Holographic Noncommutative Antigravity Precognition Reality: Basil J. Hiley critiquing Roger Penrose

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Sir Roger Penrose - Effective Quantum Retroactivity in Rapid Conscious Decisions
Jul 31, 2023 TSC2023
It is often claimed that rapid actions, such as in games like tennis or ping-pong, or in improvised musical performance, or perhaps even in ordinary conversation, occur too rapidly to be under conscious control, and that a person’s belief that the control is conscious is consequently illusory. It will be argued here that although the details of the various possible successions of muscle actions that might be rapidly implemented are indeed individually unconscious, the actual choice of which action is selected can nevertheless be conscious, according to the Orch-OR proposal of conscious experience. The OR part ( “collapse of the quantum wave-function “) requires the selection of one out of the various initiations of alternative actions, several being maintained in quantum superposition. Orch-OR involves the interface between current quantum theory and Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The interplay between the basic principles of these two great theories leads to two slightly different concepts of physical reality, the “quantum “ and “classical “ realities, which are not quite identical, and provide the needed retro-active relation in the choice between quantum alternatives.
Sep 4, 2023
presented at the Summer Symposium:
Neuroscience Needs a Revolution to Understand Consciousness
hosted by California Institute for Human Science and the
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona
August 18-20, 2023 Encinitas, California

On the timing of conscious experience and consciously controlled actions
Sir Roger Penrose
University of Oxford, Oxford, England, United Kingdom

Categories by Discipline
4.0 Physical and Biological Sciences
Primary Topic Area - TSC Taxonomy
[04.01]........Quantum physics, collapse and the measurement problem
Experiments performed by Benjamin Libet in the late 1900s provided evidence for seemingly paradoxical conclusions about the timing of conscious experiences when related to the apparent rapidity of consciously controlled actions in certain sports and in musical performance. In this talk I show that the Orch-OR scheme, when combined with certain implications of special relativity, can provide a possible resolution of the puzzles provided by Libet’s experiments. Also, these considerations, involving a tension between quantum and classical reality, shed a new light on the puzzling effects of quantum entanglements.

160 views Sep 4, 2023
presented at the Summer Symposium:
Neuroscience Needs a Revolution to Understand Consciousness
hosted by California Institute for Human Science and the
Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona
August 18-20, 2023 Encinitas, California
Rethinking Neuroscience: Embracing Microtubule's Microsecond Clock for Brain Function
Anirban Bandyopadhyay
National Institute for Materials Science - NIMS, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

Categories by Discipline
4.0 Physical and Biological Sciences
Primary Topic Area - TSC Taxonomy
[04.08]........Quantum brain biology

Our research highlights the pressing need for radical changes in neuroscience, challenging the prevailing focus solely on the neuron membrane and its role in neural spikes. Contrary to the mainstream view, it argues that the microtubules inside neurons, operating at the microsecond scale, play a crucial role in brain function. While established research acknowledges membranes as adjustable clocks in the millisecond domain, the finding proposes that harnessing the power of microtubule's microseconds clock could hold the key to understanding the brain's cognitive functions. By utilizing these finer timescales, the brain's intricate time modulation processes may be better comprehended, providing profound insights into the brain's functioning beyond the traditional millisecond paradigm.
#quantum #nonduality #antigravity #biology #yoga #music #psychology #noncommutativity #paranormal #levitation #meditation #consciousness
Basil Hiley Unlisted Lecture TO Roger Penrose via
Presented by Emmy Network Foundation, University of Helsinki and University of Turku
Mind and Matter: the Kankas symposium
17-18 September 2021
Emmy Network Foundation
The symposium is partially funded by the Fetzer Franklin Fund of the John E. Fetzer Memorial Trust
EMMY NETWORK works together with the Universities of Oxford (UK) and Turku (Finland) to support and direct a growing global network of exceptional research fellows
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The "time travel" enigma was solved by Kurt Godel who points out (in his interview book with Rudy Rucker) that time travel is possible if there are no personal desires! In other words the consciousness that time travels is the "protoconsciousness" (Roger Penrose and Bernard d' Espagnat) of the quantum nonlocal "active information" (Basil J. Hiley and David Bohm). This is the same nonlocal nondualism of nonwestern philosophy - the consciousness is not a personal biophoton spirit consciousness but rather a protoconsciousness as formless awareness that can only be logically inferred and listened to via music frequency that is noncommutative (not visually measured as an external observation). So Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes also explains this type of protoconsciousness that is also called "primitive time" by Connes and "almost mystical" and "primordial time" by math professor Lou Kauffman who collaborated with Eddie Oshins at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (teaching Neigong internal martial arts as based on noncommutativity truth of reality aka "self-referential motion").... and then called "fundamental time" by Lee Smolin and Roger Penrose. thanks. A great book on this type of time travel is "Transcendent Dreaming" by psychology Ph.D. Christina Donnell who competed internationally in Tai Chi and then trained in nonwestern shamanism of the Andes - she does interviews on youtube also. Her book won awards as well - she describes her precognitive dreams that are also telekinetic healing dreams. Also - Roger Penrose's last two talks for the "Science of Consciousness conference" series (posted on youtube) both focus on precognitive time travel as displayed in extreme sports and music training and proven by the Benjamin Libet experiments that Penrose refers to. Fred Alan Wolf, the quantum physics professor has also published on time travel using the same Benjamin Libet experiments.


What kind of "aggressive work" specifically? Albedo Modification is the geoengineering "aggressive work" now being called for but physics professor Raymond Pierrehumbert called any "albedo modification" to be "terminal shock" - meaning the "albedo modification" does not address the cause of the problem - the CO2 emissions. So as the CO2 emissions continue to accelerate then that "albedo modification" now has to be maintained nonstop for 10, 000 years! Any problem plunges Earth's atmosphere into a "biological annihilation" temperature range. Now if we do reduce CO2 emissions then we also heat up Earth another 1 degree Celsius global average via reduction of the Aerosol Masking Effect, now the leading cause of atmosphere temperature increase as James E. Hansen points out. So since the Arctic heats up four times faster than the global average then reduction of CO2 will also release the pressurized ESAS methane - and thus also cause extreme temperature increase as "biological annihilation."


Heisenberg Equations of motion - NOT schroedringer equations of motion.
Mathematically equivalent but NOT physically equivalent. The algebra is noncommutative geometry.
Very different from Euclidian and Riemannian geometry.
The process is described from the dynamical algebra itself - you don't need the wavefunction - it's called "algebraic quantum mechanics" -


Nobel Physicist Roger Penrose points out the true power of the sun is not from fusion but rather from "gravitational potential" energy that originates from quantum negentropy that is also nonlocal and protoconsciousness. This energy is also the same origin for life on Earth as Erwin Schroedinger first pointed out in 1945 in his book, "What is Life?" So humans have been around for 200, 000 years as the latest DNA science now proves (when the San Bushmen split off from the Pygmies)...and thus science and industry are quite recent - along with agriculture of the past 10, 000 years. Somehow humans survived for 190, 000 years without even agriculture much less science and industry. So why do you insist on proposing some alternative to anything?


Daniel what you're referring to is a magazine article on Global Dimming or the Aerosol Masking Effect. Daniel Rosenfeld's research has shown recently that the Aerosol Masking Effect is twice as bad as previously thought. This means a 40% decrease in burning coal and diesel (creating sulfur particulates that reflect photons) will heat up Earth another 1 degree Celsius global average. So this is what is referred in the video - it was never an Ice Age - that is a myth. In fact science in the 1970s still focused on global warming. It's just since it was in a magazine - Newsweek or Time - then it got latched onto by the denialists about global warming. Indeed since the heat is not just an average but localized that means the interior of continents - the "breadbaskets" - where food is grown at scale WILL experience a 5 degree Fahrenheit hotter than the global average increase - and so it is true that decreasing coal and diesel does cause the leading increase in atmospheric temperature right now. The real issue is the side effect of what that does to the Arctic where there is 1200 gigatons of pressurized methane that is starting to release. the Arctic is heating up 4 times faster than the global average heat increase. So the loss of the arctic ice will also double global warming and the methane released out of the world's largest ocean shelf - in the arctic - will double global warming a second time!!


I would love to see you on Curt Jaimungal's TOE show. We need you to glow up (as the kids say these days) Void!


You're not giving the proper definition of energy based on entropy. If you study geophysics seriously then you know that Daniel Rosenfeld's research group proved that the Aerosol Masking Effect is twice as bad as previously thought - so a 40% reduction of coal burning actually heats up Earth another 1 degree Celsius global average. This is localized so that the interior of the continents where food is grown are five degrees Fahrenheit warmer than average - meaning that drought and famine increases, collapsing civilization. So in regards to uranium the real issue is the 450 nuclear power plants melting down and destroying the Ozone layer, protecting Earth from UV radiation. Besides building new nuke plants takes 20 to 30 years - time we don't have. And also as the Aerosol Masking Effect is reduced there is 1200 gigatons of pressurized methane being released from the world's largest ocean shelf, the ESAS. So the issue is way more complicated than you present it to be but go ahead and mine uranium if you are so keen on it. Have you ever personally mined uranium because most of the brunt of nukes was put on the native indigenous communities in the U.S. - and so I was shown a stream that was polluted from uranium mining. The spin-off depleted uranium two-headed babies are another cost of nukes. Nuke power plants routinely emit radiation that is much worse for children as well. So unless you personally mine uranium than I don't see your need to brown-no$e for a military-based industry that can't even get private insurance.


no mention of the 1200 gigatons of pressurized methane in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - the world's largest ocean shelf with a highly probable "abrupt eruption" (Julia Steinbach, PNAS, 2021) scenario. In fact the methane is already spiking out of the arctic for this very reason yet the IPCC tries to dismiss it just as you did by claiming that reduction of methane emissions will offset the increased heat of the reduced aerosol masking effect. oops! Nice try by ignoring ecology.


Hey buddy your strawman "doomers" ad hominem claim is ridiculous! Doomers focus on the 1200 gigatons of pressurized methane in the world's largest ocean shelf - the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. You claim "doomers are not scientists" - then why does PNAS 2021 Julia Steinbach have a top science journal published article stating "abrupt eruption" of ESAS methane is highly probable! In fact the methane already is accelerating out of ESAS and the ESAS methane is already larger than the rest of the world's oceans combined.
Are the "doomers right"? Ignore what the "doomers" focus on and your whole claim is completely bogus. The Aerosol Masking Effect is indeed twice as bad as previously thought as Daniel Rosenfeld's research group has proven. Therefore a 40% decrease of coal burning (and diesel) will heat up Earth 1 degree Celsius global average. It's not "giving up" - it's about taking the science seriously and not being in denial about the science. It's NOT based on fear but the courage to not create weak-minded strawman ad hominem claims.
So since the Aerosol Masking Effect is localized and the interior of the continents are five degrees Fahrenheit warming than the global average that means a zero net emissions will just fry the ability to grow food at scale. With civilization gone then the 450 nuclear power plants melt down and the ozone layer stops protecting Earth from UV radiation.
That's the immediate concern along with the escalation of nukes - that is promoted now by mainstream global warming scientists also. Two-headed depleted uranium babies know better about nukes than bright-eyed well-paid brown-No$er scientists. Peter Wadhams is a doomer scientist who shared his office with Stephen Hawking at Cambridge - until he got booted out for being a "doomer" - Professor Guy McPherson realized that mainstream science is sold out also - so he bowed out of the rat race of lies. Jim Massa, Ph.D. Oceanographer worked directly with Natalia Shakhova and so he knows full well that the threat of the ESAS methane "abrupt eruption" is very real. Also Massa - who has his "science talks" youtube channel - points out we are doomed since the Oceans are driving abrupt global warming. The oceans already have 500 Zettajoules of heat that is extra since 1995. The atmosphere extra heat is only around 30 zettajoules since the Holocene! So the oceans are now stratified and thus the heat is no longer mixing but rather the heat is being released from the oceans - and so the arctic ice is melting much faster than realized.
The heat blobs melting the arctic ice from below will also soon double global warming when the ice is gone. The volume is already over 70% gone. So you have the ESAS methane doubling global warming very soon and the ice out loss of albedo also doubling global warming (even sooner). Then your claim to reduce coal burning will also heat up the atmosphere even more....
And so the Doomer argument is not based on some far-fetched Greenland Ice melting scenario - that is not at all the focus of the Doomer claim. Why you are trying to misrepresent the Doomer focus is beyond me - except you must have some psychological denial hangup.
