Beginner meditation course - Day 4 - Non-judgement

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Welcome to day 4 of the Medito beginner meditation course.

If you are a newcomer to meditation, you might think that it's difficult to focus on your breath for more than a minute without getting lost in thought. It can seem frustrating at first, but the important thing to realise is that your frustration is also a thought.

Mindfulness is about noticing these thoughts as they arise and observing them clearly, without becoming too attached to them..

For more free meditations, download the Medito app - made for people, not for profit.

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Today is the 61. Days streak of medito. I can tell that I feel myself more mindful, aware of the moment, peaceful with myself, self confidence, more focus on work and many good things. I would like to continue to meditate until I get over with maladaptive daydreaming and anxiety disorder. Meditation really helps. Thank you so much for provide these things to us.


A very insightful and positive video…helps me focus more towards my mind after a stressful and busy day 😊


Is there any musics which we can listen during workout or sugeest any music which are good not degenrate but healthy
