Should Women Be Silent In Church?

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Ask Pastor Lutzer: What does the Bible mean by the command for women to be “silent” in a church service?

I've noticed that you have both men and women read the Scripture passages in Sunday morning services. In 1 Corinthians 14:33-35, Paul clearly commands that women are to remain silent in the church service. How do you reconcile this passage with women reading scripture in your morning service? - Gerry

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1 Corin 14:34... is about St. Paul telling the Christians that any "Spiritual/Religious Women who claimed to be Christian should/must learn how to respect SILENT in the Church of God and must not teach over Men about Church matter... This commandment is not from St. Paul but from God for St. Paul is fully guided by the Holy Spirit, what to speak, teach, and write...

God has valid reasons that all Christian Women should/must respect God's PREROGATIVE or WILL:
1. God, first created ADAM, in God's Image and Likeness, and from ADAM bone (rib) and flesh, came EVE called Woman which means "Came from Man." (ref.: Genesis 2:7-18)
2. It was ADAM and not EVE, that God commanded to SUBDUE (rule) and give Names to all God's creation, and whatever ADAM named them, so be it... (ref.: Genesis 2:19)
3. It was EVE that was DECEIVED by Satan (Old Serpent in the Garden of Eden) and ADAM was DECEIVED by EVE to disobey God by offering him to eat the forbidden fruit that caused them to LOSE their IMMORTALITY and BONDAGE (TIES) of Relationship to God thru their SIN... (ref.: 1 Timothy 2:14)... For The Wages of SIN is DEATH commonly called the ORIGINAL SIN of Mankind at the Garden of Eden...
4. The Head of Christ Jesus is God, and the Head of every Man is Christ Jesus, while the Head of every Woman is Man... (ref.: 1 Corinthians 11:3-4).
5. Man does not need to cover their head while praying or doing service to the Church of God, but Women must cover their Head with VEIL to hide their hair when praying or doing service to the Church of God as a sign of MODESTY, HONOR to her Husband (if married) and TOTAL SUBMISSION to the Authority of the Church... (Ref. 1 Corinthians 11:5-13)

These are some of God's reasons (prerogative/will) dictated by the Holy Spirit in St. Paul's Epistles... Facts and Truth, Biblically speaking... Amen...

In conclusion, if Christian women loved Christ Jesus, they should KEEP Christ Jesus' commandments taught by St. Paul who was taken by God to the 3rd Heaven through Vision...


No matter how appealing it can be even reading scriptures in a public gathering is wrong....

Be silent that's it..



As Scripture is God's authority over all of humanity, it is NOT proper for women to read Scripture in the church. Women can certainly sing and pray in the church, but matters of God's authority being spoken to the entire congregation is reserved for men. I have lived through two denominations going into full apostasy because little by little women have taken over the authority of the church. They are allowed on the elder/deacon board, reading Scripture aloud to the body, or being so-called ministers. If you deny God's clear teachings in one area, the church opens the door to unrepentant sin being allowed in the body. Then the denomination or that local church dies.


Are you saying women cannot or should not teach the Scriptures? (I got this impression from your comment where you stated a woman is "reading" Scripture in the church and not giving instruction.)