SuperDense Quantum Teleported noncommutative phase Torus Donut Emptiness Yuan Qi Nondual Resonance

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So my quantum mechanics Professor Herbert J. Bernstein devised what he calls SuperDense quantum teleportation signal systems based on the model of reality as a noncommutative phase torus or donut. Professor Bernstein also practices Buddhist meditation and has written on the connection to quantum physics. When he taught us entanglement then he laughed at the aghast expression of shock on my face and he called me out by name. That was 30 years ago.
Eddie Oshins realized that nonwestern meditation as Neigong or internal alchemy is also based on the same noncommutative phase time-frequency energy secret of quantum physics. The key issue is how does this relate to the relativistic mass of matter as made of photons, as Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft and Martin van der Mark argue for their essay, "Light is Heavy."
"since light definitely carries momentum and energy, it has non-zero inertial mass. Hence, by the principle of equivalence, it must have non-zero gravitational mass, and so, light must be heavy."

Since light does not have a zero rest mass therefore the entangled photons can have their frequency split while maintaining the same amplitude of energy! These "downconverted" entangled photons therefore exist in a noncommutative phase of time-frequency that is also nondual as the Emptiness or Void. It is the "relative void" in science since it depends on experimenters creating technology that does external measurements.
In meditation we logically infer that this nondual time-frequency noncommutative phase already always exists at each zero point in space and therefore we can resonate with it by simply closing our eyes and "turning the light around" (assuming that each of us has a ghost inside of us, as now confirmed by biophoton science).
And so the higher frequency of light, as per de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony, has a stronger noncommutative phase of the frequency of relativistic mass or anti-gravity reverse time negative frequency energy! The higher the frequency of light as the color gold of the element gold exposes - in quantum chemistry, is absorbing virtual photons from the future that are "entangled" due to relativity.
So due to Planck's Constant then more than one photon then increases the amplitude but the quantum energy intensity is based on the frequency of the light and yet the frequency can be changed while the entanglement that is superluminal can be maintained! This means that there is a hidden "hypertube" of light as time from the future that is the secret relativistic mass of light as noncommutative phase. B.G. Siddharth also emphasizes this key energy of light.
I have given more details in my compilation of scientist quotes discussing the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony.
So normally light is considered to have a "spin 1" in quantum physics and so as a Boson it can be resonated in the same "zero space" that is entangled. Whereas an electron has a 1/2 spin and so requires a 720 degree rotation to be measured in the same space - thereby controlling how many electrons can be "measured" at any moment in relation to protons (and these standing waves of electrons then determine the different types of matter in relation to protons). And so quantum chemistry proves that in fact there is a relativistic relation of the photons and not just the electrons - in relation to what constitutes zero space.
At a "zero time" before any measurement is taken therefore a photon already, from the future, has an entangled nonlocal SECOND time as de Broglie realized in his critique of relativity. A photon is not just a "wave front" but rather it is a group wave with a hidden superluminal phase wave from the future - as de Broglie realized.
"Returning to the mass of the photon, it can be argued that this is a result of the non commutativity of spacetime at a micro scale. Therefore, the underlying geometry behind the superluminal nature of a particle is simply the noncommutative geometry." B.G. Sidharth

Noncommutative phase means that the gravitational singularity of a black hole is then equalized by Planck's Constant to an anti-gravity reverse time negative pressure energy. This energy from the future can be accessed then ahead of when it is accessed in a linear continuum of space - via meditation - so that as Olivier Costa de Beauregard emphasized - precognition and telekinesis are proven to be real.
"the observer is also an actor, and therefore what parapsychologists call "psychokinesis" must be logically accepted. "Precognition" too must be logically accepted if the future exists in actuality, and if convergent waves are not to be discounted."
Рекомендации по теме

Suppose Alice wants to send two classical bits of information (00, 01, 10, or 11) to Bob using qubits (instead of classical bits). To do this, an entangled state (e.g. a Bell state) is prepared using a Bell circuit or gate by Charlie, a third person. Charlie then sends one of these qubits (in the Bell state) to Alice and the other to Bob. Once Alice obtains her qubit in the entangled state, she applies a certain quantum gate to her qubit depending on which two-bit message (00, 01, 10 or 11) she wants to send to Bob. Her entangled qubit is then sent to Bob who, after applying the appropriate quantum gate and making a measurement, can retrieve the classical two-bit message. Observe that Alice does not need to communicate to Bob which gate to apply in order to obtain the correct classical bits from his projective measurement.


To remotely prepare quantum states deterministically, Alice must
instead perform a positive-operator valued measure (POVM) measurement on
her quantum state and send the outcome message to Bob.
With this larger message from Alice (2 bits for qubit RSP), Bob can
transform his state into the state Charles chose using simple unitary
operations. Deterministic RSP protocols have been implemented for photon
and ion qubit states.


This operator would take two qubits as input, one in an unknown state |𝜓⟩ and the other in a state such as |0⟩ that will undergo as our target for duplication. The cloning operator would then turn out with a copy of our qubit along with the original source qubit and both qubits will be in the same state |𝜓⟩.


Yes, Alice is only operating on her qubit, she doesn’t measure it, which would destroy the entanglement.


it's not about what's sent and received but more about the data traffic
on the way. what usually slows computers in big systems is the huge
trafficking of data more than the real processing of the information
once received. You can clearly see that only one bit is being sent
through from Alice to bob and that reduces all the data being
transmitted through half. plus the security benefit panos mentioned


Remote state preparation (RSP) layout. Charles performs a unitary
transformation on one photon and sends it to Alice, who makes a
positive-operator valued measure (POVM) measurement on the state. She
then sends the outcome to Bob, who transforms his state into the state


Superdense Teleportation (SDT) is a suitable protocol to choose for an advanced demonstration of quantum communication in space. We have taken further steps towards the realization of SDT in such an endeavor. Our system uses polarization and time-bin hyperentanglement via non-degenerate spontaneous parametric downconversion to implement SDT of 4-dimensional equimodular states. Previously, we have shown high fidelity (>90%) SDT implementation and the feasibility to perform SDT on an orbiting platform by correcting the Doppler shift. Here we discuss new analysis of the received state reconstruction performance in the presence of high channel loss and multiple pair events. Additionally, initial characterization of a waveguide-based entanglement source intended for space will be presented.


Quantum mechanics (QM) is the physics of atoms and their constituents. Under reductionism, QM should provide the solid reality for our world, as Einstein insisted. Instead, quantum properties depend strongly on their observer; they are empty (śūnya) until co-dependently created. So physics provides a time-dependent, co-emergent reality (which I designate reality) reminiscent of śūnyatā.
Śūnya, Śūnyatā, and Reality in Modern Physics by Quantum Mechanics Professor Herbert J. Bernstein

January 2019

In book: Quantum Reality and Theory of Śūnya (pp.119-141)


Gah! Missed another one. Now I will never get to hear what Drew said today. Hope you are doing well!
