Mindful eating made easier- check comments for a link to the glasses😘 #mindfuleating #shorts

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Mindful eating isn’t going to happen by accident. There are so many distractions today that unless you’re surrounded by tools and constant health reminders, it’s too easy to keep falling off track. The good news is that you have the power to reshape your habits and routine to work better for you, so you can stay more consistent.
Drinking 16 oz of water prior to meals and snacks is a key tool for eating with intention, which is why I created the 5-8-16 glass.

These glasses are intentionally designed for mindful consumption. So whether you’re drinking wine, water, whisky, lattes, sodas or juices, you’re going to be more aware of what and how much you’re having. This will make your eating choices more conscious too. Check out the link in my Instagram bio or at ilanahousewares.com to get your set today! They’ve been a total game changer for me. I’ve never been this on top of my water goal, and I’m telling you- it makes a big difference on the scale!

Ilanahousewares.com you’re going to love them 🎉🥂😘🎉


Shes legit just saying stay hydrated and know your body guys not everything is that deep or in need of arguing about.


PMS hunger is absolutely real hunger. Your body is preparing for a potentially baby and you absolutely do need to eat a little bit more, even though you aren't pregnant. It's for your energy levels and good production of your progesterone which is critical for your overall health. Same with "stress hunger" assimilated to fake hunger. It's real. increased hunger happens under stress because your body burns through nutrients faster when it's stressed. All of these are real and legitimate hungers. No need to dismiss them, they are important signals your body is sending


I’m in treatment for my binge eating disorder, as a result I food restrict! I have a wonderful dietician guiding me since I started 4 sessions ago who is part of the multidisciplinary team In the clinic. I feel so comfortable watching your videos. I’m never overwhelmed, worried or triggered when looking and learning from you! Im very inspired by you and your recipes. I can’t wait to share your page with the dietician. Plus I love this tip about drinking! I have autism and I don’t always realise I am thirsty and often forget to drink water or extremely little amounts for days upon days. This will come in very handy as I continue to learn new habits❤ thank you


Idk if i'm just getting old, but this is the pro-ana advice shared in school locker rooms--dont eat when you're hungry, just drink water really fast so you're too full to eat.

If you don't understand when you're hungry or thirsty or stressed, you need to work with a professional before doing something like this because this will be entirely unhelpful if you can't figure out what need you're trying to meet and just shoving water in its place. Guarantee it's just gonna exacerbate the problem in that circumstance.

If you try this and it doesn't work, it's not your fault. This is not a life hack it is a tiny piece of a very complex puzzle that requires time to put together.


don't drink a bunch of water right before a meal. that's disordered eating. make sure you are staying completely hydrated throughout the day. being thirsty may feel like hunger, but drinking a bunch of water when you're hungry can supress that feeling that should NEVER be suppressed. denouncing the whole concept of intuitive eating by using this tip is dangerous.


Even if the intention wasn't to tell people to drink water instead of eating there's NO way it wouldn't occur to you that this would immediately remind people of that very common, very toxic diet advice. I've finally started to heal from an ED I've had since puberty and this made me immediately think unhealthy thoughts.


But if I do that when I’m actually hungry I just get full of water and it feels weird so I can’t eat for 30-40 minutes or so. I think I can usually tell if it’s real hunger just by being mindful of what my stomach feels like and what my energy levels are. If I have high energy and could run a mile, it’s probably just a craving. The feeling of craving and hunger are different too, so I usually just know right off the bat.


I understand why people are saying this could be harmful and part of “toxic diet culture” if she was promoting drinking water IN PLACE OF eating, but she didn’t say that. 🫠 She said, “Drink 16 oz of water BEFORE EATING.” She isn’t saying we shouldn’t eat, she’s saying drinking water before we dive in is smart because we will actually intuitively eat & stop when we’re full vs eating like a ravenous animal that’s likely to binge. I have never, in any of her videos, seen this woman promote NOT EATING. She’s literally always eating. 😂

Edit to add: I make your banana bread mug cake regularly, and I love it! Thank you for the easy & helpful tips.


I used to have very disordered eating, but now that I’ve recovered I’m trying to learn how to eat mindfully Vs eat until I’m past the point of full or when I’m bored. This is a solid tip I use!


How does a $68 glass cup with some simple etching sell out completely?! I just don’t get it… Dollar tree sells a similar glass, just not sold by a YouTube influencer! 🤦🏻‍♀️😅😂


It's said the average American is dehydrated, I've heard that when someone becomes used to ignoring thirst signals their body starts sending hunger signals instead in hopes of getting what it needs. For a lot of people, that probably means getting more liquids is the only way to really get the "omg I'm starving" feeling to go away.


I'm trying to gain weight, so I do eat whenever I'm hungry. Or really anytime I think of food. I'mma go eat.


"How to get an ED 101: if you're hungry drink water!" The oldest anorexia trick in the book


16oz is 2 cups of water. Who wouldn’t be full off of that? 😭


I heard a tip once that if you’re hungry for a specific food, it’s mental hunger. If you could eat anything, it’s physical.


Could you give us the recipe for what you made here? Looks delicious 😊


Do you have a recipe for that little egg pie you made? It looks so good yummy and easy which is right up my alley!❤


the things is, i will overhydrate if i drink a lot of water before a meal bc it tricks my body into thinking i’m full when i’m actually hungry. i get her point but i don’t think this tip works for me because i’m working on rebuilding my relationship with food


I need that dish, please! Please share a link.
