Stretches Before Walking that Lengthen your Stride - Physio Stretch Routine

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Stretches before walking and hiking can improve your stride and flexibility. Physio Michelle guides you through these simple pre-walking stretches to prepare for walking and lengthen your stride including stretches for your; hamstrings, calves, hip flexors and buttock muscles. These walking stretches are ideal to prepare for walking outdoors.

Muscle tightness in the lower limbs, hips and buttocks can restrict stride length. Doing these stretches before walking can improve the ease of walking by lengthening the muscles and preparing for exercise, especially if you're prone to muscle stiffness and soreness after walking.

This progressive stretching routine guides you through guides you through safe dynamic and stretches for lower back, hip and lower leg mobility and flexibility for walking. These stretches can be repeated 2-3 times, 10-30 seconds/stretch or longer for seniors. All the stretches should all feel comfortable for your body. Ideally do these are 5-10 minutes of walking to warm up the body.

'Goodbyes' Produced by ThatKidGoran (Licensed User)

The information provided in this video is intended as general information and not a substitute for individual medical advice regarding your medical condition. To the extent permitted by law, neither Healthy Fit Solutions Pty Ltd, as trustee for the P & M Kenway Family Trust (“we”), nor any of our officers, employees, agents or related bodies corporate will be liable in any way (including for negligence) for any loss, damage, costs or expenses suffered by you or claims made against you through your use of, or in connection with, this video or information supplied or offered to be supplied on this video. Although we use our best efforts to provide accurate information and other materials on this video, the video is provided “as-is”. To the extent permitted by law, all warranties, conditions and representations provided about or by this video are excluded.
Рекомендации по теме

I'm an avid fitness walker and I've been looking for an easy and quick warm-up routine. I'm 60+ and I speed walk 7 days a week. I wanted a stretching regime that did not take a lot of time to do. I'll also be checking out your after-walk routine. Thank you for this!


Thanks Michelle. A good reminder for me to stretch before a walk as well. I will be doing these stretches before my next walk.


I just discovered this video today, after trying lots of different warm ups for walking. I was always left with pain up the outside of my ankles/lower legs after walking. Well, not with your stretching routine, I just walked 3.3km and had no pain whatsoever in my lower legs, other than general tiredness. I used this video for my cool down stretches too and will be using this routine from here on out . Thank you so much! 😊


Fantastic!! Thanks you! My legs thank you. I am an avid hiker and these stretches are perfect before a hike.


Thank you for all of these wonderful videos for healthy stretching! You have a fan in California, USA!!! 🇺🇸


Great tips, thank you. Is it advisable to walk for a few mins first before stretching? Cheers


Thank you i do my walking every day and my stretch


Turns out these stretches are much better of my plantar fasciitis than those given to me by PT. THANK YOU very much!😀


I am currently running in the
Walt Disney World Resort
Half Marathon

But now, I've gotten stomach pain injury from too much exercise/high-intensity exercise! So, now I am going to lower my intensity for a while and do some walking!😊

I will use these stretches for my warmup!


Thank you Michelle. Your videos are super helpful


Thank you for showing warm up exercises in nuce and simplified way


Always helping tha people with natural exercise
Thanks so much my neck problems solving 🙏


I have pain in my calf muscles from walking I was stretching and still had pain until I Watch this video and you taught me the proper way to stretch I am happy to say I feel much better and I am grateful for your help thank you


Hi Michelle: I liked this video. The achilles tendon stretch was only held for about 10 seconds; was there a reason for that? In addition to these great stretches to do before walking, I will add some ankle exercises (circles, flexing and pointing 20-40 reps), neck circles (3 in each direction) and some basic upper back and lower back stretches as well to round out the whole body before going outside. Thanks again. Beautiful scenery!


This is my favourite warm up video. Thank you for making this video 😃👍🏼


Hi Michelle, hope you are well. Could I use the same stretches after my walk? Thank you Adelina


THANK YOU!! I seriously didn't realize I need to stretch before walking! This really helped me tremendously!!!


LOVE this walking warmup!! I watch this video 6 days a week before my mile walk/runs


Can you also make a video where you explain how to let the air out of the exercise ball and show it on the ball and make it completely flat?


Thank you so very Much, I will be doing this in the morning before I walk my moms dog to the vet. I haven't walked in way too long and have really let myself go, so this video could be my first step to getting out walking agian. I really appreciate the time you put into this. Wishing you all the luck and love in the world!!!
