Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) vs Acid Reflux / GERD - The One Year Update and FAQ

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Over year ago, I decided to try to cure my acid reflux naturally, by drinking a tonic made with apple cider vinegar. My results were great: I have been off meds and symptom free ever since. I've made two videos on this topic and I find that I continue to get the same questions over and over. In this video, I answer those questions.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a healthcare professional and this video does not constitute medical advice. I'm just a guy who decided to experiment on himself and share his results. Your results may be different than mine and you should consult your physician before quitting any medication.

Time Stamps:
00:00 Introduction
04:39 How does drinking acid reduce acid reflux? Makes no sense
06:27 How do you know if you have low stomach acid?
07:24 Will drinking ACV help if I have "silent reflux"?
07:59 Will it burn my throat when I drink it?
08:22 Is it normal to get a stomach ache from drinking ACV?
09:04 Should I go off my reflux medication "cold turkey"?
10:23 Do I need the lemon juice? The salt? The stevia?
11:04 Does the bran of ACV matter?
11:12 Do I need to use ACV that contains "the mother"?
11:30 Can I use a different sweetner like honey?
11:40 When should I drink this?
12:29 Will I be all cured after 30 days?
13:21 Do I still need to avoid certain foods?
14:19 Will drinking ACV damage my teeth?
14:50 Any long term health issues from drinking ACV?

My recipe for a 2 quart (2 litre) pitcher of tonic (roughly 6 servings):
1/3rd cup (80 ml) lemon juice
2/3rd cup (160 ml) apple cider vinegar (with "the mother")
1/3rd teaspoon powdered ginger
2/3rd teaspoon cinnamon
6-8 grinds of pink Himalayan sea salt
sweetener to taste (I do 6 squirts of liquid stevia)
water to fill the rest of the pitcher


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Hi, Steave.I was on Pantropazole on and off for years . Last summmer I've had severe acid reflux attack, unable to breath, lost my voice for two weeks and went to hospital, emergecy room, four times in the month of June, also lost 38 lb. ENT doctors did not help me . Watching your videos and taking ACV twice a day, now six moths later, I am of my medication, and relief from GERD and feel GREAT. THANK YOU.


I've learned way more from this video than from actual doctors. This guy speaks in such a detailed yet easy to digest manner. It's like a really good instructor you'd have in college.


I had serious reflux issues years ago. I was scoped, put on meds etc… Several years ago I went Keto and slowly transitioned to Carnivore, with this lifestyle I started the ACV routine. I’m down to 1-2 shots per week and never felt better. Reflux is a distant memory. Thanks for sharing your story.


In 1971 I was rooting around in the college library and found an old turn of the century small book by a doctor. His solution to most everything internal was a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day. Fifty years later I am intermittently following his advice!


You’re right, I started taking it 2-3 weeks ago. I stop taking any kind of medication, my doctor says don’t eat or drink anything 3-5 hours before going to bed. I was very upset at myself because there’s no cure and he also mentioned eat less, I started to study more of my symptoms which was GERD. Drink 1 tablespoon add less 1/8 cup of water twice daily. I see improvements after 3 days and now I can eat anything I want like normal people but of course I still be careful. So glad to read about you who have symptoms and ideas. I say this because “ Only people who have GERD symptoms knows other people sufffers from GERD and doesn’t need to explain. Thank you.


I'm a health professional. Was having GERD symptoms with laryngeal spasms at night. It was frightening to suddenly lose my ability to breathe for 30 seconds at a time. My personal MD prescribed Pantoprazole which made things so bad that I was forced to abandon it after 20 days. I have only used the apple cinder vinegar tonic on a half dozen occasions and this had "fixed" my issues completely. I've had no GERD related issues in the past year. Thank you.


Thank you for this! I know is over a year old, but I needed this! I was on Keto for at least over one year and decided to have a day where I would "cheat" a little. That "a little" became over a year and 20 lbs gained from losing almost 100 lbs. Im going back to keto and never looking back. However, I've gotten acid reflux (not diagnosed by a doctor) and started taking a couple of teaspoons full before eating. It's working but I needed your testimony to make sure I was doing the right thing. Thank you from a new subscriber 🥰


I'm 2 weeks in taking Apple cider vinegar. I can honestly say that my chronic gord symptoms have disappeared. Thank you so much for providing actually real advice. I'll be passing this information onto my Dad who also suffers the same condition.


Hey, Regular Guy not-a-medical-professional, I AM a medical professional and you are right on point. I have had a chronic dry cough, duh, GERD. Drinking ACV (I hesitate to say "fixed") has made a huge difference. I drink this indiscriminately during the day, no particular time. ACV, sweetener, sometimes with a little cinnamon or ginger, most times not. Tastes like apple cider with the nice side effect of taking care of the reflux. Thanks, once again, for being the crash-test dummy.


I started this tonic last night after seeing your 30 day video yesterday morning. I knew ACV would help but your tonic helps down it much better. Thanks for your input and videos. I started following yesterday and already see some promising videos. Thanks!!


I met a boy aged 12 that had been suffering with GERD for a few years. He had been scoped down his throat twice, went through 3 different medications and a couple different doctors with no resolution. His mother had spent about 25 thousand American dollars total for all the medical bills. I studied his diet of what he ate and drank. I discovered he was a soccer athlete, and never drank water, but a lot of red Gatoraid or a red fruit punch drink. After several experiments it was conclusuve that the artificial color Red 40 in both drinks was the cause and perpetuator of his GERD.


You are the consummate professional Steve. It is wonderful to hear these tips and respond to the litany of well-founded questions. You take care of us, Keto folks and non-Keto alike, through your due diligence. I've said it before; I say it again: you are a blessing on this earth. Namaste bro...


I know most people wouldn't consume ACV for fun but this just further proves that food is medicine! :)


Just want to say, it's literally my first day and first time trying diluted ACV, and it worked RIGHT AWAY for my 3 months chronic cough because of combined allergies+acid reflux. Nothing else worked and I've tried a bunch of medications! Thank you so much.


Sir, thank you for making this, honest, and to the point video, so others could possibly use this technique, to help with their acid problems.


Joining the masses in saying THANK YOU for sharing this experience and information. I have also stopped my PPI and am in relief from GERD because I tried this tonic 2x per day; I just started this routine last week and it is already a brand new life. THANK YOU ♥


ACV has a major positive impact on my overall health, including the ability to ward off any sickness. At the first sign of feeling as though I may be coming down with something. I'll mix ACV with an 1/8 tsp of Baking Soda and...voila. I haven't had a flu or anything like it in at least 10 years.
Great video man! Good to hear you've remedied your issue. Best of health to you🙌


Whelp, sharing your experiences helped me tremendously! It made me re-evaluate my GERD situation (same symptoms) and I started taking your recipe starting last summer. Like you, I have 'cured' my more medications (40mg omeprazole) and completely symptom free (cough and gluten sensitivity). Many thanks Steve, I owe you big time! Keep up the great work.


This is the greatest advice I've got in years, it helped me get rid of my GERD!


I love the way you deliver your information in an honest way, so refreshing in the make-believe world we inhabit. Well done!
