How Having a Mindful Eating Practice Can Help You Make Better Food Choices

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A mindful eating practice is so important to creating long-term healthy eating habits.

Do you ever feel like you do really well with eating healthy until something outside of your control happens?

Like when you have to go out to eat for your friend’s birthday?

Or when you go home for the holidays and there are lots of sweets around?

Or do you have to travel for work, so your normal routine is thrown off?

Or you’re really stressed or bored and find yourself snacking?

These are all completely normal things to experience — they’re things we encounter on a daily basis. And mindful eating can help you bring awareness to all of these things so you can make the changes you need to feel your best.

In this video, I’m going to share how having a mindful eating practice can help you navigate these situations, make food choices that align with what you want and need, and learn how to enjoy all foods without feeling out of control or guilty when you do.

Learn the 3-part Method to Feel More Confident, Balanced, and at Peace With Food. And learn the #1 habit that's keeping you stuck, overthinking, and stressed with food — find your balance to enjoy food and nourish yourself fully!

What’s your balanced eating type? In this free 45-second quiz, you'll find out your Balanced Eating Archetype, get guidance on what you need to maintain balance and feel good in your body, and learn how to start feeling more confident and at peace with food!

Thank you for watching!
o McKel Kooienga MS RDN ✨
RD | Mentor | Coach

Nutrition Stripped is on a mission to support you in feeling confident, balanced, and at peace with food! This is a place where you’ll learn how to nourish yourself and embody a balanced life where you feel empowered, aligned, and at peace with your eating habits.

You’ll learn how to let go of diets, break free from the stress and obsession with food, and release a restrictive mindset in order to cultivate a positive relationship and experience with food!

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