9 Signs You Have A Potassium Deficiency

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A potassium deficiency can occur when the body loses more potassium than it takes in, or when it's unable to absorb enough of this mineral from the digestive tract. As a result, potassium levels become too low, leading to muscle weakness, fatigue, and other health problems.

Potassium is a mineral that plays a role in the electrical activity of your heart, helping it to contract and relax. It also helps regulate the amount of fluid in your body, so getting enough potassium in your diet is essential.

In this video, we are going to be talking about 9 signs of potassium deficiency.

Intro - 00:00
1. Muscle weakness and cramps - 01:20
2. Weakness and fatigue - 02:27
3. Digestive problems - 03:11
4. Constipation - 03:57
5. Abnormal heartbeat - 04:42
6. Bone loss and numbness - 05:46
7. Breathing difficulties - 06:20
8. High blood pressure - 06:49
9. Polyuria - 07:39
How to treat a potassium deficiency? - 08:17

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Potassium Deficiency Symptoms
Potassium Deficiency Signs
Low Potassium Signs
Low Potassium Symptoms
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1. muscle weakness and cramps
2. Weakness and fatigue
3. Digestive problems
4. Constipation
5. Abnormal heartbeat
6. Bone loss and numbness
7. Breathing difficulties
8. High blood pressure
9. Polyuria


I have been watching these kinda videos and it seems i have deficiencies of everything.


I was extremely low on potassium a few years ago and everyone thought I was using drugs or something because I was always sweating, very tired like nodding, and muscle pain. I was taking a medication that caused this side effect. I haven’t stopped taking it but now I added supplements and the symptoms lasted for months before I found out. After taking the supplements it was amazing how fast I recovered and immediately felt much better.


We have salt in Croatia that contain 25 % Potassium and 75 Sodium. Its very helpful in low Potassium diet.


A carton of coconut water is my favorite way to get potassium 2, 120mg per liter. Helps me recover from hard work fast.


Low potassium nearly killed me in 2013. I was hospitalized for a month, then in a rehab facility for another month. I had lost 60 lbs. and became delusional. The reason for this problem was a bout of depression that caused loss of appetite. This spiraled until my husband decided enough was enough and literally forced me to the Drs office. She admitted me to the hospital immediately.


Coconut water is a good source of potassium too


Had a buddy that couldn't move his body when he woke up. My guy literally was banging his head on the floor to get someone up to help him all cause of no potassium. Crazy stuff


6:41 States that a lack of Potassium can cause a condition called "Hyperkalemia'... it's actually HYPOKalemia which means low levels of Potassium. HYPERKalemia would indicate too much potassium in the blood.

Rmemeber HYPO means low and HYPER means high.


The one new thing for me was that potassium helps the gut absorb the water. Thats an essential piece of knowledge for me right now.


I have been drinking lemon and ginger water for about 1 year now.
Thanks for sharing the benefits that lemon water has on the body.


I went with all this symptoms to a doctor and he sent me to a physical therapist because he swore it was something wrong with my back ( no blood or urine test were done or ultrasounds) and I told him that I was checked somewhere else and I was low on vitamin B12 and C
He said that’s a lie. So he just gave medicine for pain and muscle spasms.
Most doctors in the USA are in for the money that’s what those who live near the border to Mexico go there, I’m doing that next time.


My experience with this is I recently stopped drinking alcohol. The alcohol “withdrawals” I was having was scaring me so bad and everybody was telling me that I couldn’t quit cold Turkey. So I go the dr and he said I needed to be medicated. I said no out of fear of relapsing with a drug habit. So I started researching for myself and came across magnesium and potassium deficiency and I quit drinking alcohol cold Turkey with spinach and avocado smoothies. Alcohol withdrawal is almost the same exact symptoms. Alcohol consumption depletes your body of both of these. So if anybody is struggling with alcohol, drink green smoothies. You will begin to feel better almost immediately ❤️


Instead of consuming carb-laden potatoes and fructose-laden bananas, you can get potassium from coconut water and from cream of tartar (just a pinch in a small glass of warm water). Also, please beware of reducing sodium in the diet - sodium is required for electrical activities and other metabolic processes to take place. To maintain a healthy metabolism, sodium must be consumed in balance with the other 4 electrolytes.


I added magnesium. It kind of help my muscles weakness and cramp. But the pain was still a 5-6. I decided 99mg potassium. My body pain is now at 1-3. I felt the change in a week. It was crazy I feel so much better


In the video after it stated low potassium, it said it was called Hyperkalemia which actually is high potassium levels. It should have instead said low potassium levels is called Hypokalemia. It should have mentioned that kidney patients may have a problem with high levels but in any case should consult their nephrologist physician.


Avocados are a lot higher in Potassium than bananas


Correction, if I may. A lack of adequate Potassium causes a condition called (HYPOKALEMIA), not hyperkalemia. Hypo=Low, and Hyper=high.


You didn’t mention that Avocados and Coconut Water are better sources of Potassium than Bananas. Dried Apricots are also a good source. Trader Joe’s has Organic Turkish Dried Apricots in right now but they are seasonal. They’ll run out soon. I’ve already stocked up. They. Are. Yummy!


Before I knew I had a deficiency my biggest symptom was not being able to breath which then caused fatigue. I would literally find myself on the floor unable to move sometimes. All day I would feel a heavy suffocating feeling. Like someone strangling me, or something heavy on my chest, squeezing my heart. So bad that I was always in a panic mode. When you don't get enough oxygen your exhausted. I went many years like this, as doctors just misdiagnosed me saying it was anxiety. I'm thankful to God I didn't die. Now I take around 2800-3500mg each day, and the difference is amazing. I also had to stop drinking caffeine because it was depleting my potassium, which also made a huge difference.
