Noncommutativity solves quantum measurement problem/consciousness/matter: Penrose/Chomsky/Keeney

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"But to recap the most important point: Spacetime is not traveling. It is not even sitting still. It just isn’t doing anything. Our equations do not describe spacetime. Our equations describe things and they describe the gravitational field, aka., the metric tensor of spacetime. The metric tensor determines how distances and time intervals are measured, but it says nothing about spacetime doing anything. We don’t measure spacetime. We measure distances between things, and we measure time intervals between events that involve things." That's how Victor Toth explains the typical circular definition of reality by physicist falling back on the Calculus.
Brad and Hillary Keeney are now a couple who teach the "ecstatic training" of noncommutativity of our original human culture.
"Spiritual cooking is not primarily about meaning, interpretation, and explanation. It aims to rise above the words where tones and rhythms make you a song-and-dance hoofer rather than an ideological looker....
Search for the right tone, rhythm, and movement to catch the right feeling rather than remain stuck in dictionaries, translations, definitions, explanations, commentaries, ideologies, and word preferences.

Sometimes Brad finds that he spontaneously replaces the word “evil” with “boll weevil.” We don’t know why but it makes us giggle and that helps us wiggle and rise above theological contemplation in search of ecstatic ignition.... Finally, it may help to know that the Kalahari Bushmen see two sides of God—one is the steadfast, all-loving side of the Creator and the other is the changing trickster side mediated through the mind and language. An elder Bushman professor would regard “Lead me not into temptation” as asking God to not let the trickster side mess with her too much."
Audio Pervert
4 hours ago
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang indeed ... Yet theres a limit to everything
Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
0 seconds ago
@Audio Pervert Not in the typical science definition of limit as defined by the Calculus! That's what created this whole problem in the first place as calculus is derived from the wrong irrational magnitude foundation of symmetric space from the wrong music theory! thanks

I always enjoy getting feedback comments from you. If we are serious about antigravity then I have to agree with Roger Penrose that protoconsciousness is what solves the disconnect or logical paradox between gravity and the quantum measurement problem. More specifically Penrose's new "Palatial Twistor" analysis relies on noncommutativity as the foundation of reality based on what Penrose suggested to Stuart Hameroff as the lead clue to investigate: "Negative resonance" aka quantum beats. See my blogpost for the rest of my response to Michael Perrone:
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You know I listen to you, and I always appreciate information that I have so little understanding of but try anyway. I appreciate you. I just want you to know that. Sandy


Wow! I'm getting closer to getting this. I'm going to listen to this once a day for a week in hopes I can wrap my mind around d it... Thanks as always for sharing your wisdom..


Quantum theory adds a new feature in that, not only must the area of the cell be preserved under
a symplectomorphism, it must always satisfy the relation, ∆x∆px ≥ ̄h/2. Hence there is, necessarily,
a non-local feature in all quantum phenomena. This not only introduces the notion of quanta, but
also the notion of extension without rigidity, a necessary feature of the relativistic domain. It also
means that the local inner product must be replaced by the non-local Groenewold ⋆-product [67]." Hiley


No explanation of the mass fluctuation was given. What was
actually missing was quantum potential energy which naturally cancels out the divergence without
the need for an unexplained mass fluctuation. It is interesting to note that de Broglie [61] claimed
that the quantum potential could be regarded as a change in rest mass." Hiley, op. cit.


the basic manifold in which quantum processes evolve. The basic process unfolds in this
pre-space, which is not subject to the Cartesian division, res extensa-res cogitans. What I
want to suggest that it is in this pre-space that mind and matter appear as different aspects
of the same underlying process....Perhaps the clearest example of the role of this implicate order comes from
listening to music. Listening is an active experience where we participate in the
movement itself. We do not perceive a series of isolated notes. We hear new notes
reverberating within the memory of the previous notes. This together with the
anticipation of future notes constitutes an unbroken movement. What is apprehended,
then, is an undivided state of flowing movement. We can argue that we directly perceive
the implicate order because we become part of the total movement. We comprehend
movement in terms of a series of inter-penetrating, intermingling elements of different
degrees of enfoldment all present together."


demonstrate the difference between 2π and 4π rotations in the macroscopic world as shown in the
‘‘belt trick’’ or variations of it [20]. The double valuedness of the symmetry group also has a profound
implication for the canonical formalism of classical mechanics which is often overlooked. We will
see that this leads to the appearance of gauge transformations which are necessary to preserve the
Poincaré invariants. Furthermore we will also show, as an example, how gauge vector fields can
be used to account for the appearance of Coriolis forces, purely classical effects. Understanding
the classical canonical formalism in this way enables us to see quantum phenomena in a very
different light and, in our view, makes the generalisation to the quantum domain much more easy
to comprehend."
