Best exercises to strengthen your lower back - Best exercises for low back pain

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The 5 best exercises you can do at home to strengthen your lower back and glutes and eliminate pain. No equipment required - strengthen and tone with these bodyweight exercises.

Bridge (2:34)
Single Leg Bridge (3:38)
Swimmer (4:42)
Superman (6:02)
Deadlift (6:49)



Of all the conditions I treat in my physical therapy clinic, none are as prevalent as low back pain. In fact, it's estimated that about 80% of us will experience some form of significant lower back pain in our lives. That means if you haven't had it yet, chances are you will at some point in the future.

One of the best ways you can avoid lower back pain is to keep the muscles that support and stabilize your spine strong and healthy.

Today I wanted to share with you 5 of my favorite exercises that you can do at home with zero equipment required to strengthen and tone your lower back and help decrease and eliminate low back pain.

One of the most-often overlooked muscle groups when it comes to lower back and core strengthening is the glutes. Your gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus attach to your pelvis and help to form the foundation upon which your lower back is built. If you want to strengthen your back and eliminate pain, it's imperative that we include exercises that strengthen your glutes as well.

The lumbar spine or lower back is an area not known for much motion. In fact, it is supposed to be a stable area that is less susceptible to injury and able to hold up to the rigors of heavier lifting and training. If your lower back is weak and required to do too much work, it can easily break down.
In order to work to its best, the low back has to get assistance from the glutes to help with extension of the posterior chain from the bottom up as well.
The muscles of the low back are asked to fire for long periods of time throughout the day. Often, they have become dormant and underactive because of prolonged sitting.
In order to keep them strong, it is important to regularly train these muscles and help to improve the endurance of them. The five exercises shown below will keep your back muscles strong without requiring any expensive or elaborate back extension machines or equipment.



- Lay on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor.
- Squeeze your butt and lift your hips up off of the floor. Lift your hips as high as you can comfortably.
- Hold five seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
- Perform three sets of 10 repetitions.

- Lay on your back with your right leg bent, left leg out straight.
- Contract your right glute and use your right hip muscles to lift your pelvis up off of the floor. Your left leg should remain out straight.
- Hold 3-5 seconds and return to the starting position.
- 10 repetitions on the right, 10 repetitions on the left, repeated three times.

- Lay on your stomach with your arms stretched out over your head.
- Raise your right arm and left leg completely up off of the ground. Hold 1-2 seconds and then return to the starting position.
- Repeat with your left arm and right leg.
- Perform 10 repetitions on each side and repeat three times.

- Lay on your stomach with your arms stretched out over your head.
- Completely lift your chest and legs up off of the floor and hold 2-3 seconds.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- Perform 10 repetitions and repeat 3 sets.

- Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart.
- Keep you back straight as you hinge forward at your hips.
- Bend as low as you can go (down to torso parallel to the floor) and then use your glutes and lumbar extensors to return back upright to the starting position.
- Perform 10 reps and repeat three times.

Remember - in order to effectively strengthen your back at home it's imperative that you include glutes into your exercises. Focus on strengthening the entire posterior chain and you'll be amazed at your results!
Рекомендации по теме

I waited a week to post this comment to make sure I wasn’t experiencing the placebo effect. I’ve had lower left back pain for over 6 months, especially when sitting. Found your video and honestly felt some relief after the first day. 5 days later of doing the routine every day and the pain is essentially gone. I can actually sit comfortably and feel no pain. Looking forward to building some more strength with this and get back to my heavy lifting. Thank you so much for making this video.


2:49 - Bridge
3:39 - (Harder version) Single leg bridge
5:03 - Swimmer
6:03 - (Harder version) Superman
6:58 - Body weight Dead Lift


Enjoyed this video, I've been told I have mechanical back failure, it's been like this for nearly 6 years. Doctor put me on Naproxen. Nothing seems to shift the pain so I am trying these routines to strengthen my lower back thank you


Im 42 ... never been 'fit' but never overweight.

Last 3 months Ive twigged my lower back twice. Never happened before. Made me feel like an old man and a bit depressed
Exercises seem to help a bit.
Time to start working 💪


Single leg bridges get me every time! Which exercise is your favorite? Thanks for watching!


I had the worst back pain in my life for 3 days that didn’t respond to simple pain killers/nsaids/muscle relaxants until I stumbled upon your videos and tried your techniques for relieving lumbar disc pain. The effects were immediate pain relief up to 60-70% !

I then asked a a friend who’s a physical medicine pain specialist who sent me a link to this video!

Thank you for sharing💐


"Many people forget to work and strengthen their lower back and it's very important"
–Arnold Schwarzenegger


3:50 10 with r8 leg and 10 with left
Repeat 3 times
5:10 10 on each side repeat 3 times
6:30 for 2 to 3 sec and for 10 raps
7:10 feel your lower back stabilised
Repeat 3 times


I started to hit the gym a few months ago and got a lower back pain recently especially during and after back extension. Gonna work on my technique and strengthening lower back, thank you!


Thank you, Dr. Jared. Since last 2 months due to prolonged study sessions I was facing huge pain in my lower back and on buttocks . It was so severe that I was not able to study and cough also, it hurted alot but just after doing 2 sessions of 15 mins (each) of your suggested exercises, I felt instant relief and was able to cough without pain. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart and I am going to do it daily, twice a day. God bless you Doctor.


Thank you for this video. I haven't been kind enough to my lower back. My sitting posture has always been really bad. I'm 34 now and am trying to correct it to prevent any further damage that it may cause. I've noticed that my glutes are weak and my hamstrings are really tight.


Thank you for telling the mechanism and science behind the exercises and pain, that really helps in knowing what I must focus on while doing an exercise


Thanks for this very practical training video. My severe low back pain was killing me, now I am relief of pain and watching everyday this From Guatemala.


I have had massive pain couple years now (disc injury) in lower back, waking up every morning, hard to get up from bed, left leg completely out of game ( alot pain killers and 9 hour walking or working to able be alright). I did ur exercise right on morning it was painfull and really stretching my painfull back and boom instant relief after 30min trying finish my last 10x3 set.. i could walk in morning normally and wear socks without pain . And run again in forest this night . I couldnt run for 2 years now its possible again!! I will keep doing ur exercises morning and nights. All i want to say is big thank you! <3


I’m glad I have found this video. When I was 29 years ago I ended up having lower back pain which ended up being L4 and L5. which I had to end up having 2 injections first was because the disc was bulging and I was in a lot of pain. Yet it did help with the pain after 2 weeks but the pain came back. Turns out after having an MRI the disc ruptured on me causing the disc’s to put against my sciatic nerve. Which that’s where the 2nd shot came in due to the sciatic nerve being pressed because of the disc. After that my back was starting to pop back into place after the recovery my doctor wanted me to do exercise on my back since I’m still at risk to where I would need surgery if I didn’t strengthen my back.


Thanks. I use to heavy lifting for 4 years then quit after a limited job change. Strained my lower back on another job now not working. I hurt a LOT and am like jelly now. Just basic bending over hurts. I'm 53 and feel like 80. I hope doing these gets my back strong again.


Man, thank you!!! I love sports but for the last 3 years (after I switched from teaching to an administrative job) I've been having pain in my lower back, buttocks and inner part of the leg. I saw this video 2 weeks ago, began doing the exercises and for the first time in 3 years I'm pain free. Thank


I have been doing this exercise for 6+ months. It does really help the pain to be a few days rather than weeks. I'm working on weight, gotta lose that beer belly.


Beckstrand has kept the video succinct and to the point. His explanation is easy to understand and the exercises require no special equipment. A big plus is that he doesn't, unlike many YouTube videos, slow down the video by verbally asking for "like" and "subscribe ". Excellent job, and thanks for teaching me the simple and effective exercises.


Actually I am classical dancer and kalari student past 2 weeks every morning when I woke up on my bed I m suffering lower back pain so today I searched best exercise and best calcium food suddenly I saw your video very use full for me now I have hope to cure my lower back pain thanks for your video I started some exercise 👍 once again thank you 🙏
