Why Protoconsciousness is not Random: Noncommutativity is Nonlocal time-frequency resonance music

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"Our brain's such that it makes a Fourier Transform and the picture is set...There are many spaces...because the fine structure is noncommutative which are not sets...."
I think it's this lecture vid! Alain Connes - The Spectral Model (of Physics)
Nope - it was not that vid either but I had not seen that version of his "Music of Shapes" talk...
"When you use the power of noncommutativity you get the continuum and you get the continuum with all functions with Matrix values of the 2-sphere...Because the group is slightly noncommutative this group contains a subgroup of inner automorphisms....automatically, out of the noncommutativity, you get for free, the fact that you have to mix gauge transformations, together with gravity, just for free. I told you almost nothing...It feels like sometimes I feel like talking into the void....It just comes from pure thinking about this geometric problem and understanding that the noncommutativity is a virtue, it's not an inconvenience, it's not a problem. It's something that grants you, automatically, we things that you wouldn't have imagined at the start....The relevant geometry is springing out of the quantum. ...And it's springing out of the quantum...because noncommutative is not a problem, it's what we do al the time when we speak...we just have to think differently."
Actually this is not it either!!
"In the noncommutative geometry, we don't have to take a square root, we add a square root which is the inverse of the Dirac Operator...The Dirac Operator is a mass and its inverse is a length. You send a wave from A to B and you look at the maximal shift of the wave with the condition that the wave doesn't vibrate to fast because the commutator is equal or less than 1.....The reason also why it can not commute with the coordinates. Imagine the line element commutes with the coordinates, because it's infintesimial the coordinates have to take a specific value...It if is located somewhere what it means, if you want to measure something you have to go to this place and come back...Whereas the Dirac Propagator is not located anywhere and the price to pay is exactly that it does not commute with the coordinates."...
"That time is passing as a variable is not the right answer...when you take an observation at the quantum level - for instance the one slit experiment....you send an electron or photon through a tiny slit and after that slit it goes somewhere - there is a target...because it can't be reproduced."
Connes, A. (2000). A Short survey of noncommutative geometry. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 41, 3832-3866.
Connes, A., Lichnerowicz, A., Schutzenberger, M. P. (2001). Triangle of Thoughts, (Amer Mathematical Society.
Connes, A. & Marcolli, M. (2004). From Physics to Number Theory via Noncommutative Geometry, Part Three.
Connes, A., & Marcolli, M. (2007). Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields and Motives, American Mathematical Society, 2007
Connes, A. (2009). A view of mathematics, from Mathematics: Concepts, and Foundations, Volume 1, Eolss Publishers Company Limited, 2009, originally self-published in 2004.
STRANGE - it's Not in my Strange Vibrations book?
Entropy and the Spectral Action (2018)....
No I don't think that one is it either...
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This is frikin fascinating. I always think about how there are many things in the quantum world that can not be explained by scientists.
🤔 A big one that sticks out in my mind is the double slit experiment and observation affect. How a conscious observer affects or collapses the wave function just simply by observing.

I know some scientists have been recently (past 5 maybe 10 yrs) trying to explain it away unsuccessfully. 🤓 Saying that it's the act of measuring is what causes the collapse...an interference or w/e... ( I know your talking about more than just this but sparks all kinds of thoughts in my mind )
I also think many are missing a HUGE factor in everything science related which is SPIRITUAL things and
THE 👑 CREATOR. Reminds me of a few 👑Scriptures...

1st Corinthians 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
🤔 And also 1st Corinthians 3:19
19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

I like listening to you talk about these things. Gotta check your stuff out more. 🤓 Thank you for all these really cool posts. Hope you keep em coming...I'm going to check out part 2 soon. Peace 😎🏄


Did you get a new camera? This looks great.


Conférence faite à l'Académie Royale de Belgique. :
La géométrie non commutative en physique et en théorie des nombres.
1. Introduction à la géométrie non commutative


Volume still low
No offense but I hate when people leave comments like this but it's been consistent maybe they got to turn up the volume on your monitor speak louder
