How To Reduce Inflammation

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CBS2's Alex Denis reports.
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I think stress is the main thing killing us!


Toxic quality of life is what is killing us.


to add here, butter is not actually a food that causes inflammation - it is proved to be caused by glucose/starches, so a tiny bit of butter will not hurt you;

berries and fruit are great for the fiber and vitamins, but can be inflammatory if eaten alone or on empty stomach


All the expensive foods. And we breathe dirty air and drink dirty water. The key to healing is to be rich and move to a tropical paradise.


Nuts are high in omega 6 also. except macadamia nuts.


Oatmeal is not good for the body. I just read up on it!


This was 8 years ago.. is this information still classed as 'accurate'


How do you actually get rid of inflammation out of our bodies along with supplement s vitamin based ones


Butter salt and sugar lol as im eating caramel


Triphala GUGGAL from planet Ayurveda reduce inflammation


I wonder if I’m being a hypochondriac but I seriously am so mad at myself for being so stupid. I broke my pinky finger, the base of my proximal phalanx about a year and a half ago, and unfortunately it healed with a malunion, I should’ve just let it go, but I’m a guitar player and I was considering doing osteotomy for it. It still affects me everyday because it healed with a hyperextension and rotation at the base of the proximal phalanx. Which is the worst place to break your finger cause it’s right by the joint. I wish I would’ve had surgery but for whatever reason the one I went told me to just buddy tape it conservatively. I didn’t get a cast or splint. Not even advice on best position to keep it in. I went to several different surgeons since then and got probably maybe 7 to 8 different x-rays over the course of the year, I also got a CT scan recently on my hand as well, I have been reading a lot about how I can damage the DNA, I can’t really explain it, but before my hand felt stupid and now it feels not only slowed but also feels like it’s hot to the touch which is inflammation. I feel like my hand is so weak, I just tried playing the guitar and maybe it’s partly muscle memory but I feel like I basically nuked my hand and destroyed it. My hand CT was a high 4.18 mGy and 101 DLP. That’s over a year and half of background radiation blasted into my hand. I also got a MRI to even though they said that’s non ionizing. But I’m sure there is still risk. Which is according to research about a year and a half background radiation. The problem is they don’t tell crap about that as you’re going into appointment. Wish they did. Cause I read it can damage your dna and it’s not like after a year and a half it’s back to good. It stays with you forever. This is the most covered up conspiracy of our generation. Withholding the risks of radiation ☢️ in our lives.


Butter salts
I’m going to not be healthy 😮
