How to Use Ox Bile and TUDCA the Right Way

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If you’ve been researching ox bile, TUDCA or purified bile salts, you may be wondering when is ox bile a bad idea. This video will explain how to use ox bile and TUDCA the right way. There are many bile salts benefits but supplementing with ox bile or TUDCA should not be taken lightly.

It’s crucial to understand how to use ox bile or TUDCA the right way. If you’re having digestive symptoms, or you’ve had your gallbladder removal surgery and you’re wondering about supplements to use when your gallbladder is removed, this video will help answer your question of should I take ox bile and should I take TUDCA.

Even if you’re just looking to learn how to improve gallbladder function, this video can help you find your answers.

Chapters 3 & 4 of this book explain the digestive process and how to improve it when aspects aren’t working correctly.

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Disclaimer - T.C. Hale is not a doctor and does not claim to be a doctor or licensed in any type of medical field. Any information found in any of T.C. Hale's books, videos, newsletters, or websites are intended for educational purposes only and should not be used for medical advice. You should contact your doctor for any medical advice.

Video hashtags: #TCHale #KickItNaturally #UsingOxBile
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What symptoms have ox bile or TUDCA helped you improve?
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You are the first person I have heard that has done a COMPREHENSIVE lecture on gallbladder issues and bile acids / pH effect on bowel movements. It's UNBELIEVABLE that as many people that have had their gallbladder removed and have GI issues that no one has covered the subject to the proper depth like you have. I've been looking for information since 2019 and haven't seen a single person cover this issue until now 2023. Thank you. By the way I like your analogy of the gas pedal / brake pedal.


You are the *FIRST* person I have ever heard to explain this crucial information. And I have seen multiple doctors (including several GP's, gastro specialists, naturopaths)! I don't have a gallbladder and am still struggling, but now I plan to try a higher dose of ox bile between meals and not during. Worth a shot. Thank you for educating beyond the textbooks and genuinely caring!!


Still have my gallbladder but I take oxbile because of Gilbert’s syndrome, been working wonders. 4 months ago started to have pain in my lower left abdomen along with it being hard to pass stool, went on a keto diet and it worked for a little bit until it didn’t. Started to do more research and pretty much self assed my situation that doctors couldn’t fix, my doctor didn’t even know what oxbile or Tudca was been 4 months of pain and hard to pass stools all fixed by one supplement, cheers to everyone on there health journey


Boy did I need this information in the '90s. I begged to have my gallbladder removed after many self help attempts. And no one told me about ox bile. I found out on my own in the 2000's however I wasn't aware of timing. Now I understand and will use this method. Thank you


I have been using Tudca to lower my cholesterol. I take it on an empty stomach, in the middle of the night, when I wake up to pee. So far, it has helped.


I wish I would've found this channel before I had my gall bladder removed but I'm just thankful I now have this to help me moving forward


Yes please make a gallbladder video. I’ve been without mine for 25 years now and constantly having gut issues now


Great info .... but ....the benefit of TUDCA is not immediate in the digestion cycle that you're taking it. As you know, most bile gets recycled and THAT'S where TUDCA comes in handy! Your body recycles it and then it helps thin the rest of your bile in the next cycle (and beyond) to keep your bile flowing correctly. I've had 5 medium to large gallstones since 2019 and I take 4x 250mg TUDCA per day (210 lbs 6' male). When I take them, my digestion and bowel movements are good. If I stop, I get bile acid diarrhea/malabsorption and a dull ache in my gallbladder. Within a day or two of resuming TUDCA, my bowel movements return to normal and the dull aches in my gallbladder go away. More TUDCA isn't necessarily better due to the apoptosis he mentioned. If you can get by with 2 or 3, even better. I've tried ox bile several times and while it works sometimes, I've wound up with extreme diarrhea too many times and had to stop trying it.


You need to do a whole video for people to help themselves who had their gallbladder removed.


Dr. Berg said on his gallbladder video that TUDCA should only take it on a empty stomach.


Finally a great explanation about bile salt supplementation. I had my gall bladder removed years ago and have been take ox bile salts with my meals for a couple of years.


I used to get my Tudca fresh, then I discovered synthetic! Much less bites and scratches that way! Do recommend.


I'm pleased to finally hear an explanation for the gurgling sound I sometimes hear from just below my sternum. *Sizzle!* Yeah, that word describes it too.


what an excellent video. clear, concise, and to the point, with a good sense of humor. He should have hundreds of thousands of views soon.


I was hospitalized and diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis 2 years ago, 6 months after diagnose I had severe gallbladder attack and it was removed. I never knew I should take ox bile. Months later I started to develop severe joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, symptom of UC, also a symptom of not having bile! I found out through the internet! I ordered some bile salts and the severe joint pain/arthritis stopped when I started taking bile salts. I couldn't believe that not having bile was causing me such severe joint pain. I've never known how to take them or if I should take with low fat meals or just high fat meals. The bottle and internet says take with food. I'm going to start taking them an hour later and watch your video program, the 6 steps... Should I be taking bile salt with snacks? I've noticed sometimes with small meals or too little fat I will get acid stomach with it but now I know not to take it with meal so maybe I need it with small meals too? Idk. I often thought it was too late to take if I missed it with a meal. Sometimes it's hard to know if it's my UC or bile problems. I always thought UC sysmptoms but now I think I'm having digestive troubles. I've never even heard of Tudca until now. I wish my Drs would have told me something. Saved me a lot of pain and money and medication I didn't need. Anyone else with UC and gallbladder issues? This is all still kinda new to me and I don't know anyone that has UC. I had never even heard of it. Surprise! Thank you for the info. I'll check out your other videos and see if I can get some help and figure this out. All the money I pay for Drs and insurance and I've had to diagnose myself on everything that's wrong with me. Our healthcare is so sad. Thanks for helping me figure things out.


I have my gallbladder and a nutritionist put me on ox bile and bitters to increase bile production/flow. But she forgot to tell me to take the ox bile away from food. Her notes…plus the ox bile bottle states take with food…so I did. I was feeling great at first and after a couple of weeks I experienced major diarrhea and became so dehydrated I experienced nausea and vertigo. At that point I stopped taking all supplements and my body almost went back to normal. But now I am experiencing symptoms I have never had before; constant burping and now it’s progressed to heartburn. I experience burping when drinking first thing in the morning, after meals, after drinking water throughout the day. Most of the burps are quiet, but sometimes they are explosive, like I just drank a carbonated drink. It is unfortunate I discovered your videos after the fact, but from watching your videos I believe taking the ox bile with my food has caused me to have low stomach acid (ran test just before taking ox bile and my stomach acid was working great) I mentioned to her that I believe I needed to take HCL, but she wanted me to try apple cider vinegar first which seemed like it was helping at first, but it didn’t . I have taken activated charcoal and have drunk ozonated water in attempt to deal with a possible accumulation of bad bugs. Also taken bitters, teas that aid in digestion, sea salt on the tongue…It has been months since the original upset and I feel like I have tried so many things and my symptoms are getting progressively worse. I ordered the enzymes, betaine HCL and beetflow as recommended in the book. Can you please advise on the timing to take the beet flow and the enzymes. Do you take them 20 minutes before the meal or just before the first bite of food? The timing of the HCL is clear because you state in the middle of the meal. I am really fearful of making any timing mistakes, due to now having a new health issue because I was not properly advised on the correct timing of taking the ox bile.


My life has been hell. About 6 years ago, I got sick with mono and then celiac disease. Had a sinus infection, took antibiotics and got sibo. Lost about 70lbs very quick whent thru a year of hell took more antibiotics that kinda helped. Almost a year ago, I started taking hcl and that helped alot even with depression! Started taking bile salts about a month ago, and i feel even better. I still have all my organs. Now that i take bile salts i can tolerate taking vit d now.


You’re really good at explaining all this. That means that you really know your stuff!


Best information about Ox Bile and Tudca and how does it work. Thank you so much for wonderful information. You’re the Best!
