8 Things You Should Never Say In A Professional Email | The Financial Diet

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I totally disagree on the unsolicited email. I think following up once, a week later, is entirely appropriate. Sometimes I'm just extremely busy, and forget to respond, but if they had hit me at a different time in my day I would have. Also, what's the worst that could happen? They've already ignored your email.


I would love a full run down of good emails! as someone who gets anxious over them and who is in high school that would be INCREDIBLY VALUBLE


Professional, honest and direct advice. Perfect. People should pay attention to this, no matter how she conveys it.


I think it's also worth keeping in mind that if a company isn't as tech savvy, some of the information Chelsea is describing might simply not be available. Yes, maybe the HR manager has an adequately descriptive LinkedIn page, but maybe they don't. Maybe the company has a website detailing their main goals and their mission statement that you can mirror in your cover letter and introductory email. Or maybe it's just contact info and some low resolution gifs (which has happened to me before). Sometimes you need to simply make your best guess, and hope, and that doesn't mean you're being irresponsible


I didn't find this condescending. I find the complaints in the comments reminiscent of podcast reviewers that complain about women's voices.


#1 kills me. I've been job hunting and the number of HR people I've been in contact with that can't be bothered to spell my first name correctly is amazing. It's so insulting, especially when my name is both in the e-mail and my e-mail address.


As a hiring supervisor at a decently large company, I'd say instead of an unsolicited email to follow up, have a thank you card already ready to go and drop it off either with reception on your way out (if they don't walk you all the way out) or mail it on your way home. The physical "thank you for your time and consideration, looking forward to hearing from you" card is ALWAYS a good touch, no mater the quality of the material.


I was nervous to watch this but thank god I dont do any of these things.


I appreciate when someone sends a follow up email. I'm busy and I use my general inbox as a list of things to do. Sometimes I may have moved your email to another folder accidentally and I may or may not see it again.


Great tips! I just had my first experience being on the "other end" of job applications recently while trying to hire an intern and I was shocked at some of the emails I received. Wish I could've responded to some with this video lol.


Would really appreciate info on how to write a good cover letter for job applications - I've been struggling for months! It's sooo depressing when potential employers can barely be bothered to send the cut n paste "you have been unsuccessful in your application for xyz" email, let alone any constructive feedback.


great tips! thank you for the video. to all the comments saying you sounded condescending, I disagree. I feel like you were just getting to the point appropriately.


When I watched this video 3 days ago, I couldn't really relate... then the next day, someone sent me 10+ unsolicited messages on instagram & youtube, asking for help, liked 50+ of my instagram pictures to "get my attention", and then followed up the next day by telling me that he was unsubscribing because I hadn't answered yet and he "thought I helped my subscribers".

So yeah. Leaving a few business days before following up on an unsolicited message is a good idea.


As someone who has an office job including managing three inboxes, I completely agree with all of these!


- Check spelling
- Edit copy/paste
- No follow up on unsolicited email
- Reaching out to wrong person
- No deceptive subject line
- Mail don't need to be standout
- Better way to the job
- Story
- Give enough time for response


I work with art proofing by email for print processing, and we keep regular 9-5 Eastern office hours. I have a client that will send me art at 3 am, then email me a "follow up" at 8:30 wondering if I received it. It's happened many times at this point. I'm really close to snapping at her.


Fantastic Video! Could you do a part two or further blog on this? As a current university student knowing how to properly word professional emails to network contacts or potential employers is difficult, and sometimes super nerve-wracking in the case of cold emails!


I would really appreciate a video on how best to use a credit card to build your credit!! I'm 18 and just got my first credit card, but I'm getting very mixed responses on how important utilization is and how much is best, etc etc. I really trust your guy's channel as a resource so I'd love to hear what you have to say on the topic!


Very helpful advice! I definitely know I've made some of these mistakes. Lesson learned! (And this video sounds like it was very cathardic for you!)


I was part of a fellowship team last year and we went over email etiquette in our first meeting. So helpful to have that established up front. We decided that we’d give each other 48 to respond before sending follow ups. We outlined what we would do if we felt we had communication issues. We also put together a shared spreadsheet so all information could be in one place and we didn’t have to send countless emails asking if X task was completed yet.
