Running Form: Correct Technique and Tips to Avoid Injury

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Here’s some tips and cues on how to run with proper running form. Whether you want to sprint like Usain Bolt, run your first 5k, or train for a marathon, the same proper running technique applies.

In this video Brad Kearns teaches the often overlooked skill component of running so you can avoid injury and maximize your training. With proper running form you can increase your running efficiency so that you can run faster and longer without getting tired.


And to learn more about the best way to train for endurance sports while maximizing health and enjoyment check out the Primal Endurance Mastery course where Brad has more in-depth tutorials on proper running form:

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Crazy to think that 15-20 years ago we’d have to hire a coach to know this. Now it’s free online and everybody can learn. Thanks Mark.


Who's laying on a bed when watching this


I always thought I had good form until the day I caught my reflection in a storefront window. I realized I wasn't running. I wasn't even jogging. I was just shuffling along and still getting shin-splints due to my terrible heel-strike. My point is that I did what felt natural and it was completely wrong. Good form is not instinctive, it must be learned. Thanks Mark, for a very instructive and useful video .


The 3 things that enabled me to massively improve my running capability were the following:
I was running way too fast, which was exhausting me very early. I've found that they best way to go is to start slower, and naturally increase pace as you go along if you wish. I know that sounds strange but it seems to be the case for me
2) Get a better technique.
This is very important too. With the correct technique (as shown in this video) you seem to just go faster with far less effort. Its amazing!
3) Eat healthier
Ive stopped eating sweat treats (biscuits, cakes... I still have honey and a bit of sugar though) and drinking caffeine

This may not work for you but I just thought it may be a useful read. Thanks for reading!


I did this technique this morning and OMG! It works!!! I was careful about alignment, foot placement, and the circular motion. I feel fantastic and my knees are NOT throbbing!!! Thank you!!!


Really appreciate that slow running form was actually demonstrated for newer runners. The bicycle analogy was especially helpful and after a few days I’m surprised how much farther I’m able to run. I added an additional mile in just two days — albeit I’m not setting any world records.


I ran 1.5 miles with "strong feet" and my calves / lower legs were on fire. "Strong feet" did absorb a lot of impact, which was nice, but my heart rate was higher than when using my normal crappy form because it took more energy to perform. I could see how this would not only make you a faster sprinter, but also would cause less damage to your joints. That being said, I assume it'll take quite a bit of training to strengthen my legs to utilize "strong feet" efficiently.

I'll keep training, thanks for this tip, Brad Kearns!


5:17 How most people think they run like in a marathon
4:31 How they actually run in a marathon


After 14 year absence of running, and now going into my 3rd week of running, this video has just probably given me the right technique I've been after, thank you.


hahahah that lazy foot got me laughing, that's soo me when I'm too tired


I've been getting shooting pain from my kneecaps on my 10km+ daily run, and was feeling really bumped that i might need to scale back or stop running altogether. I chanced upon this video and realised I've been lazy running. I tried out the techniques this evening, imagining i'm cycling, with spine straight and lifting my feet up like running on hot lava. And yes, it felt really awkward at first, felt like i'm just running on the spot, up down, and yes, my speed was slightly slower than usual as I also took shorter strides, but wow, no pain throughout my run! I'm a happy runner again, this is such a lifesaver! 👍


Even in his “bad movement and FORM” he still looks better than I ever have!

Thank you! I’m ready to try these tips.


Ohh my Godd!!!!
Finally, i found a video that actually explains sprinting for a beginner like me. I now realize i always had poor form and thus always felt pain in knees and ankle every time i went for running. .. ..
Glad to hear all these useful tips about proper form...
Thanks .!!


Beginner runner here. I have just completed a charity challenge to run 100km within the month of July. For pretty much all of it my legs were in agony. I found this video and just done this technique for my very last run of the challenege, my legs were absolutely fine. Can't believe I run 95km in pain, when it was just down to this. Many thanks for this, it will help me alot going forwards.


Honestly one of the best technique videos I've seen yet. Straight forward, not too much fluff, and I think I get it now. Can't wait to try it! I was under the impression for some reason that maybe my body should not bounce at all but that hips should almost stay parallel to the ground the entire time. So I avoided any "bounce" (like off my heel), thinking I was doing my knees a favor. We'll see next run. Thanks!


At 1 in the morning, I've realized why my runs have been so messy. Thanks!


So all these years I've always wondered why my plantar fascia hurts everytime I''m running, jogging, or walking too long. I thought I had plantar fasciitis. Turned out all I did was this "lazy running" where I propel my legs using my toes. This apparently took a toll on my plantar fascia and make blisters on my big toes. Now I am using my calf and surprise surprise, no more pain in the feet after a long session of walking or jogging.


This really works. I tried it on my 8km run. Not only did I feel less tired and more energetic during the run, there were no or very little sore muscles post run! I thought it was going to feel awkward but it wasn't. I focused on lifting my knees, swinging my heels as if to touch my hamstring and looking about twenty metres ahead for posture.


I just found this video last night, and this morning I ran 5 minutes faster in the same distance as I usually did. Thank you very very much 🙏🏽


I was amazed at how well Mark's advice worked on pointing your toes upward, using my Achilles heel as a spring, and mimicking the bicycle pedaling motion during running. I have been running consistently for fifteen months but often my form was extremely sluggish, slow and painful. I was literally dragging my feet. Yesterday, I incorporated these techniques and I was relatively pain free and a little faster. Honestly in the middle of the run I felt surprised and grateful on how well these techniques worked. As stated earlier in the video, even though running is a simple activity it is paramount to learn good technique to make the running motion more efficient and to avoid lingering injuries. Well done running presentation!
