What is a healthy relationship with food? | Rhiannon Lambert | TEDxUniversityofEastAnglia

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The most unfair part of an eating disorder is that food doesn't look the same anymore. It turns into numbers on your phone or puke sitting in youe toilet bowl or an extra workout or just pure guilt


I was in the parking lot of a grocery store because I wanted to buy some chips while eating donuts at 12:30 am. I wanted to cry and just wanted to stop eating. I want a healthy relationship with food.


Watching it while my brain is planing a binge-purge action. I am just trying to fight it. Lord help me. Amen.


1. Respect your body
2. Refuel
3. Rehydrate
4. Rest


It took me 24 years to learn how to be kind to my body. Throughout the years I would go through phases of crash diets and then the polar opposite. I was so addicted to carbs and sugars. Two months ago I found the strength to eat right and work out. This has been the hardest obstacle in my life and I am finally becoming the person I want to be. Sending nothing but love to those struggling.


I can’t remember the last time I had a healthy relationship with food. I don’t remember the last time I finished a meal. I don’t remember the last time i didn’t feel guilty after eating. I just want to be happy. I don’t know how to be healthy.

Édit: two years later. Wow. Things have changed and not for the better, but my mental state around eating has improved so so much. Now I eat without guilt, and I finish my meals. I’m not going to say it gets better, because everyone here has already heard that. But I will say don’t give up. I’m proud of everyone reading this, i promise you’re worth getting better.


writing down this comment as someone in recovery from anorexia, thank you
(edit : more than a year later and i'm writing this to let you know that i'm doing so so so much better. No matter what your battle is, please keep going. I promise things get better. And not only that, they even get good, beautiful, magical. Sending love, you've got this <3)


with an eating disorder, food is no longer a fuel, it's just a reminder that you'll never be perfect. Every time your stomach rumbles, it hurts so much. Like you can get over a disorder but it'll always be part of you and it hurts that you can't just eat that one cookie without feeling guilt.


It's scary how quickly doctors prescribe anti-depressants over providing nutritional guidelines.


If you don't like eating it, you won't be able to stay on that diet. For many, the food is pretty much the only enjoyment they get out of life.


I started running and naturally my body started to crave more nourishing foods, and I’m not hungry all the time anymore, I still eat everything in moderation and focus on my nutrition such as nuts, avocado es, eggs, cheese 🧀 etc. and I still have my chocolate 🍫 when ever I want, now that I no longer have these mental restrictions, I don’t feel the desire to eat the whole box of chocolates or pastries.


Its not about "I had one biscuit I minds well have the whole pack" Its more like "I cannot stop myself with just one, I have to eat them all until they are gone - I adore the crunch, flavor, texture and cannot stop." Its better just to not even open that pandoras box at all. The emotional, and physical pain is not worth it, but it is still a trap of obsession of foods that harm my body either physically or emotionally.

I don't like the shape of my body that my body likes if that makes sense. Body dismorphia, food allergies and obsession with food - the struggles are so real....


i absolutely love this woman. she sounds so educated, wise, honest. the incredible thing about lecture is that it is all based on experience which is even more empowering. I have an unhealthy relationship with food and an unhealthy view of my body but she has really helped that and relieved some of my worries. credits to her.


One of the best Ted Talks I've watched. Go back to basics. Unlearn all you know about nutrition. I loved this


I wish everyone in the world could see this video because she's so right. As someone who used to be overweight and would struggle and switch between restrictive eating and binge eating, the answer I have found, just as Lambert said, is to eat in the grey area. For what it's worth, I think it's also worth mentioning that it's so important to have an internal source of happiness that takes precedent. So many people go on diets because they compare themselves to others and feel bad, when in reality, those who truly love themselves feel no reason to compare themselves to others. Just as she said, respect your body, love yourself, and know that everything in moderation is they key. Well said by Lambert, truly.


Finally, a nutritionalist that understands that people are unique genetically, hormonally and metabolically. I have friends who steam through life on potatoes and cheese while that would turn me into a brain fogged, lazy buffoon for 3 days.


I hope everyone's who's struggling with eating disorders will develop a better relationship with food this year. <3


I know food is good for you body, and I really want to enjoy every bite. I don't have an ED, but sometimes I can't help but have so many fear foods and see foods as numbers.
Best of luck to anyone out there struggling and having these unhealthy food thoughts. You'll be able to beat them one day


This video spoke to me so much almost made me cry 🥺 eating disorders are soo horrible 😔 Im trying to have a good relationship with food and change my life for good but its very hard!


this talk was so powerful. ive had an eating disorder since I was about 8 years old and I cannot remember what it feels like to sit in front of a plate of food and not have a panic attack. everytime my friends ask me out I have to find a reason as to why I cant go, because I know food will be involved, and every meal time with my family is another argument. And not to forget every doctor turning me away because "im not quite skinny enough" to be accepted into treatment until I literally had to be hospitalized. Thank you fo this talk I think it might help :)
