Should Women Be SILENT in the Church?!

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“A woman in the pulpit with the name of Jesus in her mouth is a witch.”
That was a comment I received after ministering in church! But why is Christ’s name (the name above all names) suddenly wrong if spoken by a female minister?

Should women be silent in church? Does this mean they cannot speak at all? Many Christian women have struggled to find their voices, feeling scared to speak up from fear of what people might do or say—If you've ever felt this way, you're not alone!

In this episode of The Fight for Female, you’ll discover how YOU can and should use your voice as a woman to spread the name of Jesus.

00:00 No Talking!
00:39 Why Women Need to Speak Up
16:51 Comments About Women Preaching
21:44 Understanding Woman’s Voice in Scripture
25:25 Woman’s Fallen Form Is Manipulation and Seduction
27:40 Egalitarian vs Complementarian
29:14 Who Is the Head?
29:58 The Synergy of Male and Female Voices
31:32 Breakdown of Traditional Roles
32:26 Households Where Men and Women Don’t Know Their Roles
37:45 A Voice of Authority in Every Season
39:52 Lioness Roars for a Specific Reason
40:29 Encouragement to Be the Generation of Woman Who Use Their Voice

Musicbed ID: MB01RR604BX0OFQ
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Have you ever questioned if women should have a voice in the church? How have your thoughts changed after watching this episode?


Why does nobody anywhere mention Acts 2:17 "’In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

Edit: Nice! She mentioned it. I posted this before she even got to that part of the video.


I’m a woman preacher. I have heard this more times than I can count. I didn’t ask to be a preacher and fought it until I couldn’t anymore. Opposition has come, but over 30 years into the call and I couldn’t imagine not serving God in the gifting he gave me. Thank you Lisa.


Your story about allowing your husband to grow and letting go of the stress of controlling family life meant a lot to me. I love your honesty and faith! Thank you!


I preach and teach the Word of God biweekly as a young adult woman to middle school youth in my church, and I am grateful that God has given me a platform to share my voice 💕


It doesn't matter what Lisa says nor I say, or anyone else. Lord what do you say? Help us become one Body, Baptism and Spirit.


Anything that promotes bondage is not Christ lead . Many of the scriptures regarding women have been taking out of context . I am grateful for my theology training because my understanding is much more clear .


Pst. Lisa, seriously, please be my mom. I'm in South Africa, I'll make it work.


What a powerful testimony!! Women are God's ANSWER to so many problems. Let's give women space to speak and live out their God-given callings!


The first person to preach that Jesus is alive was a woman. Jesus respected women for their strengths.


It's very important to not take the 1 Timothy passage out of context. It is rarely taught on correctly, so I understand why people act like it is so black and white. But, to say "the bible says" or "the truth is" feels naive at best.

The Bible also shows Paul partnering with multiple women church leaders, Chloe, Priscilla, Phoebe, to name a few. A third of Romans 16 are women listed and I have never heard it preached that way. Pastors don't even know, it has been so buried in poor English translations for so long. Jesus privately spoke with women and then counted on them to spread the word, examples include the virgin birth, the woman at the well announcing that He was the Messiah and the women at the tomb. If we were to remain silent, those major pillars in the Christian faith could have been lost.

Paul and Jesus appear to not "practice what they preach". When the Bible appears to contradict itself then we have to dig deeper. What was the original Greek? What was the historical context? Timothy seems to be asking Paul for help with a list of problems in his churches. Paul specially addresses one man and one woman in this passage, a couple in Timothy's church, not a plural group.

The Greek word used here for "authority" is a brutally oppressive, domineering word. Most people would not say that women ever get to treat men like this. It's a straw man's argument to say that this means a woman cannot speak with authority over any man in church. Any time any Christian speaks God's truth, they speak with God's authority, not their own anyway.

These churches were filled with uneducated women who were trained in the pagan religion of worshipping Artemis, a Greek goddess who said that Eve was created first and therefore can dominate and even hunt men. Paul is setting the creation story straight. Adam was created first. However, that is a huge leap to say that is proof of why women cannot speak. Elephants were created before man, but that doesn't mean they have authority over them. Men and women were given the Great Commission, all are called priests, all are given the spiritual gifts, all are told by Paul to prophesy and pray in the church setting for the benefit of the entire Body.

The church is described as the family of God, if only the fathers are allowed to ever address the family, isn't this akin to something like a gay marriage, which even unbelievers will argue isn't the best setting for raising children in? Mothers will always bring in another perspective in a family that reflects the feminine aspects of the image of God and strengthens everyone listening.

At the very least, one could say this topic of women speaking in church is controversial. And if you have to choose a side, choose the side that has the potential to save the most souls, to cultivate the most fruit and disperse the workload of the harvest.


A lot of them comments here are very sad. Makes me wonder if they even listened to the video or if they just came to argue. 😢
Come Lord Jesus, come. 💔


One really important thing we need to consider is the way Paul talks about the spiritual relationship between a woman and her husband, and how that connects to the church. Paul describes the church as the bride, and Christ as the husband. So just like the bride is supposed to seek the wisdom and leadership of her groom, the woman in the church should be looking at her physical "husband" , the way her physical husband is looking at his spiritual husband - Christ - looking for guidance, rather than trying to be the one in charge.

Another key point is that being a preacher or leader in the church is just one part of what it means to be an elder. Elders are also called to serve the church in all kinds of ways, and they even have to be willing to die for the church and for Christ's name. Which happened and is happening today in places where the church is being persecuted.

But a married woman's primary calling is often to have a family and raise children. And she's supposed to be willing to sacrifice for and "die" for her family, just like the elders do for the church. So if you let a woman have the same kind of authority as an elder, she gets all the privileges of that role, but doesn't have to shoulder the same heavy burdens.

As Jesus coined succinctly in
Luke 12:48 " But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.

What is given ? clearly it includes authority. If you are given much authority, much will be required of you .

Yes a woman can instruct her children, help guide other women, serve the church in so many ways . Even evangelise on a day to day basis. There are so many things a woman can do as a part of the body of christ that are as important as preaching with authority.

Paul is talking about each having their own gifts in christ. And they should use them. Some prophecy, some are healers, some are really good at prayer and so on . The point is to be meek and humble and do your part the best way you can and with all love as a part of the body of christ.

And speaking of meekness . One of the things Paul was concerned about in a woman preaching, was that this pursuit would, pull her away from meekness towards self importance, or at least would present this strong temptation. The aspiration for us as christians is to not cause our brothers and sisters to stumble in temptation, which they will eventually not be able to overcome, and cause them, to develop a false jesus in their heart and mind.


It seems I have always known women should have a voice in the church. There is a stereotype that wants to quieten the voice of his daughters. Listening to what you experienced strengthens me that our voice is powerful. Our voice is important in the church, as well as the home and also the workplace. Ms. Lisa you embody women to rise above and Speak into this generation, so other generations will also be bold to speak change.


Just slightly over 50 years ago, I (male) responded to the tugging of the Holy Spirit as a woman pastor preached the gospel message. My life changed forever. I am so glad that the Holy Spirit was not against women peaching the gospel because if He wasn't working, I would not likely have responded. One of the most succinct and timeless teachings in the bible is by a woman and is recorded in John 2:5. This is obviously with God's authorisation, or otherwise He would have told John to remove it from his gospel. Interestingly, Numbers 22:30 records where God used an ass to try and speak correction to a prophet. God is sovereign and can use whoever or whatever he wants: to speak through, including rocks (Luke 19:40).


The women’s silence in the Bible was because the women were disturbing the worship service and speaking out of order.


I love that you say at 64, you still want to grow!! Amen!!!


This is such a beautiful, necessary, real conversation. Thank you Lisa.


Can't wait to hear this.
I believe that those who speak against and try to silent women are twisting scriptures out of proper context..
After Jesus was resurrected he sent womem to go tell the disciples he had resurrected.
Payl had many women beside him helping him share the gospel.. Some women wven heald church gatheringsvin their homes etc...
There are women prophetess etc..


In a church, a woman is restricted from teaching or having spiritual authority over men

The Bibles says
1 Timothy 2:11-12

11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet
