How to Heal INFLAMMATION Naturally (Real People's Experiences) Dr. Mandell

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I will be reviewing the many different ways we can reduce inflammation in our bodies through natural vitamins, herbs, and remedies. This segment was a livestream and many answers will be coming from other people's life experiences.

Please share this video with your friends and family. Wishing you and your family many Blessings! ❤️😊🙏 Dr M

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Clean up diet, gently move the body, supplements (vitamins, minerals, probiotics and digestive enzymes), and intermittent fasting- that’s how I finally got my long suffering inflammation under control.


Thank you father for having my name on the wake up list all glory honor and praise belongs to you Amen 🙏🤲🙋‍♀️🌝🌺🌼


i wish we had more Dr's Like Dr Mandell he is the goodness of humanity that's why many of us survive Thank you have a bless day 💞🙏🌺🌝🌼Doc


Fasting does it for me, 36 hours, don't forget that includes our sleeping, Blessings from Yorkshire England


Speaking from self experience with multiple immune deficiencies that are inflammation related. "Psoriatic arthritis, Vasculitis, and Sjogren's Disease. Things I swear by for helping with inflammation. 1. Sixteen hour fast daily. 2. I do not eat, bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, or corn. 3. Wheat germ, Chia seeds and Hemp Hearts help decrease inflammation as does hot water, honey, lemon and cinnamon. Walking qd is a definite as well.


I hope this man and his mom can make the transition to a healthful life! Look at the support from all Doc's friends who have! Wonderful stuff! Let's have the mama come on the show when she feels better🥰


Minimize triggers in your life like stress, high sodium, high sugars, carb, and sat fat diet, poor sleep, ect… Mix 1 tblsp Braggs Apple Cider vinegar, 1 tblsp Chia seeds, 1 tsp honey, and 1 tsp lemon in an 8 oz cup of warm/hot water then drink constant each morning as soon as you wake up before breakfast. Works wonders for me to reduce my inflammations and lower my cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure, and most importantly, my aches and pains. It seems to also has a “detox” effect to regulate my bowl movement every morning and keeps my weight down. Also, try to include a daily 30-60 min walk and keep your body physically active. Hope these tips help you as they do for me. Pray that she’ll feel better soon. 🙏 And of course, listen to the Doc. He’s the best! Thanks Doc! ❤


Mine was recognising it started with diabetes 2 and eating sugars and carbs then eating kimchi and other natural probiotics. Taking gripe water for reflux then multi B s and multi magnesium. Eat within 6 hrs. If hungry such a manuka chew. Im getting there. Reversing everything slowly. THXDR M


Dr Allen Mandell you have helped me loose 68 pounds this year I was 268 last year and now I'm 198 vegetables fruits yogurt NO Carbs in my diet 0 I drink water etc.. Thank you


Awesome Doc... I've gotten my inflammation under control using all the above, my diet was major, and I lost pain and weight. The body is an amazing organism, and I appreciate your health videos. Blessings to you and your Family. (Great Starr came in on chat) Girls are such a quiet gift only us Dad's recognize!!!


I learnt a lot from watching this because I have suffered from inflammation in my right knee with arthritis for 4 years. I am only 67 and have enjoyed long walks in the past which are now impossible due to pain. I have completely changed my diet and am seeing the benefits. I eat the foods mentioned plus organic bone broth. Thank you Dr Mandell 💜🙏🏻


Thanks 👍 Doc..this video was epic.. with someone actually online asking for advice, people chiming in to offer their support along with your expert advise. This was great!. I'm a big fan of your videos and I hope we can continue to count on you to help us achieve optimum health. These videos are way better than a tv show..stay with us online 👍👍.. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 🥰.


One thing I have noticed with my inflammation is that, I started making my own bread about 3 months ago. I have not bought a loaf of bread since. I don't have all that bloating that I did before and that heavy feeling in my gut. I do not have the inflammation that I did before when I was eating bread highly processed. I also take a couple of tablespoons three times a day of colloidal silver. Both seem to help


I’d love some help on how to heal my heart during/after Myocarditis? I’m so worried but I hope I can be healed! Praise god ❤️❤️❤️


Cutting out gluten, corn, soy, refined sugar and dairy has helped me a lot. I have hashimotos. Also taking good quality supplements, minimizing stress, minimizing certain foods such as nuts/seeds, non-gluten grains like rice and oats, beans and legumes. Every body is different but these have helped me. Good luck to anyone suffering from chronic inflammation ❤️ I hope you find what helps!


Dr Mandell you are amazing for putting this video on for everyone!
I’m just starting to intake Turmeric, Almond Milk, Black Pepper for body pain and lately I’ve been looking for a bread without wheat in but for my money I think they put wheat in all bread, as to make my toast for my peanut butter, but not to worry! from now on APPLE with PEANUT BUTTER is my morning breakfast, NO MORE BREAD FOR ME SERIOUSLY!


I definitely want to hear your daughter talk because everything you mention she has. I have present and has suffered for 15 years now.


Lovely man Remmy 💜 caring for his mother 🌸 Australia


Loved this! Lemon water is always my morning go to!


I swear I love this man. We appreciate you
