how to make Christian friends | tips for finding Godly friends as a *Christian girl* ✨

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how to make Christian friends | tips for finding Godly friends as a *Christian girl* ✨
In today’s video, I show you how to make Christian friends, find Godly community, and find Christian friends as a Christian girl! I hope you enjoy :) YOUR FRIENDS ARE OUT THERE!

✨LET'S BE FRIENDS: @ashleyhetherington



0:00 intro
1:47 the signs of a good Godly friend
1:51 Christian friendship green flags
2:28 Christian friendship red flags
4:49 real talk - what my current season with friendship looks like
6:30 put yourself out there
8:01 prayer for finding Christian friends
8:23 get out of your comfort zone and around other Christians
8:29 where to meet Christian friends
9:36 do it afraid
11:38 what to talk about
14:22 going to a worship night!
15:09 WORSHIP NIGHT / the merge

how old are you? ➭ 25
what camera do you use? ➭ canon g7x mark ii
what do you use to edit? ➭ Final Cut Pro x
what is your religion? ➭ christian

i do not own any of the music used in this video

FTC: Some links may be affiliate links meaning I make commissions on sales with no extra expense to you. (thanks for supporting me by using my links!) All opinions are my own.

love y’all so much !! and Jesus loves you more. #thatchristiangirl #friendsvlog
Struggling with friends,having friends,finding community,Finding Godly friends,Making friends,where to find Godly friends,losing friends,Finding Christian friends,making good friends,Finding good Christian friends,finding friends within the Christian community,ashley hetherington,ashley hetherington testimony,christian girl morning routines,christian youtuber,that christian girl,friends vlog,christian advice
sub count: 167k 🌱
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I LOVE YOU GUYS!! I truly believe God has GOOD friendships for you! :) drop a 💖 if you believe it today


That is the exact video I needed, I’ve been praying to God for a Christian friend and I believe he will do something and I’ve been asking God to remove any toxic people in my life so thank you Ashley ❤️


i’ve been feeling distant from the Lord for a past few days, and i didn’t really know why. i felt so convicted because i had sinned again and felt hopeless. last night, i had fell asleep sobbing because i hate being away from Him. this morning, i was overwhelmed with his peace and comfort. i couldn’t stop smiling when i saw your video!! thank you ashley, you are truly my favorite infulencer out there. i love you so much and have a wondering sunday!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻💗


I don't know about you guys but I love how we're all entering on our ✨Christian friendships era✨, pursuing God-honoring friendships, comunion and support. Every other weekly reunion I tell my friends I've prayed for each friend I have today, because I did. Last year I went from having like zero friends and feeling isolated in my previous church, to being welcomed and loved and introduced to the most loving people ever 😭😍


I’m 17 and it’s 2024! I really want to find people who I can grow with through God. I’m about to turn 18 next month so I’ll pray and enjoy the journey ❤


I’m 14 and in 8th grade. This is my second year at this new school from moving across the country, and just after making the closest friends I’ve ever had, I’m going to a different high school than everyone next year. I go to a public school right now, and next year I’m going to a Christian private school. I’ve felt worried that I wasn’t going to make friends and people would stay away from me because my relationship with God isn’t as close as theirs, but this video changed my view on it. My friends are great friends but this has opened my eyes none of my friends here are Christian or Godly in any way, and their fruit is not the kind I want to be around and grow with. I believe I will find new great Godly friends at this new school (plus they will all be Christian) who will stick with me my whole life! I don’t know what to expect, but I’m excited. This school will be really good for me. Pray that my brother and I will not have fear at this new school and we will make lots of friends that is in God’s will and are meant to be in our life! Thank you Ashley for this video! You’re changing lives! 💗💗💗


ashley, you’re like my cool christian older sister. i love your videos because they all have this comforting “girl talk” vibe. thank you for what you do. i’m praying for you!


I love how you included the clip on how to interact with other people. There are a lot of people who can benefit from that, who feel awkward meeting new people and never know what to say or how to say it.


I was missing being around other Christians and having a church family so last year summer I decided to go to a new church by myself. Fast forward to now I’ve made so many friends, joined a ministry and a life group within the church, it’s just amazing how God works🥺🤗


some of what you were saying was speaking directly towards me. I deal with anxiety and social anxiety that can be quite severe. And I barely leave the house. So it was a message for me !


I'm so happy to see sk many young people going to church and serving the Lord. Unfortunately, in my church, there aren't many young people like me, there's only elder people, parents with toddlers and babies. I pray that more people will be encouraged to come to church, and I pray that the Lord will send friends my way ❤


I’ve been praying for this and even asked God to send me Christian friends yesterday - thanks for posting and for following His guidance. Right on time God, as per usual ❤


as my Pastor always says "No Christian is a lone ranger, you need people" I love your channel, new here btw. 😊


ashley- thank you so much for this video!! I have recently lost a friendship and I am in the process of cutting ties with toxic friends. it gets really lonely sometimes, because I feel like I don't have any friends to be myself with and be open about the Lord with. but I am trusting that there are amazing sisters in Christ out there waiting for all of us 💗


I struggle so much with finding Christian friends I have not ever had a single non lukewarm Christian friend (except for the blessed souls I met in my Kommunion lessons, who I sadly have no more contact with) and often feel like I’m the only one my age devoted to Christ this really helped thank you


I’ve been praying for new friends. A girl came up to me on target and invited me to her Bible study. I was so excited because God answered that prayer. Fast forward, I’m in Bible study on zoom with these girls. The study starts to feel funny. They are saying the study is primarily for me. They then start saying I’m not saved yet because I don’t understand what it is to be a disciple of christ yet. I went with it though. The study was exhausting. They demanded a lot of my time everyday of the week. I started feeling anxious and Questioning my faith and walk with Jesus. They then told me I needed to be baptized again to really be saved ( I was already baptized a year prior to meeting them ). I went along with it though but deep down I knew I was saved. I have a amazing testimony that brought me to Jesus but that’s a story for another time. Any who I went and got baptized again. I was then told I must sign up for a pledge card and tithe and I cannot miss Sunday church. I was told it was unacceptable. I work Sundays and I do 24 shifts on each of these Sundays. They told me I needed to try and change my schedule and trust God to provide. They were basically telling me to quit my job to come to church. I told them I’m not gonna quit my job to attend church. So I reached out to my discipler ( the women who came up to me in target ) I told her something didn’t feel right with her church and I was gonna have to step away and seek God about it but would like to still be friends. She asked me to explain why with biblical evidence but I couldn’t at the time I just had a knowing. I felt like I shouldn’t even try to respond because she wouldn’t listen to me anyway. Any way, time went on and she slowly stopped responding to my texts. She completely cut me out. I learned her church is part of a cult later down the line. They are called the ICC church or the international church of Christ. I was broken and felt so stupid. I trusted to quick because they called themselves Christian. I’m now learning that I need to test the spirits and the fruit of each person. I’m new in my walk. Been saved about 3 years now. Learning a lot since then.


This video was high key a BLESSING🤌🏽 Such good advice through biblical ✨truth✨. Thanks sis💞


I’m 34 years old. Stay at home Mom of 7 and I watch your videos. (When ever I can; I think they are amazing.) I’m a new believer. I’m such and introvert and very awkward in conversations. I’ve been praying so hard for friends, for someone that can understand me and vice versa, etc. Then I see this video. You hit every point on how I feel. But I’m so scared to attend places alone. My heart literally flutters just thinking about it. I might have to try this great ideas you mention here. 😮‍💨😅❤️

By the way if someone is from Lebanon PA and needs a friend. Lol. ❤️


I am glad to have found you. I was raised a pagan with random church influences over the years. I have felt the warmth that comes with Faith but constantly struggle between the two religions. There is a lot of weight and conflicting emotions that come with it all so finding your videos has actually been so... warming. Thank you. It's near impossible to find content that makes me feel welcome, not overwhelmed, and just... has that 'feel good' vibe that I want in this search. I am trying, once again, to see what comes of the 'pull' I am feeling in my life right now.


Thank you! I needed this! I went to a bible Study by myself a few weeks ago and tried to talk to people. It wasn’t bad but please keep me in your prayers that I make friends of Christ! I’m looking for a Christian community but haven’t had much luck!
