Trouble Improving Bile Flow

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Watch our video on 5 Steps to Improve Bile Flow, if you haven't already:

This video is for those having trouble improving bile flow. Once you understand the functions of bile and how to improve bile flow, you will understand tactics to speed up your results and improve your fat digestion.

Understanding the digestive system and how digestion works, along with the importance of proper liver and gallbladder function is the first step to avoiding gallstones and ensuring you can get the most nutrients out of the food you’re eating.

Improving bile flow can help you improve symptoms like acne, nausea, loose stools, high blood pressure, and a whole lot more. This video talks about steps to improve bile flow if you are dealing with stubborn bile that is difficult to get moving.

Chapters 3 & 4 of this book explain the digestive process and how to improve it when aspects aren’t working correctly.

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Disclaimer - T.C. Hale is not a doctor and does not claim to be a doctor or licensed in any type of medical field. Any information found in any of T.C. Hale's books, videos, newsletters, or websites are intended for educational purposes only and should not be used for medical advice. You should contact your doctor for any medical advice.

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Video hashtags: #TCHale #KickItNaturally #BileAcids
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Let us know what symptoms you're dealing with that could come from poor bile flow.


Taking an Ox bile supplement with digestive enzymes on an empty stomach about 30 minutes to a hour before eating will get rid of the sludge around your gall bladder. Works for me. I will take it between my meals to break down my food as well.


I feel like I have mild liver fibrosis because I has hepatitis as a kid. So I think it’s the scarring that prevents adequate bile production. A lot of people had liver disease nowadays. So I think it would be something important to investigate.


Amazing again! Trying to get thru all your videos. So far my gut does not work, gallbladder is in trouble, NO APPENDIX because a doc felt like taking it out-no told me it did not have to come out but he did it anyways when I was 7 months pregnant 21 years ago. Almost died from leaky gut 9 years ago. A week in the hospital. Guess it was not my time.


So I've been doing BF 9/day plus BFF every 5 days or so followed by coffee supp. About 1.5 months. Never had nausea, the only problem with fats was diarrhea--but that was with everything. Using soluble fiber supp. to solidify stools so I can live normally, but color is still too light. Bilirubin slightly elevated in urine--so I must have adequate bile if it's spilling into the urine. Very itchy on body, outbreaks of "shingles, " non-itch rashes, keratosis, so toxins tied up in body.

Eating perhaps 6 poached/soft boiled eggs/day, so plenty of choline, but now will add choline after BFF (breath rate is 18). None of the other issues you mentioned, no hormones, no stress, no sugar/grains/starch/processed junk, no invaders--stress from the toxins i suppose, but if that's the problem, then it's a catch-22. BP ranges from 125/60 to 145/75. Took your digestion course and was following the catabolic imbalance food and supplement suggestions. Had lost 50 lbs before starting this regimen, much of it through fasting, so that might have contributed. Been going on decades so I'll guess I'll just keep at it, unless there's some other supp. you haven't mentioned.


Does the process of fat emulsification start inside your own stomach when taking Ox Bile with a meal? (Assuming the Ox Bile Capsule dissolves inside the stomach.)


what are symptoms of bile not flowing correctly?


Is zeneplex coffee suppository supposed to encourage a bowl movement?


Thanks for your super info!… why one is very, very constipated ; very dry ( like dirt) small piece consistency light brown color… and can’t take ox bile or Betaine HCL very sensitive to supplements… it feels like is back flowing into the upper stomach… all gallbladder/liver tests were ok; all CT scans, ultrasound HIDA scans were also ok… but they are complaints of pain under right ribs… plus very nauseous and dizzy… it is very strange and no one knows


Beet leaves are said to be high oxalate, so should someonecwith Stage 3 kidney disease avoid using Beet Flow?


Can I do a Beet Flow Flush 2 hours before bed, and use an epsom salt/water drink in the morning to dilate the bile ducts? I've done several stone flushes with the E.S., grapefruit and olive oil. That works great but is more of a challenge.


As much as we appreciate advice, so far no.1 choice comes beet flow and what if we live in place where we can not get it? besides it is 180 capsules $81 and not clear taxes or shipment included or not. Would be good if there are other options as affective as beet flow, like freshly juiced dandelion


Any one who’s taken beet flow How long does beetflow usually take to darken stools and get bile flowing?


Do you find organic grains like rice and quinoa as problem?


I’ve had eye issues that I believe is connected to liver/gallbladder. My eyes and sinuses feel dry, irritated, and sensitive. I also have right arm pain and pain on my right side some. Not sure if beet flow, ox bile and milk thistle will help?


Choline makes me feel sick, but citicoline (CDP choline) really helps me. If I feel itchy, citicoline stops it in 20 min. Is it working in the same way? I hope so, lol.


can n acetyl help with bile flow please


Question, I've had problems with poor bile flow for maybe 10yrs. or more. I've been tested twice in that time and they found I had a fatty liver and gave me no solutions for it. Also suffered a lot of Hypoglycemia during that time. I was told to eat more snacks, etc. I stay in good shape with exercise and lifted weights but my bile flow did not improve. I went on a Keto Diet recently which helped stop the Hypoglycemia. I eat more healthy fat, protean and Vegetables on this diet. I got the Beet Flow supplement and things got better. I went through one bottle and a half already maybe in one month. I never did any of the coffee enema's though. The bile's flowing better but now I have High Cholesterol, 270 Triglycerides 96 Direct is very high 203 mg/dl. Do you have any help for me with this outcome. I'm getting another ultrasound on my liver in a few weeks to see if the fat has subsided.


How do you take this if you don’t have a gallbladder?


Is a cup of oats a day can thick the bile?
