PERFECT RUNNING FORM - Footstrike, Simplified

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Running technique: What kind of running footstrike pattern should you use? In this video I'm going to help you learn to run with proper running footstrike by looking at the differences between forefoot running and running with a heel strike technique. Whether you run with a heel strike, or you land on your forefoot, your body still has to overcome the impact that comes with each stride. The type of footstrike you use will dictate how your body absorbs the load and what type of running injuries you may be more prone to, such as runner's knee (patellofemoral pain) for heel strike runners and achilles tendon injuries for forefoot runners. Finding the proper running footstrike for your body is an important part of running injury prevention.






Whether you're marathon training, you focus on trail running or you're looking for tips on running for beginners, it's important to work on running with proper running technique. Improving your running form will help you with running injury prevention, and will help you improve running efficiency, an important part of how to run faster. Learning to run with proper running foot strike is a key part of improving your running form.



ABOUT ME: I'm James Dunne, a runner, sports rehabilitation therapist (similar to physical therapist) and coach based in the UK (Norwich and London).

Since 2007 I've been working with athletes focusing specifically on helping distance runners and triathletes overcome injury and improve performance through developing their individual running technique.

Running biomechanics and physical therapy are real passions of mine. I love to help runners run strong and stay injury free.

#RunningForm #JamesDunne #PhysicalTherapy
Рекомендации по теме

Usually run midfoot/heel when going at a slow pace - as it picks up to say 5/10k i go more forefoot. Sore knees when i run slow, sore calves/tendons when i run fast haha


Been a runner for half of my life. Never had an injury. 3 years ago the outside of my left foot started to go numb regularly and reacts to the tiniest bit of load. No doctor could help me so far. I'm so depressed right now, browsing every possible running video that could help me. Otherwise I think I will need to quit running for good. Man oh man...


I used to be a heel striker and suffered with calf and achilles injuries.
Over the course of about 6months, I change my running style to a mid-forefoot strike.
Has made a huge difference and have had little problems with calf or achilles.
It did take time and patience, but worth it.


As I’ve been getting knee pain whilst running, I’ve switched to forefoot.
I’ve found skipping rope has also helped in strengthening my calves and ankles and helps me a lot with this style of running (no more knee pain, felt a bit awkward at first, but I’ve got used to it...)


I've struggled with tibial stress fractures from running for years and basically swore of running because of it. No one ever told me that it was because of heal striking. I ran 1.5 miles today front striking and no pain at all. Thank you so much!


I've watched so many videos on YouTube about running mechanics, form correction, etc...and yours are the only ones I keep coming back to. The way you describe everything is easy to understand and it just clicks with my style of learning. Thank you and keep up the good work!


This explains why i get sore knees. Will gradually try switching to mid strike. Thanks for explaining.


Started off as a heel striker with sore knees and shins years ago. Now I'm a forefoot striker with tight calves, an ankle impingement and metatarsalgia that has just cleared up :) My heels often don't touch the ground. Noticed in another one of your recent videos you mentioned you had to wear higher drop shoes, I'm now trying the same thing and hanging up the zero drop Altras and Topos for a few months!


You are going great guns recently with lots of high quality videos. I need time digest them all. Slow down!! Thank you very much for the quality advice


Another great video. I'm a heel striker with knee pain AND Achilles pain, that recently changed to midfoot after watching your analysis videos. Seems to be helping.


Thanks very much for this explanation. I'm a front foot runner, but running for me is secondary to my cycling. Since recent purchase of adidas running shoes I have started to enjoy the running and luckily have had no pains anywhere. Think I'm beginning to get hooked on the running side more than ever before.


I adjusted my running style recently, from full heel strike to semi midfoot strike. I can tell that i have less problem with the knee, but my lower foot taken the blow and my posterior tibialis, plantar area seems to suffer more.


Great content, James. I recently had a bad episode of runner’s knee after a grueling running challenge and when I eventually came back from it, I ended up with a lateral foot injury. It forced me to change from mid to forefoot striking and videos helped make that a lot more viable, especially for calf stretches! Anyway, turns out my times have improved dramatically since the change in footstrike


Thanks. I’ve had heel and knee problems so giving the mid strike a go


Great, James! This entire video was germane to my problem. Your explanation of "force has to go somewhere" re-framed how I think about the impact and movement of my body. Have watched several of these now. Love the channel. Thank you.


Forefoot striking seems to make more sense from a mechanical standpoint. Your toes and ankle act like a shock absorber, while your calf acts like a spring.


Need to try the forefoot style, im most definitely a heel striker and have been out of action for a couple of months due stress fractures on the insides of my shins! This information in this video could be a game changer!!


Having started a few weeks ago after years of not really doing any exercise since high school I have soon realised after going out running 4 times and literally getting all three of those injuries you mentioned for heel striking, going to try and change the way i'm landing to either front or mid foot.

Been in some pain for like a week and a half and it's just now starting to clear up so hopefully I might do better with this change up, appreciate the short yet informative video and i'll definitely edit my comment if I see changes in any injuries I get


Calves and achilles heel are muscles, where knees are joints. I think muscles are meant to take the impact of running in our human anatomy


Increasing your cadance could help you with both ‘problems’.
