Toxic Employee BULLIES Co-Workers, Lives To Regret It | Paradigm Studios

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Toxic "star" employee publicly BULLIES her co-worker for her education level, just to win a promotion. Then justice gets served! This is why you should NEVER JUDGE ANYBODY.
#ParadigmStudios #LifeLessons #ShortFilm
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We share the real-world stories of people who are breaking up, making up, and shifting their perspectives to become more positive, self-aware human beings.
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#ParadigmStudios #LifeLessons #ShortFilm
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►About Paradigm Studios
We publish true inspirational stories that are dripping with drama and leave you with a long-lasting valuable life lesson.
We share the real-world stories of people who are breaking up, making up, and shifting their perspectives to become more positive, self-aware human beings.
Discover new videos every week on modern relationships, true love, parents and kids, work, and friendship.
Toxic Employee BULLIES Co-Workers, Lives To Regret It | Paradigm Studios
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