How to Do a Beet Flow Flush to Improve Bile Flow

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This video will show you how to do a beet flow flush to improve bile flow using Beet Flow from Empirical Labs. Once you understand the functions of bile and how to improve bile flow, this Beet Flow flush strategy will help you speed up your results and improve your fat digestion.

Understanding the digestive system and how digestion works, along with the importance of proper liver and gallbladder function is the first step to avoiding gallstones and ensuring you can get the most nutrients out of the food you’re eating.

Improving bile flow can help you improve symptoms like acne, nausea, loose stools, high blood pressure, and a whole lot more.

Chapters 3 & 4 of this book explain the digestive process and how to improve it when aspects aren’t working correctly.

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Just by taking beet flow. My food sensitivities are so much better. Less headaches also. No more stomach discomfort either. Finally a supplement that actually is working for me. Thanks buddy


This Beet flow supplement has ended my 50 yrs of constipation! How is this possible? Thank you. Loving your book buddy.


Firstly, thank you so much for these videos - I feel like I have learnt so much from them, I understand my problem now. I don't see many comments from people who have actually used Beet Flow so I thought I would share my experiences after using it for two weeks. I am currently on a waiting list to have my gallbladder removed, but I am now pretty sure I will not take the operation, all thanks to these videos and Beet Flow. Although I do have a large gallstone (I had an ultrasound) I was also told that I had sludge too. I haven't experienced an 'attack' more long lasting bloating and dull cramps rather than intense pain - to me that felt more like sludge too. Plus I have suffered a lot from acne during my life - another sign I now realise of poor bile flow. I started Beet Flow around 10 days ago - at first I experienced a LOT of itching, so much that I ended up making my arms quite sore from scratching. BUT I believe that was a good sign as it was the toxins finally moving and coming out through my pores. I don't experience the itching now and even better, I haven't felt any bloating or discomfort at all the past few days. The change has been huge so I highly highly recommend it. My only question is, do I need to stay on Beet Flow forever? I haven't managed to find the answer to that yet but if you are thinking about trying it but are worried about the cost - for me (and I live in the UK so had the very expensive delivery costs) it has been totally worth it


Before trying the beet green flow flush, if I ate fatty proteins, I would feel nauseous and lose my appetite for several hours. My backdoor was more like a water gate on the Panama Canal. I couldn't eat past 8:00 PM without developing GERD at night. I tried the beet greens flush (16 capsules total over about an hour) and the next day I felt lethargic and slightly disoriented. I rested, drank a lot of water, and by the second day I felt lighter. My stomach felt better and my normal ocean tides out the backdoor went silent for about two days. Then I developed lower left abdominal pains that made me think my appendix had switched sides and had a head-on collision with my small intestine.

Turns out I had gone from having rocket diarrhea to stone cold Steve Austin constipation. Eventually it cleared up and now, two weeks later things seem to be on track. The back door isn't swinging open 10 times/day (more like 2x) and the poopsicles are more chocolate than banana cream colored. I'm taking the Beet green supplements every once in awhile and keeping an eye on the porcelain buddha for signs that rocketman might be returning. So far so good, I


boy i cant say thanks enough to "the kick it naturally"


I started taking beetflow afew days ago, 1 a meal on day 1, 2 Meal for 3 days, then yesterday start with 3per meal. Im doing keto & intermittent fasting with 2 meals aday. Today i done the flush. I notice today i went twice, that i cant see the stools as the water was all cloudy. I had been bloated after eating & getting a pressure feeling at the top middle of my stomach. Today it has eased abit. Ive had lots of test & scans with nothing being found, now they want to do a capsule endoscopy in 3 weeks. Since all this has started, ive improved by taking hcl, & enzymes now also taking beetflow. If i had listened to my doctor i would still be on the sick & carried on losing weight.


Starting my first 4 tablets of my first flush as I write this. I did a little build up the past 3 days. I may need the xeneplex in the end (pun intended) because I've had this gnawing gallbladder cramping for years, along with a few full blown attacks. The strange thing is, no murphy sign of pain, and zero pain or discomfort when sitting or lying down. Only when I'm on my feet. Been doing betaine hcl for about a week to make sure I trigger the gallbladder. Wish me luck.


UPDATE: I've now been taking Beet Flow at meals, doing a flush once a week, and using the coffee suppositories(right after bowel movement) twice a week, for at least six weeks. I haven't had a single migraine or gallbladder attack since I started. I have had a couple of instances of clay colored stool mixed in with darker stool. It makes me think that stones have moved through the ducts without getting stuck because these products have been shrinking them. I'm still having gurgling in my gut. The suppositories produce very little stool, but a lot of fat. At first, the fat was cloudy. Now it's clear. Not sure if the fat is from my diet, or if it's being expelled from my liver. Overall, I'm very glad that I haven't been to the hospital with gallbladder attacks or migraines. I am just a little concerned about oxalates with the beet product.


I’m so thankful for this crazy little flush!!! I went nuts and got the coffee suppositories too. I did the protocol for a month - supplements all week, flush on Friday evenings, suppositories on Saturday mornings. It’s how I party! I’ve been managing gallstones for 17 years - I was a mad wicked case. Huge difference!! I’m wondering when you’d suggest I do it again. Is the beat flow supplement something I should be taking every singles day? Even if I don’t do the flush very often?


Just want to share my experience using beet flow for some time.
Unfortunately mine was quite bad due to severe oxalate dumping after quitting taking it.
I hadn’t heard anything about oxalates and still don’t know that much about it but it can, for some people be an issue but for some not so much.

I started using beet flow slowly over a month and gradually increased the dose with each meal. Within some weeks I felt itches and pains all over and I reduced to 1/ day. But after a couples of week I get extreme pain in my back/upper torso and was sweating a gallon each night. It was so bad that I could stay in bed since it was totally soaked.

I later decided to give it a second go after two month of rest and slowly increased dose until I made a proper flush twice.
I saw some progress, verified by blood work and bilirubin levels improved, but that could also be that I performed a quite a number of coffee enemas over three weeks.

One month after the flushes and no longer taking beet flow I ran in to severe and I mean severe oxalate dumping. Crystals pushing out of the body all over and that hurts like crazy. Literally pain all over and my kidney took a heavy hit, also that verified by blood work.

Now I trying to manage the dumping and have been researching oxalates. Search oxalate dumping on YouTube for info.
You’re supposed to slowly reduce your intake to minimize the dumping effect. But eating such high levels that there is in beet flow is hard.
I have been dumping hard more or less every day for two months and some days it is terrible, frankly hell.
Some crystals found their way to the heart area with palpitations and spams sending me to ER more than once. Now I have learned what it is and fight mentally to accept the palpitations and spams since they will eventually stop. Taking something with oxalates helps.

End of the day.
Beet flow didn’t work well with me and I have taken other actions to improve, such as enemas and a suppository from the same company that make coffee suppository.
The only regret I have is that I didn’t listen to my body better. Some of oxalate and liver back flow symptom are quite similar.
I did what I did knowingly & willingly so no harm no faul.

If you experience anything like above, please be better at listening to your body and slowly reduce your dose. A short sprint for a flush could be fine, it is more when you use it over time and then suddenly stop when issues might begin.

Take care


I was wondering about how the pancreas contributes to digestion and how that might interact with the gall bladder and bile flow


Let us know here what steps you've taken to try to improve your bile flow. and a comment's section disclaimer:
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Are the coffee suppositories just as effective as the enemas? Are they absorbed just as well and just as stimulating of glutathione? And do they clear out the large intestine the same way?


I just did the beer flow flush and it cleaned me out!! Question, I was feeling bile flowing through my throat. Can you explain what this means and if there’s something else needing to be done?


If someone is dealing with non-alcoholic cirrhosis can beet flow help?


Received Beet Flow 4 days ago, did my first flush today. Here are my results thus far:
Lost 3.8 pounds since beginning BF
On my 3rd dose of the flush I took some hcl bc it felt like the 8 capsules I had taken weren’t dissolving.
Completed flush 3 hours ago had a bowel movement which was definitely unusual. It had a sour smell like fermented lemon peels not the usual poop smell 😂 it was green, floating in peculiar shapes. Hope that doesn’t happen again unless it’s a good thing 😂
That’s it so far. Glad I didn’t get a terrible reaction though I’m concerned about my poop 💩 hoping things improve. I’ll repeat in a week 😁


Have you seen clients who have gallbladder pain and low stomach acid restore bile flow with beet flow?

My concern is that I'm not breaking down the beet flow capsules because I don't have enough acid.


My acid reflux was horrendous and diarrhea multiple times a day for few years . EVERY food on the planet bloated me . Since I’ve been taking beet flow, no more acid reflux, normal bowel movements, food digests well and I’m not bloated. I have taken so many products to help myself, probably 50 and nothing, and I mean nothing has worked until this. Thank you so much I only have one question, when do I restart taking HCL? I couldn’t take it before because of SIBO and HCL made acid worse but, I’m correcting bile first like you said . So, when ( or do I ) take HCL ?


Should the bile flow be taken before our after each meal?

Can you take with Ox Bile and regular digestive enzymes?


I've download your book, a lot of information that lead me to this video. Thank you.
