The Best Exercise For Health, Fitness, and Longevity (Benefits of Zone 2 training)

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The Best Exercise For Health, Fitness, and Longevity (Benefits of Zone 2 training)

Welcome back to the 2nd part of the videos on zone 2 training.
In the previous video I have introduced to you zone 2 training for the optimisation of your health, fitness and longevity, watch till the end of this video and I will continue to discuss with you the specific benefits of this type of training, including strengthening your heart and other cardiovascular structures, and in particular, how it improves you mitochondrial function and metabolic efficiency.

Please consult your physician for more information.

If you’re interested in improving your health & fitness, losing weight, or if you suffer from or wish to prevent back pain, please take a look at my book - A practical guide to the self-management of lower back pain - A holistic approach to health & fitness: Available from Amazon.

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01:05 1st benefit - improved metabolic health and longevity
02:51 2nd benefit - improved mitochondrial efficiency
05:20 3rd benefit - improve your performance
06:19 4th benefit - improved cardiovascular health
06:47 5th benefit - improved work capacity
06:55 6th benefit - Prevent injury and aid recovery
07:26 7th benefit - boost mood
07:45 How much zone 2 training

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Рекомендации по теме

01:05 1st benefit - improved metabolic health and longevity
02:51 2nd benefit - improved mitochondrial efficiency
05:20 3rd benefit - improve your performance
06:19 4th benefit - improved cardiovascular health
06:47 5th benefit - improved work capacity
06:55 6th benefit - Prevent injury and aid recovery
07:26 7th benefit - boost mood
07:45 How much zone 2 training


Just coming out of a terrible depression, got some new meds and I have some hope and motivation again. This is the perfect thing to get me started working out again. I’m starting to feel better about myself. Thank you!


words wont describe how thankful I am for finding your channel couple years ago and being able to address some of my long-term problems with all the knowledge and exercises you share.
gods work James!


James I just want to thank you for all your videos. They helped me to be more knowledgeable. Especially, i don't look like a newbie anymore at our gym. I can now bench more than my body weight and have a healthy routine of work out set that works for me. Thanks again and can't wait for another video.


As far as exercise goes, this one phrase is golden: "The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen."


Consistency is key! It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you do something daily, it will get you healthier. Slow and steady wins the race!


Zone 2…I used to run occasionally with a buddy who put in way more miles than me. We ran hilly terrain and would always start out chatting away. Before long, the conversation became very one sided with my friend chatting away comfortably while I couldn’t say a word! One man’s zone 2 is another man’s zone 4.


I love your videos so much. I watch your content purely for fun. I got into exercising a lot over the last year and it's turned into a hobby for me. Your channel is one of my few go to channels to learn more about exercise science. The videos are super informative and organised, and I hope you never stop making them.


For all the people who might consider starting to workout: When you first start, NEVER start using schedules or goals (for example achieving a certain weight) but learn to love doing the activity itself. The moment your goal is your only motivation; it's just a matter of time before you quit and it's been for nothing.
I, for example, love lifting weights. (bodybuilding/powerlifting) Let's say there's an exercise that would definitely increase my gains but I absolutely hate doing it; I'll simply pass on that. I won't let that potentially harm my love for the sport.
When you've ''learned'' to love the activity itself, you can always set up goals or challenges in the future if that's something that you want to do.


Thank you for this. I've recently lost 20kg. I definitely plan to try the zone 2 training. Over 10 years have passed with me taking care of patients and not taking care of myself. I once was a dedicated 5-6 day per week gym guy but admittedly didn't do the amount of cardio I needed . I was scrawny and placed emphasis on gaining weight . Despite knowing my anatomy and physiology I just seemed somewhat overwhelmed on how to proceed on my journey. James, you have helped me enormously. Thanks so much .


I remember when I was able to say, "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, " but then I started Uni and it became "the ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation." That was a day I'll always remember as it crushed me. Not long after that was the day I could no longer just say "Krebs Cycle, " but instead had to list each of the steps. Don't go to Uni kids. It takes the magic out of your childhood.


Love this content, my exercise routine consists of 7 days getting active. 6 days of endurance training and 1 day of an hour cardio aimed at increasing capillaries and restoring myself of metabolic by-products through not letting my heart bpm go past 120. This vid definitely showed me I’m on the right track


Thank you doctor James, you have confirmed that Zone 2 exercise is key. I have been practicing zone 2 for two years now and work out 3 to 4 days a week averaging 10 to 12 miles per workout, 2 hours per workout. I use a polar beat heart rate chest monitor along with a sports watch to monitor total steps per workout. I also incorporate light weight training in between aerobic exercise. These two methods combined with cutting carbs and processed sugar out of your diet are key to getting you to your zone. Bottom line it's challenging work and gets easier as you progress, and the benefits are great. I passionately believe that we as humans need to get back to that "hunter gatherer" stage in human evolution to achieve our ultimate health goals because we have gotten lazy in the process which in turn has brought all the diseases and the shortening of life expectancy. We don't need get rich diet plans or magic pills to get to our fitness goals, all we need is taking what we already know and combining it with getting off our buts and moving.


This was just perfect timing! Thank you for all the information & all nuances about zone 2. Ive been trying all kinds of calculators to figure out my HR for zone 2, it always shows ~150, but the talk test shows ~130 and it feels much better for my body, so I will stick with it. I have L5S1 injury & am using the Kuznetsov applicator, and it really helps, would be great to know how it affects the body, It's so fascinating! James, thank you again for your amazing videos & work


Your video was insightful and inspiring! Thanks for taking your valuable time to create this.
I learned the following:
I'll increase the amount of hours per week that I do moderate intensity cardio.
(Learning = behaviour change for me)


You just read this from men’s health article
