Resonance of Reality as noncommutative phase music alchemy images: Not symmetric math science music

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There is difficulty understanding resonance of reality from noncommutative phase music theory since it is non-local and based on infinite time-frequency resonance. Ancient Alchemy is based on this simple yet radical secret of the Perfect Fifth as from the subharmonic of 2/3 as C to F geometry while 3/2 is C to G geometry as the Perfect Fifth overtone. In Western math and harmonic series then the Perfect Fourth as 4/3 can NEVER arise from the root tonic of 1 to zero as infinite time-frequency resonance. Therefore the 4/3 is secretly derived as C to F from the Perfect Fifth subharmonic of 2/3. So time is reversed with the future and the past overlapping. If Zero must be used then 4/3 as geometric magnitude symmetric harmonic ratio for C to F is derived from 3/4 based on a different root tonic of 0 to 8 as 6/8 (while the 4/3 is based on 0 to 12 root tonic).

So Professor Josh McDermott, et. al., at MIT, has determined that resonance for humans is perceived from frequency overtones and undertones based on the resonance of the natural frequencies. This is in contrast to music harmony from Western pitch. So even though minor mode is perceived as sad and major mode as happy and diminished mode as scary, these universal emotions from music are from the frequency overtones and undertones. So for example the Perfect Fourth has the root tonic as an overtone but the root tonic does NOT have the Perfect Fourth as an overtone! The Perfect Fifth then has the 9th or major 2nd also as a near overtone to the root tonic creating the "blues" pull back to the root tonic.

When we listen to the ONE then these noncommutative phase resonances of complementary opposites are eternally coherent with the future and the past overlapping.

So we can not just shift the octave of 1 to 2 frequency to 3 to 6 in order to establish the 9 as D overtone since it's root tonic is different. In other words 3/2 x 4/3 relies on a different root tonic overtone or undertone in order to establish the symmetric geometric magnitude conversion to 9/8, from Philolaus. The ancients (Archytas, rediscovered in the 16th C. europe) tried to double and halve 9/8 to 18 and 16 with 17 obviously not as the half (18/17 and 17/16 ratios).

Nonwestern music does not TRY to line up 2 against 3 or the octave. Western music assumes the octave as 2 frequency is actually geometric mean squared from 4/3 as harmonic mean and 3/2 as arithmetic mean (Archytas). But in fact the 4/3 as harmonic mean was from the SUBcontrary mean as Philolaus derived by flipping his Lyre around. I call this the Lyre of the Lyre - and Professor Richard McKirahan documents this origin of irrational magnitude math from music theory. Nonwestern music accepts the empirical truth of reality without any "compromises" to make things "work" as a "deep pre-established disharmon" (to quote math professor Luigi Borzacchini who calls the secret music origins of Western science being covered up as "really astonishing," and "shocking" and the "secret of the sect?"

So in fact it is the nonwestern music that is the truth of reality - as found worldwide - ALL human cultures use the Octave and Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth not as simple 1:2:3:4 numbers but as noncommutative phase complementary opposites of the future and past overlapping. Not until Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony was this ancient truth rediscovered in Western science. So relativistic quantum biology now realizes there is a phase coherence that is noncommutative and so is e-Turnal time or eternal time that can not be seen - the 5th dimension as a Klein Bottle.
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