, and what happens to the arms when you get tired. Also, what is the best swing you can advise, close to the body, the angle of the elbows, the direction of the swing. How important the syncing with the legs and the rest of the body is. Connected to this, not only the arms but hands as well.


Brilliant film 🎥 Watch lots of stride films and this definitely the best will save and watch again before next run 👍👍👍


Great video, I’ll do this as a warmup before every running. Thank you so much!


This is really helpful! I love these kinds of helpful tips. Keep them coming.


Please do a video on running form uphill/downhill. Thanks.


Having fallen over far too many times, my eyes are now glued to the floor!


I do try 4-6 strides after some easy runs if legs feel good. Love these technique videos! I recommend Shane Benzie ‘lost art of running’ book. It’s fantastic.
