9 Signs You Have Unhealed Trauma

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Trauma is often the result of an overwhelming amount of stress from a situation that exceeds one's ability to cope, such as the death of a loved one, the end of a meaningful relationship, or the rejection of a loved one. Do you pretend that everything is good when it really isn’t? When you don’t have a positive and healthy way of dealing with your trauma, you end up repressing your negative emotions. It can be hard to recognize unresolved trauma on the surface, especially within ourselves.

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Rida Batool & Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animation: Evelvaii
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Special thanks: Andrea Yang

Herman, J. L. (1998). Recovery from psychological trauma. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 52(S1), S98-S103.
Stanculescu, E. (2013). University students’ fear of success from the perspective of positive psychology. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 78, 728-732.
Bower, G. H., & Sivers, H. (1998). Cognitive impact of traumatic events. Development and psychopathology, 10(4), 625-653.
Low, G., Jones, D., MacLeod, A., Power, M., & Duggan, C. (2000). Childhood trauma, dissociation and self‐harming behaviour: A pilot study. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 73(2), 269-278.
David, M., Ceschi, G., Billieux, J., & Van der Linden, M. (2008). Depressive symptoms after trauma: is self-esteem a mediating factor?. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196(10), 735-742.
American Psychological Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – 5th Edition. Washington, DC; APA Publishing.

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Favour needed!! If you find our videos helpful, could you consider promoting or sharing our videos with your network? It would mean a lot to know that we can impact more people with our work. Thank you! Previous videos are on covid 19. If you can watch those too, that would be amazing.


"Do you pretend that everything is good when it really isn't?"

*Nervous laughter*


Things this video did:
1. Attacked me.


Fun fact: if you clicked this video you probably have unhealed trauma


I’m 19 year old and only now I’m looking into my trauma and attempting to deal with it, this video is so spot on I nearly cried ; hope everyone gets through their issues 🤝


when you have all the symptoms but dont know the trauma.


1. you have a hard time accepting positive change
2. you need a plan for everything
3. you have a strong fear of failure
4. you have a strong fear of success
5. you have difficulty concentrating
6. you have trouble asking for help
7. you often hurt yourself or others
8. you struggle with low self esteem
9. you have unexplained psychological symptoms


This.... explains a lot.. oh my god..

I stopped all my past hobbies.. I am a I try to avoid others.. I flinch at every louder noise and I am scared of stress


I had problems at school. I had low self-esteem. I was nice to other students and was willing to help them. It seemed beneficial, until one day, everything changed. They started to abuse my kindness and use my good nature against me, ranging from copying my work to making me buy things. I went from being happy to help them, to becoming embittered towards them.


Youtube: "Why are you reporting this video?"
Me: "I'm in this video and i don't like it"


Before this video: "I'm a high-functioning, working adult."
After this video: "What does it mean if you experience 9 out of 9 signs?"


My untreated bipolar father abandoned me on the side of an Interstate highway when I was age 7. 28 years later, I was diagnosed with C-PTSD and given 9 years of weekly EMDR therapy. My trauma is no longer unresolved, but I appreciate the coverage of the topic even more.


Fun fact: as a 14 y.o this is my inspiration to become a psychologist. Also, I really love the narrator's voice. It's really calming and beautiful. Thank you for the awesome videos!


me: spacing out while watching the video

psych2go: *5. you have difficulty concentrating*

me: huh- wha?


Yo therapy sounds cool and all but the cost is a form of trauma itself


people with trauma have difficultly to concentrate

literally me watching this video even i was about to do my homework 🙃


I have a few minor disabilities that weren’t diagnosed until I was about 11. My family is supportive now but wasn’t then. It was pretty rough having no clue what was wrong with me with everyone telling me to ignore it. I’m out of therapy now and am living pretty normally now that I’ve matured some. This is probably the most I’ve ever talked to anyone about it.


“When you pretend everything’s good, but it isn’t.”

*me everyday*


Youtube: recommends this to me
Me: feels personally attacked


I’m 76 and can identify with much in this clip. That was my early life, however, it is possible to climb out of this rut of low self esteem and lack of confidence. A narcissist father was my main problem but separation and a long slow process of strengthening my mind and character helped me to overcome the negativity and become a relatively normal person, but the process took me about 50 years.
