Yuan Qi=Original Awareness=Noncommutative Relativistic Quantum Biology=Deep Listening to OM of Light

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Levitation and Bilocation (yang shen) and Precognition and Past Lives are all real! But how? The paradox is that light is our basis for conscious perceptions yet "original awareness" is actually quantum SPIN as a "new causative force" (Professor Basil J. Hiley). So at "zero time" there ALREADY is quantum spin from the future as a guiding Harmonizing Force or Fundamental Force of the Universe. This was discovered by Louis de Broglie as what he considered to be his greatest discovery, the "Law of Phase Harmony." Only he did not call it quantum spin nor was the noncommutative phase logic well understood. But the basic principles of time-frequency as being complementary opposites of Future time and negative frequency with past time and positive frequency was due to de Broglie critiquing Einstein's Relativity! So quantum mechanics actually has a "relativistic" foundation which also means that the "rest frame" of any measurement is subjective to the particular spacetime perspective of light or conscious perception.
So various religions - like Mahayana Buddhism - and even in Taoism with the Yang Shen - have tried to claim that there is some immortal person who can consciously remain aware of everything that happens - of bilocation and distance healing and levitation - for eternity. This is called the Golden Yang Shen or golden immortal body. But this training acknowledges that the Yang Shen still has yin qi blockages in it as red light that HAVE to be transformed from blue light absorbing Yuan Qi of the future so that the original physical body is then PULVERIZED or VAPORIZED into complete YUAN QI.
This is why Ramana Maharshi and his lineage of H.W.L. Poonjaji insisted that only the Original Awareness was the truth of the Universe and not any of the astral realms of heaven or hell. And that no one can SEE the formless original awareness but we can LISTEN to it as logical inference in SILENCE!! And so if long distance healing "happens" or bilocation as a yang shen - the Yuan Qi or original awareness as NON-Being or Emptiness creates this or "conspires" for it to happen. The person meditating may not have any conscious awareness through their own spiritual ego or light of what "they" did or didn't do!! haha.
And yet the truth of reality is an inherently HARMONIZING force as energy-information. Science has tried to insist that this can NOT be energy since it is superluminal but that only means that science can not SEE the energy to measure it directly. In fact the information from the future is energy as negentropy. This is what Olivier Costa de Beauregard so well understood - as the protege of Louis de Broglie. This is why the CIA classified his research and his Wiki page makes NO mention of the paranormal even though almost all of his published research is ABOUT the paranormal! haha.
This is why science tries to dismiss this subject as Woo-Woo yet the latest research on quantum black holes continues to confirm the truth of noncommutative phase relativistic quantum biology, just as Louis de Broglie first proposed. Physicist Manfred Euler corroborated this truth about de Broglie with me as well.
Physics Professor Manfred Euler: "Binaural hearing is the acoustic analog of the interferometer or double-slit experiments. The two ears can be regarded as an acoustic interferometer, which recovers the phase difference of signals between the two ears by binaural correlation….matter waves are locally in phase with the superluminal particle clocks (de Broglie’s Law of Phase Harmony). The clock runs forever so it’s self-sustaining (consciousness-energy). It resonates with the quantum vacuum....Yet an acoustical answer can be given! Play the above mentioned infinitely rising tune and listen to a parable of scientific progress: The progress goes on but the central epistemological questions remain invariant."
See Stuart Hameroff, Sir Roger Penrose or Dr. Andrija Puhairch or Professor Michael Persinger for more details. Or Dr. Fred Alan Wolf or Dr. Jack Sartaffi, etc.
I took quantum mechanics from the same professor who taught Dr. Lee Smolin for his first class = Professor Herbert J. Bernstein.
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Just really nice to see you and hear your voice, man, we used to post back and forth in the day and I am so glad you are here on this platform! Found Spring Forest Qi Gong as a result of your help, Master Lin and Master Nance etc. Thank you so much.


why is there loud music over your voice? i couldn't really hear a thing?


My life experience has been insane on this topic but I am not sure I grasp this mechanism. I saw a folding of space when I astral, it like squashes and then expands again when I reach the other side. Also I see myself in a very distant star, not our sun. Im inside this star sleeping.
I can't seem to find a video where anyone is posting Precogs and other Psi experience. Like how on July2019 fireworks were going off and I took a nap. Thats when I saw the Women President. So when I woke up and looked for her, she anounced her candidacy. I had never saw her before the vision. I thought since she lost that was it, but now she is currently the VP. I never saw a Biden at all. She said, "The money was infected the whole time." Then people trade in their bills for Mastercard debit. Obviously there is a lot more to it. I suspect something happens to Biden and she takes the seat as early as 2022 maybe.


Every photon will spend some time as a virtual electron plus its
antiparticle, the virtual positron, since this is allowed by quantum


Positrons are electrons that are moving backwards in time If I recall, I figured maybe precognition might be the result of interaction with positrons
