Is Consciousness Fractal?

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The idea of consciousness is notoriously obscure and difficult to analyze. It’s not even clear what the word stands for, an entity, quality, process, or something else. New analysis, however, may shed some light on the subject by telling an evolutionary tale of our subconscious attraction and fascination with fractals.


The Fractal Nature of the Brain: EEG Data Suggests That the Brain Functions as a "Quantum Computer" in 5-8 Dimensions

Fractal dynamics in physiology: Alterations with disease and aging

The Fractal Patterns of Words in a Text: A Method for Automatic Keyword Extraction

A fractal topology of time: implications for consciousness and cosmology

Fractals: A Resonance between Art and Nature

The facts about Pollock’s fractals

Fractal patterns in nature and art are aesthetically pleasing and stress-reducing

Entanglement and Phase-Mediated Correlationsin Quantum Field Theory. Application toBrain-Mind States

Fractals, coherent states and self-similarity induced noncommutative geometry
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This explains what I have been seeing in my totally legal actions of the use of an also totally legal substance recently


“A fractal system always seeks balance between chaos and order”


At not a single point in the video did the narrator actually discuss how consciousness could be fractal and what that would even mean. They barely even explained the 1-2 scale of fractal complexity


Have you done mushrooms? I literally see Fractals everywhere


I had believed consciousness to be fractal, after thinking that behaviour in humans could often seem almost fractal in nature, and when looking at how my own brain works. And interestingly the way psychedelics can give one's consciousness distance from the self often reveals many of the fractals in the nature and how they relate to our universe


I had this shrooms trip and it was like when im always in my mind it was like im this big infiite being and im putting all my attention on ONE part of my infinity and it was like im living this life because my mind creates what i think about but im always in my head giving every thought attention and it really opened my eyes to a different perspective to always being in my thoughts rather than being present.


You should do a video that explains or goes more in depth about the fractal dimensions.

It isn't clear to me yet what it means that is 1, 1.5, 2, etc.


Sir you explained the subject in a deep and insightful way


6:33 Consciousness isn't a temporal fractal; consciousness creates temporal fractals.


Consciousness is non physical. You're asking the wrong question. The question we should ask is does Consciousness create fractals. And the answer is Yes!


So fractals from psychedelics are actual real


The phenomena FractalTrip resonates with my truth. DMT LSD or shroom trips are all fractal trips. in 2010 before my trip I was obsessed with fractals I thought, now I know fractals were obsessed with me. I started with fractals and went from sacred geometry to esoteric understanding followed by the law of attraction.

I fractal, now planets conspire easy with me, universe spirituality

eye fractal. Now plan its con spear easy with me, you need verse. Spear to well E.T.


I used to see fractals as a child and they used to scare the hell out of me.. my parents said when I was a child I would go into a trance and they would wave their hands in front of my face and I would still be in a trance with my eyes open and then afterwards I would start crying because it was such a scary experience. I never knew what I was seeing until one day as an adult I watched limitless the movie where they take the pill and become extremely smart, as the guy takes the pill they do this zoom like feature in the next scene and I realised holy!! I used to see that when I was young, then I came across fractals and was like omg! That’s what I use to see down to a tee. But I could never explain it to my parents even when they asked I just used to say, everything is getting big, and they were like what do u mean? So yea that’s my story


i imagine and have faith that consciousness and reality is fractal and infinite in nature to me god is infinity him self , to me existence is something without limits or an end, death is merely ascension to higher plains of eternities, once you pass from this life you are reborn (reincarnated) into a new vessel within a new realm based on your karma in past lives and the cycle of life and death , harmony, balance and dualism continues for all eternity at least that's how i see god


Thumbs down: Scientists will not agree with some of the points in this video, especially the quantum basis of consciousness. For this matter, the podcasts by Ginger Campbell here in YouTube are perfect. She starts here,

Thumbs up: This video is great anyways. It's a very broad take on fractals in the daily, starting from our own bodies. This kind of video is not really educative and therefore not subject to some of the complains, like not getting into any point in detail, or mine (quantum mechanics unlinked from consciousnesses). Scientists will eventually look into the issue of consciousness being fractal and will sure find it, no need for pretentious hedge expressions of false modesty and realism like "probably", "possibly", "supposedly", "let's put it this way", etc. These expressions only apply to what they will do with the new knowledge.


If you don’t know what/why/where consciousness is, Why does this video emphasize brain images?


Wasn't quite expecting to see my home in a video like this but there it is - the city of Lviv, Ukraine at 1:09.


Upon re-entry into waking consciousness after my first DMT trip I said to myself, “God sure does like fractals”!


Received a fatal blow to his head. He survived. Ummm.. what?


Imagine randomly slinging paint on a paper and having people think you were a mathematical genius.
