How NOT To Tear Your ACL in 2021 | Injury Prevention Explained By Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgeon

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How not to tear your ACL? I have some great injury prevention and preventative medicine strategies for YOU because tearing your ACL sucks. Nobody wants to tear their ACL/anterior cruciate ligament. Today I am going to tell you HOW NOT TO TEAR YOUR ACL LIGAMENT and your knees are going to love you for it.

I am Dr. Chris Raynor, orthopaedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist. The ACL tear is a common injury that I often see in my operative practice. It occurs frequently in athletes who participate in sports that involve jumping, twisting, pivoting, or direction change. The longterm consequences from this injury can be quite serious. However, there are ways to decrease the chances of suffering an ACL tear. Watch this video to find out what this injury is and how to avoid having it yourself!

#ACLtear #anteriorcruciateligament #ACLreconstruction

Melbourne 2.0 ACL Rehabilitation Guide:

Injury Reduction Program Resources:

ACL Reconstruction Graft Choices | Howard Luks

On this channel, I want to make the world a healthier place. I want you to become active, stay active, and to remain injury-free. I want to teach you how to avoid problems BEFORE they occur. I want to help to teach you about the field of medicine so that you can have the best healthcare experience possible. I want to help you to become the healthiest, most mobile version of yourself possible.

If you have any comments, suggestions, questions you would like answered, or ideas for future videos, let us know in the comments below. If there is a workout you want me to try then be sure to tell me in the comments.

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Please watch: "Surgeon Reacts to The Witcher Blaviken Market Fight Scene | Dr Chris Raynor"
Рекомендации по теме

If you are an athlete and you want to avoid tearing your ACL, then this video is for you. If you've already torn your ACL, then this video is for you too! Let us known if you have torn your ACL and how your recovery is going! We want to know!


I haven’t had an ACL tear but I’m paranoid of having one, thanks for the information!


I had ACL surgery 7 years ago. It was a complete tear. I did the hamstring auto-graft. These are my stories *DUUHN DUUHN*. My quad significantly atrophied. I could not even really flex it anymore. Had to relearn how to contract it. I did physical therapy for months. Three appoints per week plus daily exercises. I cannot stress this enough: do your home exercises religiously! I started "running" again around 6 months post surgery. And by running, I mean baby steps in a running-like stride. One lap around the track and my calves were burning and sore for days. I stepped back onto a basketball court around 9 months. BUT I DID NOT PLAY. I simply put my shoes on and shot around. Around 11 months, I felt comfortable to play cautiously with a custom-made sports brace. I picked up mountain biking as a new sport because I knew I couldn't play basketball at the volume I used to. Biking was great for my knee. I also started weight-training and yoga. A couple years after surgery, my knees felt better than ever. I ditched the sports brace and played worry free. Fast forward several years. I sit a lot. I get back into weight training. but squats caused massive pain in my knees because my glutes and hamstrings were asleep from sitting so much and I didn't exercise them enough. I became severely quad-dominant, putting strain back on my knee. My calves had also grown weak because I neglected their importance. Knee pain and instability returned. Now, I've been doing lots of hamstring, hip, and calves work. Knee starting to feel really good again. Moral of story, you can have an amazing recovery from ACL surgery and be better from it. But never stop maintaining your body. Take care of your body, and it will take care of you.


Idk what scares me more, the fact I could tear my acl, or this man screaming at me haha


He literally just summed up the last 10 months of my life


Wow still replying so quick after 4 months, what a legend!


lol thank you for actually providing the sources/links you refer to in the description.. 90% of the videos where people say "you can check out this video" they NEVER provide sources


Tore my ACL 4 weeks ago so I sure as hell can't wait to do these exercises in the coming rehab


So nice to see you reference Mick Hughes. I went to one of his workshops after completing my ACL rehab, he restored my confidence in my knee.




I am a new subscriber. Happy that all the videos have the same information quality, energy and passion. Also happy he screams less tho!


This would’ve been good to know last year😂🤦🏽‍♂️


love your videos ... I tore my ACL 10 years ago and I hope it never happens again


I broke my arm and tore my acl in the same play...I was I could have had you as my doctor!!!!


Tore my ACL a little under 5 months ago and I’m glad to say this video gave me a panic attack


Tore my ACL and miniscus a year ago in basketball and recently re tore my miniscus in rugby will do these exercises


love your enthusiasm doc!! love the work


I tore my acl during taekwondo practice and I wanted to know what not to do after surgery and physical therapy. This helped a lot, thanks.


Love the video Doc. My dad has suffered an ACL injury before playing soccer and stopped playing sports since then. I showed him the vid and he was so glad to see that people like you are teaching young athletes to be safe. Keep it up Doc!!!


I feel like if i don’t watch this i’m going to tear my ACL
