How To Find Friends As INFP/INTP #Shorts

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3 Tips to find friends as intp and infp personality types

Youtube #Shorts
#16Personalities #16Types

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The test attempts to assign four categories: introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving. One letter from each category is taken to produce a four-letter test result, like INTP or INFP
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I tried making friends and instead I made enemies, still better than nothing - INTP


New friends are tiring, so I just stick with the friends I have. They both boost and drain my self-esteem. - INFP


I'm so shy and anxious even to start talking to someone online.


Thank you so much. I really needed this - INFP


I've many many good friends on discord AND THEY'RE ALL SOOO NICEE! They listen to me when I wanna talk & I listen to them when they wanna talk... It's lovely cuz we all understand each other, even though we do disagree on some topics ehehe
~an INFP


i just appreciate people from a distance.. that's enough


I can confirm that internet friends are really easy to bond with when they have similar interest as yours. I've met the best kinds of friends online and 2 years later, I still find them as my comfort zone - INFP


I'd say invest more time studying people. Us INTPs are intellectual power houses we can literally succeed in any (let me say most to be fair) endeavors if we trully set our minds to it... we really really like to procrastinate though...

All i'm saying is that we should study people just as well as we study our subjects of interest.


I know this guy from the internet, I’m not really sure if we’re friends or just an acquaintance. And I guess he is a male INFP and I am an INFP too. We’re almost never talked in a group chat and not to mention private chat but I remember that midnight he sent a quote in our group chat and I replied with something that maybe clicked him to open up to me and you know being INTP I could feel his feelings and we’re having a deep and emotional conversation in the middle of the night (from my pov, of course) and it was really a nice conversation tbh but the topic was too heavy to me and him.

And I also very happy to know that he also used to have to dream to buy a house with transparent roofs so that he could see the dark sky with moon and stars while he laid on his bed. That was my dream before I realized that buying that type of house was kinda expensive…


I don't "find" friends, i just stumble upon them eventually. Due to me spending a lot of alone time at home online i have found quite a few long lasting friendships all over the world with various backgrounds during the years. Where it really falls short is actual local people to do activities with, or more like... the one or maybe two persons to which i can connect deeply to. Being alone too long and it will get to you one day, i feel the craving and something is missing. I want to be alone with someone else together and that part is tough. INFP-A


I always ask the money thingy, since to me, money is... well, kind of things that of less interest, and I'd ask what do you think about the world, and sometimes, slightly random facts and opinions about politics and human lives (interested in people's thoughts and personality), other questions would be, your favourite colours and why, or which country you'd like to visit, sometimes also ask about spiritual or magical stuffs lol... Depending on my questions and your answers, I might find you interesting or your simply off putting replies (doesn't have to be a long ass answer, but need a valid point) would make me stop talking / avoiding you lol - INFP


Are you telling me there are people out there trying to find me and be friends with me?? Nonsense pffttt *roll eyes back* *secretly happy* *imagining having friends* = INFP-T


Intp have social anxiety but people in my college are very social so when they talk I answer even though I don't like it 😁it is better than nothing


My bff from overseas is INTP.
Me: Can you feel other aside from meh and anger?
Her: Honestly, I'm surprised we are having this conversation.


Please give me more specific instructions how do I connect with people on the internet -intp


Whith a infinite money i will rase up inflation.


Q: How do INTP's make friends? A: They get adopted by an extrovert.


I hate it when i find Lots of people with same interests .. i don’t why :/


If I had infinite money, I would invest it on rescuing all stray dogs everywhere in the world, I want to leave the world a better place for dogs 🐶


I already knew this..
Wait isn’t this how everyone makes friends?
